Fish Clipping


Active Member
I volunteer at 2 lower mainland salmon enhancement projects and was told there will not be any clipping of smolts this year due to the pandemic issues. If this goes for all projects and federal hatcheries there will be no "marked" salmon to keep when these fish return.
I haven't heard from the hatchery I usually volunteer at but it would be pretty impossible to social distance while doing a fin clip at goldstreams set are all shoulder to shoulder rushing to get it done before the little buggers wake up.
I haven't heard from the hatchery I usually volunteer at but it would be pretty impossible to social distance while doing a fin clip at goldstreams set are all shoulder to shoulder rushing to get it done before the little buggers wake up.
Yup...... :oops:
Going to be hard to have a clipped fish retention fishery like this
Doesn't US have an automated clipping machine that does it for them and its a pretty reasonable price compared to clipping them ourselves and missing thousands of them?
A strong desire and a refusal to succumb to what stands between doing nothing and rising to meet and exceed what is necessary has delivered many innovated and thoughtful ways of working through today's covid 19 challenges. Just sayen.
Maybe the automated clipping machine is looking better to DFO now? Assuming anyone is looking of course. Wonder what the Departments contingency plan was when it was pretty apparent groups could not get together to clip by hand? It would show a lack of planning and competence to not have made a back up plan!
Doesn't US have an automated clipping machine that does it for them and its a pretty reasonable price compared to clipping them ourselves and missing thousands of them?
Pretty sure there is 13 clipping machines in Washington alone..... pretty sure we only have 2 in Canada..... it’s important to support groups like SFI who are fighting for a MSF and changing this
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Expensive trailers $4.4MCan for 2 trailers. The CWT wire also expensive.
Mobile - yes. Roads, transportation and distance between hatcheries are another matter. And the tagging season is also short, as well and they can only do so much in a short space of time (not sure what the output is or what is needed). So... realistically might only be able to be shared between 2-3 hatcheries that are reasonably close w good road access - if that.
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Expensive trailers $4.4MCan for 2 trailers. The CWT wire also expensive.
Get it on the PM’s daily list and it will look like a drop in the bucket! Hardly worth his mention unless you change million to billion.
Wonder what the Departments contingency plan was when it was pretty apparent groups could not get together to clip by hand? It would show a lack of planning and competence to not have made a back up plan!
Nope--- if clipping is not on the priority list, its not incompetence. Its costs money and the untouchable bureaucrats and the politicians really see us a small blip in the overall govt scheme of things. But there is a solution-- we buy the machinery ( tag and clip) and work closely with the DFO hatchery staff to get the required training and materials ( anesthetics, gloves, ) But its too late to do much this year ( the Nahmint chinooks being raised at the DFO Rosewall Creek site have been already been moved back to the west coast without being clipped. Why ?? Given the COVID restrictions they could not safely be clipped as the close proximity of the clipping/tagging crews did not meet health and safety standards. I cant blame them for that.
Nope--- if clipping is not on the priority list, its not incompetence. Its costs money and the untouchable bureaucrats and the politicians really see us a small blip in the overall govt scheme of things. But there is a solution-- we buy the machinery ( tag and clip) and work closely with the DFO hatchery staff to get the required training and materials ( anesthetics, gloves, ) But its too late to do much this year ( the Nahmint chinooks being raised at the DFO Rosewall Creek site have been already been moved back to the west coast without being clipped. Why ?? Given the COVID restrictions they could not safely be clipped as the close proximity of the clipping/tagging crews did not meet health and safety standards. I cant blame them for that.
I hear you and can’t disagree that DFO has no interest in Public Fishery and it’s failures in this regard are becoming legendary. I disagree that “ if clipping was not on their priority list, it’s not incompetence” I’d suggest if clipping wasn’t on their leaderships list, given what’s happening currently, it is absolutely incompetent and furthermore out of touch with reality. I’m beginning to question why we as taxpayers are funding this organization at all. It seems convenient for them to simply blame their lack of action on Covid, meanwhile other Government Departments were making contingency plans. Coast Guard, Department of National Defence to name but two. Meanwhile the red headed step child did pretty much nothing and will now fall back on the excuse that because of Covid, they couldn’t do, or attempt to do their job. So,“sorry, no marked fishery, we’ll just shut it all down, because we failed to have a plan”.

More and more we see this Department fall back on relying on volunteers and private fundraising to carry out their mandate for them. If they are no longer fulfilling their mandate to provide a service to the Public, maybe it’s time they rewrite their term of reference or get rid of them. Wonder how much could be done if their budget was allocated directly to the volunteer organizations that seem to be shouldering more and more of what should be their job.
There are MANY DFO personnel and sections that agree with our displeasure of the decisions being made. Just dont paint brush all of them together . The assistance from the hatcheries, community advisors, and other sections of DFO that perhaps you dont deal with , do a great job with virtually miniscule help from Ottawa and even Vancouver. Put it in context--- the votes that we have dont mean squat to those in power. And as far as the CCG making contingency plans ??? That sure got them to PP masks they needed......... When dealing with a government in power... use a snipers rifle-- not a blunderbuss to get the attention that is needed. Much more effective.
Here is what the latest Pacific Salmon Treaty says on MSF's:

(g) that MSF are conducted subject to the following conditions or understandings, as applicable:

  1. (i) MSFs for Chinook shall be conducted in a manner that selectively reduces fishery impacts on natural spawning salmon relative to hatchery-origin salmon,

  2. (ii) annual post-season reports generated by each Party shall contain a summary of the MSFs implemented in that season,

  3. (iii) MSFs implemented by either Party that affect stocks subject to this Treaty shall be sampled, monitored, and reported in accordance with the applicable protocols reviewed by the SFEC and adopted by the Commission; including estimates of catches and releases of mass-marked and unmarked Chinook for sublegal and legal-size categories,

  4. (iv) SFEC shall report on MSF, assist with developing analytical procedures, and recommend to the Commission approaches that could improve the estimation of impacts on natural Chinook stocks, and

  5. (v) subject to the availability of funds, the U.S. shall establish a Mark Selective Fishery Fund (Fund). The Fund shall be administered by the Commission to assist fishery management agencies with equipment and operations, as needed, to mass-mark hatchery produced Chinook salmon, to estimate incidental mortality, and to maintain and improve the ability to estimate exploitation rates on Chinook salmon indicator stocks that are encountered in MSF, including improvements and development of bilateral analytical tools. The Commission shall adopt procedures to solicit proposals from U.S. and Canadian management entities for the use of the Fund, be advised on the merits of proposals by specialists as it determines appropriate, and make funding decisions."

    Lot's of reporting/monitoring required. Treaty also mandates BC reduce mortality on many Puget Sound Chinook stocks by 12.5% in ISBM fisheries.

    Here is the link to the full treaty; click on the blue rectangle to download a PDF of the treaty: