Flotation foam question


Well-Known Member
Flotation foam question any way to reseal the foam once it’s been cut? Red circles in pic google was Uncooperative6FAA9C49-02BB-4E05-A0DC-C3A57ABD077D.jpeg
If it is true “closed cell foam it does not need to be resealed each cell is closed so it should not absorb water. If it is not closed cell foam it will absorb water regardless
Do not put open cell foam in your boat period, when you buy it make sure you get close cell foam, closed cell foam when dry ,you can’t squeeze it, it get really hard, open cell is like the stuff in a can you put around window and doors of your house. As far as sealing the old stuff to new stuff, just make sure the old is clean of any crud, and just lap the new against it, it will seal, not a 100% but good enough,if the stuff that’s in there is open cell, get it out and redo the ole thing