ECVI Fishing Report


Active Member
2006 is showing signs of being a good year for fishing. [:0] Winter spring fishing was above average and that seems to be building into what should be a great summer of fishing too. The last few trips we have been seeing LOTS of bait showing. :D Already things are heating up as many anglers ply the waters with decent rewards, some boats even limiting out. Providing they are lucky enough to get them to the boat with out getting sealed. :( We now have a ling cod opening to add another dimension to our fishing. The fish being caught are quickly growing in size and numbers as waves of fish pass by on there way to their home streams and rivers. I know myself and many others had almost given up on our home waters but with the cost of fuel etc but many like myself are putting in the time and saving the extra expenses versus heading to the WCVI and it's paying off. I fish mainly Comox to Campbell River but I have heard from others fishing areas like French Creek, Flora, Cape Lazo and the Hump/Lighthouse in Campbell River they are also seeing a much better fishery then the last few years. I have also heard the prawning is still decent even with the pressure from the commercial fishery.

However with that being said two things still need to happen ECVI. STOP the krill harvesting and have a seal cull this would really help the limited number of fish we have left survive and grow in numbers.

Cheers ME
I put $308 fuel in my boat last week, spent $350 on annual engine maintenance, $650 on moorage and another $350 on misc repairs and gear. If a frickin seal steals my salmon it'll be his last. [}:)]
Who would want to harm those cute, furred little creatures? You can always buy more gas. :D
Afternoon All

Thanks for the report. Went fishing over by Cortes last weekend, had two hits, one in the boat just over 20lbs (nice fish for the bbq). Has any one been over to the Bute area. To all the shellfish fisherman take note of the PSP closures area 13.

Went fishing on Monday morning and headed for KittY coleman hump amongst the 3 foot chop and 5km winds my butt! Marine forecast not quite acurate. But the boat handeled it fine, could only troll in one direction though so only half the time spent on the hum itself, one hit and that was it. No bait! Then headed to Sentry Shoals no bites but tons of bait and one other boat who had two hits earlier in the morning on tide change. Bot a great day and a little frutrating to say the least! Oh well some days are like that, thank god i'm going to get my fix in Winter harbour in 13 days!!! Woo Hoo!

Been fishing the Brown's Bay area three separate times over the last 10 days and nothing to show. Haven't seen any of the Painter's boats catching anything either. Hope the springs start to show soon.

Hey all,

Flew out yesterday from Comox to work and seen a half dozen boats right off the mouth of Comox harbour (north side) around 4pm and a couple more steaming that way. Looked like pleasure craft trolling. Heard anything from the Comox area?

After seatrials yesterday in Campbell River tied up at Coast Discovery Marina alot of people were cleaning fish from there day of fishing. Some nice fish well into the mid 20's. Talked to a few of the guides and they were telling me that most of the fish were caught up in Bute Inlet.

Cheers ME
Morning All

Ever notice how work gets in the way of fishing I can hardly wait for the weekend. Thanks ME

Hey Urchin there are fish up in browns and deepwaterbay. But you haft to work for them. Jacksmith and chovies are working 120ft 140ft .Goodluck snowwhite
Another hard day at work I know. ;) As I was headed out for my seatrials out of Campbell River with clients @ 10am some guides and locals were preparing their boats to head out fishing. Later around 3:00pm I was mooring another boat and had a chance to see their rewards. Most were fishing the hump and CR lighthouse and a few nice silver bright springs were caught some exceeding 20lbs. Heard a few complaints about being sealed.:(

Cheers ME

I love my job but I still would rather be fishing.[:p]
Any reports on the hump at Kitty Coleman? I'm camping at Pacific PLaygrounds this weekend but haved to work during the day so can only fish the night bite and the tide is a flood till 7:30pm and you can't fish the CR Light on a flood very well so I was thinking of kitty and looking for any recent reports. I could always still try the Light house if it's been hot but would be a struggle till the tide switched. Any news on Sentry Shoals?

Thanks SWC
Fish Kitty Coleman / Bates Beach 180 to 200 feet right on bottom but dont be affraid of stacking a second line around 140 / 150 just in case some fish are suspending due to bait. There are still lots of fish being caught I have been told but mabye Blue Orca or others on this board have been out this week and can give you a first hand report. I might get out Sunday early AM.

Cheers ME
Call me on the radio SWC, I'll be out today and tomorrow launching from Pac.Play.. Doing the Hump/Cape Mudge/Sentry thing both days and maybe venturing to Kitty if things aren't happening there.
Keeping the Prawn traps at home due to the weekend traffic expected on the water. Should be a light winds and big tides this weekend.
Hi Snowwhite. If I was to work any harder, I'd have to get into the water and go after them on foot:D The boat is at Brown's and I live in Qualicum so you can bet that, after that drive, I'm giving it the best I've got! Anchovies..anchovies...I think I'll try anchovies:) CIL Wobbler???
Hi urchin the fish have pickedup the last couple of days with fish comeing out of chattompoint greenseabay hallpointand brownbay and deepwaterbay .ITS GAMEON
Any word on the fishing down around the tip of Hornby, Flora island etc.. ? Heading out for Fathers day with the old man and am tossing up three options either, HOrnby, Kitty Coleman, or Cape Mudge and the hump! Any thoughts or reports.
