Fishfarm War

...adding a topic to a forum is not considered hi-jacking...hi-jacking is a term used when someone makes a thread within a forum and then another person replies or posts off topic. The original poster or author can also hi-jack his/her own thread by posting off the original posted topic.

Any topic relating to the state of wild or hatchery stock salmon or other sport caught species is related to this forum...and in my books welcome. If you don't like the topic heading then don't click the link.

My view is that fish farms and how they opperate and effect the environment and other species around them, are every bit as importent as finding oout all of the info that you need to go and wack a few fish for the bucket. Just my opinion...

RVP. ;)

O-dog</u>; I have, believe it or not, given great consideration to your point and only decided to proceed after watching, reading, and waiting for a lengthy period of time. During this time I learned that there are many ardent Sportfishermen like myself who frequent this forum who are rigorously opposed to fishfarming and see it for what it 'truly' is - A TOP-FIVE THREAT TO THE SURVIVAL OF OUR BELOVED WILD PACIFIC SALMON!

Yes, being reasonably well informed about fishfarming - and feverishly opposed to it - has moved me to 'dive-in' on previous posts on the topic to add my 2-cents worth. But truthfully, it was not until Barbender began to chime-in and 'defend' the industry that the hair on the back of my neck really stood on end. I realized then, after sitting on the sidelines for the past five years, that it was time for me to join the battle again. For that, I thank you Barbender.

In addition, O-dog, if you honestly think my words aimed at sinking this filthy industry are merely rhetoric, I would encourage you to do some research on fishfarming yourself; you will soon learn that the information I have chosen to share thus far - is quite accurate.

But then - as you likely own or work for a farm - you already know what I'm talking about.

Mr. Reynolds;</u> Thanks for your post. If you are indeed the 'same' Mr. Reynolds that D'stoy refers to, we could sure use your support in this thing.

With all due respect, I should advise you that I am well aware that there are existing groups out there who are opposed to fishfarming. As I have previously stated, I attended a strategy session in Vancouver in 02' that was organized in response to the 'lifting of the moratorium on expansion of the industry'.
The meeting was well attended by representatives from several environmentalist 'heavy-weight' groups: Suzuki Foundation/Sierra Legal Defence/Steelhead Society/Georgia Straight Alliance etc.

Amoung that group was me. I was the only Independant Sportfisherman</u> in the room - representing NOBODY but the average Joe Sportfisherman. And as such - because I did not have any significant 'tree-hugging' or 'fish-hugging' credentials - I was ignored, and sat back and watched the meeting digress into a shoving match of the 'who's-who' in the environmentalist movement.

Clearly, there are many groups out there (especially volunteers) who contribute great and useful things towards helping our environment and wildlife. However, many of these groups have only one agenda - to make $$$.
Lastly, and please enlighten me Sir, about these 'other' existing groups/organizations out there doing such great work in the oppostion to the net-pen industry, let me ask you this:


It is because I believe there are many out there like me - Sportfishermen - who, undoubtedly, have the most to lose with the passing of these magificent Wild-Fish, that I have launched this initiative. For I believe that we - and only we - have the intestinal fortitude and passion required to succeed in this war, where others have yet failed.

Terry Anderson

O-dog</u>; I have, believe it or not, given great consideration to your point and only decided to proceed after watching, reading, and waiting for a lengthy period of time. During this time I learned that there are many ardent Sportfishermen like myself who frequent this forum who are rigorously opposed to fishfarming and see it for what it 'truly' is - A TOP-FIVE THREAT TO THE SURVIVAL OF OUR BELOVED WILD PACIFIC SALMON!

Yes, being reasonably well informed about fishfarming - and feverishly opposed to it - has moved me to 'dive-in' on previous posts on the topic to add my 2-cents worth. But truthfully, it was not until Barbender began to chime-in and 'defend' the industry that the hair on the back of my neck really stood on end. I realized then, after sitting on the sidelines for the past five years, that it was time for me to join the battle again. For that, I thank you Barbender.

In addition, O-dog, if you honestly think my words aimed at sinking this filthy industry are merely rhetoric, I would encourage you to do some research on fishfarming yourself; you will soon learn that the information I have chosen to share thus far - is quite accurate.

But then - as you likely own or work for a farm - you already know what I'm talking about.

Mr. Reynolds;</u> Thanks for your post. If you are indeed the 'same' Mr. Reynolds that D'stoy refers to, we could sure use your support in this thing.

With all due respect, I should advise you that I am well aware that there are existing groups out there who are opposed to fishfarming. As I have previously stated, I attended a strategy session in Vancouver in 02' that was organized in response to the 'lifting of the moratorium on expansion of the industry'.
The meeting was well attended by representatives from several environmentalist 'heavy-weight' groups: Suzuki Foundation/Sierra Legal Defence/Steelhead Society/Georgia Straight Alliance etc.

Amoung that group was me. I was the only Independant Sportfisherman</u> in the room - representing NOBODY but the average Joe Sportfisherman. And as such - because I did not have any significant 'tree-hugging' or 'fish-hugging' credentials - I was ignored, and sat back and watched the meeting digress into a shoving match of the 'who's-who' in the environmentalist movement.

Clearly, there are many groups out there (especially volunteers) who contribute great and useful things towards helping our environment and wildlife. However, many of these groups have only one agenda - to make $$$.
Lastly, and please enlighten me Sir, about these 'other' existing groups/organizations out there doing such great work in the oppostion to the net-pen industry, let me ask you this:


It is because I believe there are many out there like me - Sportfishermen - who, undoubtedly, have the most to lose with the passing of these magificent Wild-Fish, that I have launched this initiative. For I believe that we - and only we - have the intestinal fortitude and passion required to succeed in this war, where others have yet failed.

Terry Anderson
Well, interesting response. On reflection, I suppose hi-jacking is the wrong phrase to use. I know people feel strongly about the issue, but I am not sure they are really that well informed. Maybe the Sport Fishing Forum could have another category for "Political" comment. I really love my fishing and enjoy the site very much for tips, comments on areas, etc etc. Its also interesting to see how quickly people can make personal attacks. I have noticed this in the past with comments about RVP....kinda too bad really. I guess, I did not like the comment about "bumping" to keep it at the top....that is where I thought the hi-jacking comment might be appropriate.
Well, interesting response. On reflection, I suppose hi-jacking is the wrong phrase to use. I know people feel strongly about the issue, but I am not sure they are really that well informed. Maybe the Sport Fishing Forum could have another category for "Political" comment. I really love my fishing and enjoy the site very much for tips, comments on areas, etc etc. Its also interesting to see how quickly people can make personal attacks. I have noticed this in the past with comments about RVP....kinda too bad really. I guess, I did not like the comment about "bumping" to keep it at the top....that is where I thought the hi-jacking comment might be appropriate.
quote:Originally posted by Oggidog

I have noticed this in the past with comments about RVP....kinda too bad really.

Hi Oggidog...did you mean about, or by me? I not too clear and hope that you don't mean by me, as I can't remember a time where I really went off on anyone.

Kind regards,
RVP. ;)
quote:Originally posted by Oggidog

I have noticed this in the past with comments about RVP....kinda too bad really.

Hi Oggidog...did you mean about, or by me? I not too clear and hope that you don't mean by me, as I can't remember a time where I really went off on anyone.

Kind regards,
RVP. ;)
RVP.......No I mean about you, or at least I think its you...comments about the store, website, advertising etc that I thought were unkind and unfair.
Fishing is such a fun, relaxing, family freindly sport....I think it is nice to have a forum where we can share and enjoy the sport.
RVP.......No I mean about you, or at least I think its you...comments about the store, website, advertising etc that I thought were unkind and unfair.
Fishing is such a fun, relaxing, family freindly sport....I think it is nice to have a forum where we can share and enjoy the sport.
- Oggidog -

Agreed! Our hobby and pass time [my work] is exactly that - FUN! Let's try and keep the forum that way too!

...oh, and thank you.

RVP. ;)
- Oggidog -

Agreed! Our hobby and pass time [my work] is exactly that - FUN! Let's try and keep the forum that way too!

...oh, and thank you.

RVP. ;)
quote:Originally posted by Oggidog

Fishing is such a fun, relaxing, family freindly sport....I think it is nice to have a forum where we can share and enjoy the sport.

I sooo agree with you on this.

I love the tips and stories also but with no wild salmon where are your kids and my kids gonna go tell there wopper fish stories if there are not fish storys to tell
quote:Originally posted by Oggidog

Fishing is such a fun, relaxing, family freindly sport....I think it is nice to have a forum where we can share and enjoy the sport.

I sooo agree with you on this.

I love the tips and stories also but with no wild salmon where are your kids and my kids gonna go tell there wopper fish stories if there are not fish storys to tell
Just for the books O'dog: you will need to learn a lot more tips and tricks in the future if you want to catch the odd salmon here in there in south BC waters if the decline in salmon stocks continues. I just can't believe that attitude: "you guys keep fighting for the salmon while I sit back and enjoy fishing for them." One day you may realize that there will be not much left of your hobby if the salmon disappear...

Here is Ms. Mortons site. I wish she could suggest a few shortcuts for Little Hawk to get to the people that have the power to make change. There's to many government lacky's, that can wast your time and efforts. If your listening Alexandra? We need your guidance here.

Here is Ms. Mortons site. I wish she could suggest a few shortcuts for Little Hawk to get to the people that have the power to make change. There's to many government lacky's, that can wast your time and efforts. If your listening Alexandra? We need your guidance here.
quote:Originally posted by eaglemaniac

Here is Ms. Mortons site. I wish she could suggest a few shortcuts for Little Hawk to get to the people that have the power to make change. There's to many government lacky's, that can wast your time and efforts. If your listening Alexandra? We need your guidance here.

They are in contact Just to let you know =)
quote:Originally posted by eaglemaniac

Here is Ms. Mortons site. I wish she could suggest a few shortcuts for Little Hawk to get to the people that have the power to make change. There's to many government lacky's, that can wast your time and efforts. If your listening Alexandra? We need your guidance here.

They are in contact Just to let you know =)