Reading between the lines my guess is that this is turning into a far bigger, more far reaching, problem than any of us could have possibly imagined and the areas of concern are now spreading. The DFO are now talking about closing some or all of area 29 which is a huge area. These complicated studies, that they are proposing are going to take years to complete, so it is not too likely that these proposed closures are going to be by any means temporary. When you start to think about all the negative variables that are in play here it is a bit mind boggling to try and wrap your head around them. In fact, there are so many known and unknown factors in play here that it is hard to understand how the DFO is ever going to pin point the main cause of the Orca's not getting enough to eat? Who really knows what is really going on here and who knows if the Orcas are really starving? It looks to me like these proposed closures are going to be very long term. The DFO has a premeditated agenda here and they are going ahead with it whether we like it or not or whether they have a clue what they are doing or not. Based on their track record to date, I do not have a lot of faith in the crisis management style of the DFO.
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