DFO Announces further SRKW Restrictions

For clarifacation... who are you calling a clown?

I had a hard time understanding what he was trying to say as well. I reread it a few times, and what I got from that was, he was referring to the guys I was quoting. However I'm not 100 percent on that myself
Here is one of the versions of that article.

Disclaimer there is alot of talk in here that I really hope this convo doesn't go down the rabbit hole. We already had this talk about alot of this other crap so many times I'm done voicing my opinion on here and please done quote me on it.

BS article same sparrow's who where caught illegally on the sunshine coast poaching crab's along bonniebrooke ...
setting sunken sets with no bouy's and giving lame BS that they want Salmon well go back to a dip net and a woven basket and keep the gill nets out the rivers ... then i'll respect you guys and not put a rod and line in the ocean...
I said this last year. The problem with the survey, is we are being roped into agreeing with the plan to a minimal extent. It's getting a foot in the door for them. It's multiple choice. There is not a "none" option. So your forced to choose the lesser option on closures. The comments section is not going to matter on whether or not they choose 1, 2 or none at all. Once they have you, they will only ask for more, then more, then more until there is nothing left to ask for. It's like pulling a tooth when your sleeping really really slowly over a long period of time.

I didn't do the survey last year and I'm not going to do it this year. Because i disagree, and as a tax payer I don't even get a vote? I get a vote on options that are given to me? What kind of ******** is that? That's not freedom. That's not democracy. That's dictatorship in the making and I say **** them.

So far on this forum, Noone has had a direction or insight, on a an actual solution. Everyone just posts links on articles and tons of misleading information, or actual document information from the boards, DFO etc. I'm clueless as to what to do myself. I'm all ears here.

Sports fishing does not hurt the whales. Boats do not hurt the whales. I'm sure that there is some small amount of pollution from boats, however not as much as people think. Now days with the EPA as it is, these engines are super minimal. So that's not even a topic in my mind. If anything its everytime you flush a toilet or wash your clothes. All the micro plastics, gortexes, polys, synthetic fibers..That's the biggest polluter. Next is probly just having a huge city next to the ocean with industry. Logging, mining, and import export. Everyone should know that. This is a fight that the SFAB, the SFAC, Alliance, and all the other groups will not win. They are only trying to make it easier on you by putting it on you slowly so you accept it.
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I filled it out. Selected yes to the same closures as last year as that is the best of the worst and then used every single comment box to say that the closures will not work and they all should be recinded and this whole test project should be stopped. I like to think that my comments will offset at least one comment in favour of additional closures. That's all we can do until we get a change in government to stop this madness.
I get everyone's mad. Rightfully so. It is BS. Actually it's shat lololol.

Just for record, no one's caving in and taking anything. The SFAB did not orchestrate this survey in any way. There is no trying to make this a smooth process to soften some blow.

The members of SFAB are trying to keep areas open. SFI and other lobby groups have been questioning all of it.

You can do the survey or not. Write DFO or not at this point in game not giving a rats butt.

Just remember that this is environmental driven process. It is not FN like many of you keep going on about. Ask anyone that attends the meeting how bad the MCC wants all fishing closed.

The NGO are organized and paid. That is right paid positions like a business. They are completely determined to close our areas and have a team of lawyers. Watershed Watch, Raincoast, Suzuki, Georgia Straight Alliance and may others are behind this. We all still don't even know who they all represent? Doesn't that seem a bit strange to you all?

It is going to get worse and worse the more lack of participation from all of us. All I am saying. I am doing survey anyway and writing letter.
I get everyone's mad. Rightfully so. It is BS. Actually it's shat lololol.

Just for record, no one's caving in and taking anything. The SFAB did not orchestrate this survey in any way. There is no trying to make this a smooth process to soften some blow.

The members of SFAB are trying to keep areas open. SFI and other lobby groups have been questioning all of it.

You can do the survey or not. Write DFO or not at this point in game not giving a rats butt.

Just remember that this is environmental driven process. It is not FN like many of you keep going on about. Ask anyone that attends the meeting how bad the MCC wants all fishing closed.

The NGO are organized and paid. That is right paid positions like a business. They are completely determined to close our areas and have a team of lawyers. Watershed Watch, Raincoast, Suzuki, Georgia Straight Alliance and may others are behind this. We all still don't even know who they all represent? Doesn't that seem a bit strange to you all?

It is going to get worse and worse the more lack of participation from all of us. All I am saying. I am doing survey anyway and writing letter
Our country has swung so hard to the left it is crazy. You can not talk common sense as you get labeled fear monger, denier, right wing

All these restriction are to limit access too much noise, the starving whales…. I am pretty sure the whales will search for food and not starve, if the noise is too much they will move elsewhere. It is a natural instinct!
Keep people off the water so they can not catch there own fish is great for the 1% who sell fish in makets or have fish farms
No different than electric cars. The US will need to open 332 more mines to meet the target of 2035, these mines will be far more destructive to the earth than gas vehicles plus the electricity will come from burning fossil fuels
Electric cars are great but not the answer

Scare tactics
Starving whales
Too noisy of boats
Global warming-which we are still comming out of an ice age by the way
Trucker honking horns-by the way the USA did not invoke war measure 9/11

All ******** but that’s the way it is going
We need to have our side heard but unfortunately we are out voted

Rant over now I can start
Making bacon

I get everyone's mad. Rightfully so. It is BS. Actually it's shat lololol.

Just for record, no one's caving in and taking anything. The SFAB did not orchestrate this survey in any way. There is no trying to make this a smooth process to soften some blow.
The SFAB does not have the reach to battle this and Noone here said they were orchestrating anything so I don't get that one. When we as citizens of this province let what happened last year happen, we 100 percent did allow for a soft landing.

The members of SFAB are trying to keep areas open. SFI and other lobby groups have been questioning all of it.

Those 2 groups will again not win this fight and SFI has their own agenda. It's profiting on the higher end of the sports world. I'm calling that out because there will be no profiting on any of the sports world if they get there win.

You can do the survey or not. Write DFO or not at this point in game not giving a rats butt.

Just remember that this is environmental driven process. It is not FN like many of you keep going on about. Ask anyone that attends the meeting how bad the MCC wants all fishing closed.

The NGO are organized and paid. That is right paid positions like a business. They are completely determined to close our areas and have a team of lawyers. Watershed Watch, Raincoast, Suzuki, Georgia Straight Alliance and may others are behind this. We all still don't even know who they all represent? Doesn't that seem a bit strange to you all?

It is going to get worse and worse the more lack of participation from all of us. All I am saying. I am doing survey anyway and writing letter.

Its gonna take alot more. I personally think the alliance group needs to grow big time and it's going to end up in Supreme Court. We need about 10 mil to start off. If not watch it all go away to nothing. That's the way its headed. We're out numbered. If you think it has nothing to do with FN your 100 percent smoking mirrors. They could end it. They will not.
Sorry don't agree at all what you posted. It shows lack of understanding from what I have seen up close in this issue way beyond this forum.

Also not really agreeing their is some kind of agenda of SFI. Nothing anything I seen on any of these issues.

Your entitled to your opinion for sure though.
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Sorry don't agree at all what you posted. It shows lack of understanding from what I have seen up close in this issue way beyond this forum.

Also not really agreeing their is some kind of agenda of SFI. Nothing anything I seen on any of these issues.

Your entitled to your opinion for sure though.

If you have answers start spilling them. Let's hear it.
Others have commented as I have that the surveys are set up to make you pick the lesser of 2 evils so they can say you voted for the closure. Are those organizations that are fighting for us challenging the wording of the survey? Requesting it rewritten with option C "None of the above"?
Per my post I fill out the survey but will not choose A or B that I do not agree with. I fill out the comments and questions that make sense only.
Last year i know they were able to change the options before they were put out, This year i have no idea how it went down before the options were put out.
Last year i know they were able to change the options before they were put out, This year i have no idea how it went down before the options were put out.
First off thank you to all involved in fighting this many headed snake.
I think we need a new name to get behind and be proud of.

It needs to have the catch words traditional, food fishery, ceremonial and?

We are all and more of these powerful words.
I read it over and over on this forum, passion, family,traditions, sharing fish to our family and friends.
And our elders.

“Recreational “ does not describe what this means to our culture, traditions or ceremonies when it comes to catching fish.

Let’s hear it, time to reinvent our movement.
I think more importantly instead of a name change the sport industry needs the Alliance group to grow major shoulders. I personally think that its great that we have the SFAB & C, SFI groups however we need one that is much larger to combat Ottawa, into letting BC manage their own fishery. As Ive talked about this subject with just about everyone in the marine industry, sports and commercial fishing industry and a few in the FN groups, it seems that no-one is on the same page and unless there is a large group with enough backing to sit in ottawa with the ENGOS and FN we don't stand a chance. We really need to grow shoulders. This is my speculative opinion and maybe a name change would help, however it may come through in the process.
The Province has also made some bonehead decisions in the past on numerous regulatory matters. Not sure they would be any better than DFO. But in any case - unless the Province successfully separates from the Confederation sometime in the far future - we are stuck with the feds for salmon fishing regulation.

And whether any individual likes it or not - in unceeded territories (BC/Yukon) - FN will continue to have an increasing role in resource management thru colonial law that includes s. 35, case law, UNDRIP/DRIPA, Bills C-15 (federally) and 41 (Provincially).

It's not about "growing shoulders" - it's about getting smarter with strategy and partners.
Partnering with FN may be the only angle. They will win in the end. Best to be on the winning Team.

Meanwhile this thread was about SRKW Closures.
The main thing here is for someone to challenge this stupid survey of choosing death by drowning or death by fire. Survey should be scrapped and no results used in any decision making. It is a loaded survey that will be used against us.