Fishfarm War


You guy's are great!

O-dog... peace.

Gimp; if you need a ride to Victoria, I'll swim across to Washington and paddle across with ya' on my back!

Good on ya man!

Guy's (and Girls); spread the word about this movement. Tell everyone you know who cares about the state of our Wild Salmon to get on board because years from now - when people are still talking about that little group of BC-Sportfishermen who brought the billion-dollar fishfarming conglomerates to their knees - they will regret not being able to tell their kids they were a part of it.

We need some significant numbers before we call our initial meeting and so far I'm hearing more talk than I am recieving sign-up emails; which reminds me - when you (SFBC Forum members) join the WAR don't forget to include your Forum name, ie. Wolf/Seringetti/RVP/Buttbender etc. - so I know who you are.

That said - I would go this scrape alone if I had to, and yes, I honestly do think I can make a difference.</u>



You guy's are great!

O-dog... peace.

Gimp; if you need a ride to Victoria, I'll swim across to Washington and paddle across with ya' on my back!

Good on ya man!

Guy's (and Girls); spread the word about this movement. Tell everyone you know who cares about the state of our Wild Salmon to get on board because years from now - when people are still talking about that little group of BC-Sportfishermen who brought the billion-dollar fishfarming conglomerates to their knees - they will regret not being able to tell their kids they were a part of it.

We need some significant numbers before we call our initial meeting and so far I'm hearing more talk than I am recieving sign-up emails; which reminds me - when you (SFBC Forum members) join the WAR don't forget to include your Forum name, ie. Wolf/Seringetti/RVP/Buttbender etc. - so I know who you are.

That said - I would go this scrape alone if I had to, and yes, I honestly do think I can make a difference.</u>


quote:Originally posted by Oggidog

I resent someone hi-jacking a sport fishing forum to rant about fish farms. This is no place for that poisened type of rhetoric.
[:0][:0][:0] What are you smoking??? [:0][:0][:0]
quote:Originally posted by Oggidog

I resent someone hi-jacking a sport fishing forum to rant about fish farms. This is no place for that poisened type of rhetoric.
[:0][:0][:0] What are you smoking??? [:0][:0][:0]
L.H. I sent you an email , if I don't hear a response from you in a day or so I will assume the email ability of this site is still screwed and will try to contact you another way.


quote:Originally posted by alley cat

L.H. I sent you an email , if I don't hear a response from you in a day or so I will assume the email ability of this site is still screwed and will try to contact you another way.



The email function on this site does not work....
e-mail him at...
Just send an email to LH to the address above with all your contacts and any topic/personal specifics maybe...

Yes, my email works fine @

Things are happening fast; enrollment in the 'Alliance' jumped
by 10 today.

Although I do monitor all new posts on this forum, from here on in I will only be addressing this 'recruitment-initiative' though the

That way, all you good people who are supporting this thing can see whats happening at a glance without jumping around two or three threads.

Don't forget; those of you who have joined this most important cause will be informed by email with plenty of notice as to when and where our inaugural meeting will be held.

Spread the word!

The 'Alliance' stands at: 28


I want to ask a question...

IF Fish farms are so bad (I do watch the news, and I dont eat ocean farmed anything) But why only stop at Fish farms? Why not attack farmed shrimp & prawns, shellfish, crab, and what ever else they're farming in the ocean these days...

Instead of trying to destroy an industry that is in theory trying to protect the wild stocks by offering an alternative, isn't there another fish they can pen raise? Or do we wait until the wild species are completely destroyed and let the industry go back to farming fish as they are now.

There has got to be an alternative to the destruction that mankid has done to other species.
Well Davey jones,in fact when these farmed fish escape they cause destruction to our native streams eating all the eggs and causing wild runs to become extinct,for one ,for two they cause massive destruction to the ecosystem that there pen in ei. inlets,bays.and so on these fish farms really **** me off.two say the disrespect cheers M.t.Wallet[xx(]
DaveyJ: To be a little more technical: the most negative impact that net pen salmon farms at their current locations have on our wild salmon stocks is that they are the perfect breeding and over-wintering ground for sea lice. Due to this effect, enormous amount of sea lice await the salmon juveniles when they come down the rivers to enter the ocean. Many of those seal lice latch on each of those little salmon and cause their death. Especially pink salmon are prone to this attack due to their lack of the somewhat protecting scales at this life stage. Other negative and pretty obvious impacts are ocean floor pollution below the pens, introduction of pharmaceutical compounds into the natural foodchain through farmes salmon fecal matters, escapements of non-native species etc. There is a simple solution to all of those problems without even eliminating this industry of raising farmed fish: move them to land-based facilities. This can be easily done and has been done in other countries where they have realized the catastrophic impacts - look at Norway. I have seen several land-based facilities there some years ago. Only it will cost the industry a bit more investment to set up their facilities and if our legislation doesn't call for this they won't do it voluntarily. Your question about shell fish farms etc. - I am not an expert on this but one impact they clearly do not have: the sea lice. Therefore I do not consider them as a primary threat to the wild salmon. Hope this explains the simple basics for you to start your own research about this topic and you will find it worthwhile joining this campagne...