Fish Clipping

There are MANY DFO personnel and sections that agree with our displeasure of the decisions being made. Just dont paint brush all of them together . The assistance from the hatcheries, community advisors, and other sections of DFO that perhaps you dont deal with , do a great job with virtually miniscule help from Ottawa and even Vancouver. Put it in context--- the votes that we have dont mean squat to those in power. And as far as the CCG making contingency plans ??? That sure got them to PP masks they needed......... When dealing with a government in power... use a snipers rifle-- not a blunderbuss to get the attention that is needed. Much more effective.
Would never suggest that all DFO should be painted with the same brush. That’s why I specified their leadership, or what should be, but seemingly isn’t. The bloated bureaucracy of this department needs a good shakeout. They need mangers that can get them more than minuscule funding and an audit of their current budget to determine where the money we give them goes.I truly believe while this organization still has some hard working, caring individuals, but as a Federal Department, it has lost its way. It’s go to answer is shut things down as opposed to how can this be made to work. Why? Because shutting down, or in the case of clipping, just not doing it and shutting down later is easy. So easy that at some point it needs to be asked is DFO here to serve Canadians or simply regulate commercial fishers and observe from a distance, First Nations fishers? If so I’d suggest they have too big of a budget and too much manpower. Transfer the funding to organizations and volunteers actually doing the work
There are MANY DFO personnel and sections that agree with our displeasure of the decisions being made. Just dont paint brush all of them together . The assistance from the hatcheries, community advisors, and other sections of DFO that perhaps you dont deal with , do a great job with virtually miniscule help from Ottawa and even Vancouver. Put it in context--- the votes that we have dont mean squat to those in power. And as far as the CCG making contingency plans ??? That sure got them to PP masks they needed......... When dealing with a government in power... use a snipers rifle-- not a blunderbuss to get the attention that is needed. Much more effective.
A lot of hatcheries are small volunteer run outfits as many of you know and totally rely on the community advisors to help them out and provide guidance.
The hatchery I belonged to had a great CA who went through the wall to help us out and guided us to PSF who in turn gave a boatload of $$$ to the hatchery. It is a true shame that DFO almost turns a blind eye to what these grass roots organizations undertake for the fish and the fishery...I sometimes wonder if the collapse of wild salmon is what they are after as it would be a whole different ballgame for them with just farmed salmon and all the other species they supposedly manage. Sounds like a conspiracy I know but JHC, how they bungle something this simple is beyond me.
Sooke hatchery juveniles are also all gone already unclipped. No net pet from the hatchery either. Not sure if SVIAC can get a net pen going this year. ****** situation for sure.

And if course, closing and shutting things down is the favourite answer to everything these days. Look, they can shut down the world's economy. Way easier than dealing with the issue.