chill out dude...
its not about heart at all its about reality and business and management of the stocks.
like i said , the buffalo hunting days are over .... OVER !!!! accountabilty to exact amounts is the new reality.
yes , i was commercial and also a serious sportie , so i see things on both sides.
and i do see resorts and guides as being as commercial as any other commercial fisherman just trying to make a living.
The quota system is here to stay , i too hated it when it came in yrs ago , but now there is fresh halibut available to fish monger shops most of the year and not being harvested in 19 days like it used to be. I love to catch a couple every year to fillet and bag in protions to enjoy thru out the winter and am quite happy with what i usually have in freezer at yrs end , salmon , prawns , hali , cod etc. but what i see on here are mostly the guides and resorts wanting product for customers.
I think if i wanted to survive as a guide , or resort or a longliner , i would buy the quota i need to survive and get on with biz....beating a dead horse wanting it all for free attitude is not going to cut it anymore.