Serengeti, I can tell be the tenor of your posts over the last months that this has really gotten your goat. It's gotten mine too.
I wish you the best of luck with social media work. SFABC, SFI and PSF have had several very experienced people battling govermnet for years. The ranks include several people who formerly hail from the Provincial and Federal governments, and who know how these things work. Our fisheries are managed on a political level, so to influence fisheries, you need to influence politicians. I have yet to see a single government mandate affected by social media.
I'm no marketing expert, but social medial tends to target a younger, "less established" audience which IMHO does not really factor into heavyweight politics.
Every day on Facebook there are appeals to help donate money for lifesaving operations for children, some beating up pet, or some other passionate cause, and %99 of these fizzle. I am willing to bet that to Joe off the street who does not fish, the state of our fishery is somewhere down around number 150 on the priority list, as the big issues like an imploding economy, runaway inflation (2x4's are $3.50 FFS!), rampant unemployment (Which tends to affect those who are influenced by social media the most), and the fact that a large part of the most wealthy generation, the "Baby Boomers" are barreling towards retirement with not quite as much security as they hoped for.
Recent examples of changes for the positive in our fishery going through policital channels include:
The surprising change of 88/12 to 85/15 (That one came out of nowhere)
The IPHC not handing Canada it's butt at the negotiating table, thanks to some quick work by our Canadian delegates. We stayed at 7+ million pounds, instead of the 4.5 million pounds were were going to get. A bunch of people rallying outside packing Iphones I suspect would have carried a lot of less weight then the expert delegates speaking on our behalf.
Over the last 5 years, I have been involved with SFAB, and am a founding member of SVIAC. Yes, we got the south island thing and it may hurt us, oh well... In 5 months we have met with several MLA's, and put thousands (With a "T") in our war chest to lobby in Ottowa for our fisheries. We have some very heavy hitters on our membership, and most members of our Board are able to lock horns with the best of other seasoned, experienced politicians in any round table situation without looking like rabble.
I like to thing I am a champion of going off the deep end in hot headed debates. I can also loosing my cool at people in person (Not just because of my stature), but after having met face to face with the only people who's opinions matter (Those that control our fisheries), I don't think that guys our age (Yes, we are close) barrelling in guns blazing will do a lot ofgood. A few years ago I had my butt handed to me in a heated conversation wtih one of these guys when I spoke with feelings, not well researched facts or reason. Sit down with them and after a couple minutes talking tell them how tough your dad is and that you go to the gym. It ought to look as good there as it does here promoting your dad's business. My point at that statement was it's not a dig, but shows how easy it is to derail things when emotional outrage takes the helm.
Getting involved is great. If you start a social media tsunami, even better. But man, please, don't set your sights on the people who have been fighting without pay for our fishery for years. Get ready to invest at least 10 hours a month if you do get involved. And be prepared to be on your own if you beat your chest once. I can say that me championing a whitch hunt here a couple of months ago has severly damaged MY credability with those who matter, and I'm paying that price right now.