Downrigger Ball

Yes, planning the fins out does work. We run 4 Scotty electrics on our boat we plain the out side canon balls out and they never ever tangle up even when trolling deep. Don't over plain the fin it will cause the canon ball to do flips on its self.
I only use 400 foot lines on my Scottys but I do bend the tails outward so they track away from themselves.
If you really want to bugger someone though, just switch sides and watch the fun[:p]
Not that I've ever done this but I've heard it from a reliable (sort of) source.
As for where I fish out of...
Mid June to Mid July - Port Alberni
Mid July to Sept - Nootka
Sept to November - Browns Bay
Jan to June - Campbell River
Also Comox in Sept for two weeks and Port Alberni at the end of August
With the odd trip around Minstrel Island and Alert bay in May
The only place I deep line is Campbell River in the winter
There was a very good thread a little while ago about smelting led and I made a few posts and safety referrals about smelting led.
For the few canon balls you use each year... go buy them! its not worth dieing younger than you have to for. Led in a molten sate is extremely toxic and led vapor occurs no matter what, it will travel and fall out to the ground contaminating your property your vegetable garden, grass ect... think twice before you melt any led. An elderly man who used to manufacture fishing tackle once told me he had three friends who used to smelt led for fishing weights, one friend ended up have spinal cord bone complications due to led poisoning he spent many years in a wheal chair, his other two friends have all died early. I used to smelt led for fishing weights.. not any more! no thanks!
I know the risks that is why I wear the gas mask that is milatary issue and make sure none hits the ground. Think about all the hanling of the lead on weights, downrigger balls, and even the paint they use on the lures is lead base (look and the warnings). I really enjoy casting the weight but I am careful even when handling the lead while fishing.


I sounds like you are out there a lot are you retired or just rich? :D I wish I could get out more. We fish VI a 2 or 3 weeks a year and fish Neah Bay 6 or 7 weekends. I start in May and by the end of Sept the boat is on the side of the house. I use to love to fish the winter blackmouth but I don't moore the boat right now and it is too much of a pain to put it in for a day fish.(Comprimise with the wife so she dosen't give too bad a time about the cost of fishing)

We are thinking about bringing the boat up to Alberni and leaving it for the summer and taking 5 or 6 long weekends up there. I really do love Barkley sound. I am working on convincing the wife that we need to have a retirement place up there.
I'm really jellous of all the fishing you get to do.

Joe, don't be too jealous.
I'm not retired or rich.
I run a charter business and fish about 1000 hours a year.
So does Wolf on this forum.
But he's way more modest than I am, I'm just better looking.
For the majority of the downrigging that people do, standard balls are the way to go. Cheap and effective at what they are intended to be used for.
In my case, I have been running lighter gear because of where I fish, the currents I encounter and the boat I am currently using.
But fishing has always meant changing something every year.
I was given a sample cast Iron 13 lb. pancake/full length finned cannon ball this summer. They are made in China and this guy who I never meet imports them and he had a website set up to buy them. I never pursued the connection nor the web site. After using it this summer there was practically no difference than a 13 lb. led finned cannon ball except that it was slightly bigger in size other than that no difference, line drag angle was the same. If I can find the web site or the supplier I will post it here. If any one knows where to buy them or the website please post. A great alternative to led weights.
Have you ever seen the price of bismuith? I know what it costs for shotgun shells ill stick to my homemade 12s thank you I know enough roofers and guys that get me lead for free spend one dasy and melt it myself 1,2 and 2 types of 12s so im good for the next couple of years,Paul I dont know about you being better looking but your definatly shorter LOL ;)

I kind of figured you where a guide but you never know. That is a lot of hours on the water. I still am jellous of anyone that spends that much time on the water. I would guess you would be rich except for the price of fuel. What is the name of your charter business?
I knew Wolf was a guide but I wasn't sure about you. Do you get many people wanting to go out winter salmon fishing?
The weather was decent today so I cast a couple of downrigger fish they looked pretty good and I think I am going to use some of the plastic paint that you dip them in. I may even through in some of my daughters gilter. I still am on a quest to find 12lb fish molds or maybe I'll modify the ones I have.

Wolf I agree the alternitives to lead are a little pricy. I have enough lead to last a lifetime so I figure I better use it while I still remember where it is.
We made ours from two 3 x 8 inch big chunks of alum. and put them on the lathe and made pancakes out of it a bit challanging but we managed if you know some one with a big lathe and a milling machine and they can do it.

Good luck Wolf
When ever you want Maddog got lots of them.

For the mold???is that what your asking?

Wolf, that is well beyond my abilities but I have dremmeled off some of the aluminim off the molds to increase the weight. Are you selling the molds? If so how much? I hate the off season I am already counting the days until next fishing season. I guess messing with the tackle and getting ready is part of the fun. Joe
Sorry Joe no my best friend has a milling machine and a huge 60 years Plus lathe that can take a block of that size we made it about 10 years ago or so before pancake weights really took off but they were only 10 lbers so we decided to make our own now we make all our own weights way cheaper,just one way of keeping costs down.

Good luck Wolf