DIY West Coast Haida Gwaii QCI

Anyone tried tuna fishing out of haidi gwaii? I seen they are advertising it on the englefield website for there August guests. I asked the guy that runs there twitter account and he said they were getting them around 15 miles from the lodge. Won't line up with my trip this year but might be something I would like to try in the future if other boats were interested.
Mike P,
What kind of plugs are good for that area?and for chinook at that time? I will also be heading up at the same time dark is.

If you could launch at rennell sound and head out to hippa that would be ideal. There are a number of spots you could anchor inside the pass with short runs to the fishing grounds. As others have said June is one of the best times to catch a HOG, either off the hippa light or at a number of locations inside the Pass itself. As for boat traffic it is pretty minimal with 22 or so boats from WCR, 6-8 from the tugboat and 6 from the outpost. As much of the fishery is on offshore structure there is plenty of room to get on the fish without traffic. If you are looking for a big fish inside the pass bait is hard to beat but offshore big plugs are my go to. There can be an endless supply of 18 pounders in june up there and the big lures help cut back on these also switch the standard tomic hook out for one a couple sizes smaller as you will be releasing a lot of fish.
There are tuna off the Gwaii.....when at the outpost last week july/first 2 weeks of august were the best about 15-25 miles off Hippa. You are basically fishing the 1000 fathom edge. Standard tuna lures apply.

as for favortes listed below. The 700 and 702 were my best plugs hands down....the 111 is a really excellent one as well. I mostly fished the 7" with some use of the 6" early in the season. Fish them deep and really fast..

Thanks Stoisy we have done The Naden Harbour thing. The Admiral hates combat fishing as she puts it, so now we try to get away from the crowds.

Yeah head west then! Hahah that shoreline from Green Point to Cape Naden is ridiculous! Far too many boats at those lodges now.