DFO Announces further SRKW Restrictions

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I don't know how anyone can read that with a straight face and not burst out laughing at how outrageous this is. So a whale passes though a specific yellow zone around Pender Island and the fishing is automatically closed for the next 6 months? lolol wtaf who even makes up this garbage? Once again just more tools for the govt to use to get us off the water since they know science isn't on their side anymore. What a joke
I don't know how anyone can read that with a straight face and not burst out laughing at how outrageous this is. So a whale passes though a specific yellow zone around Pender Island and the fishing is automatically closed for the next 6 months? lolol wtaf who even makes up this garbage? Once again just more tools for the govt to use to get us off the water since they know science isn't on their side anymore. What a joke
If I'm reading this right, it's not only a no fishing at that point ( which the bluffs along Pender is already a no go zone ), it's no traveling through that entire channel. It's tough to see the map in closer detail in the article that @SpringVelocity posted. There's a smidge along the westerly side of morsbey and when you get headed towards active pass is there a tiny open area at beaver point ? Then have to go around Prevost Island instead of headed straight for active pass?

Confusing is right
The problem still is this government in power. It has completely gone off the rails and it does what it wants. I signed petition yesterday on msf etc. But in all fairness I don't think this minister will budge on the whale issues or msf. It seems like a waste of our time and effort with petitions this late of the game. A new government is what we really need especially now. Painfully obvious.

A lawsuit is a good one but that takes a lot of money and message has too be clear. And that involves all groups too pull it off not just one of them.

Had high hopes, but there are several highly paid lobby groups that do not want fishing open in the saltwater clearly.

It's isn't the regional dfo guys this is Ottawa that is screwing us over.

Pretty sad times.
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Land animals have to deal with highways, rail, expanding cities, clearcuts, exploration.

Just interesting that recreational fishing is even being politicized in regards to whale behavior. So much effort and public money invested to make these schizophrenic mappings of what whale protections are needed in these perfectly defined areas. There is zero impact from small vessels, never will be.
If I'm reading this right, it's not only a no fishing at that point ( which the bluffs along Pender is already a no go zone ), it's no traveling through that entire channel. It's tough to see the map in closer detail in the article that @SpringVelocity posted. There's a smidge along the westerly side of morsbey and when you get headed towards active pass is there a tiny open area at beaver point ? Then have to go around Prevost Island instead of headed straight for active pass?

Confusing is right
Only the red zones are the no go zones (same as previous). The yellow, the majority of the closures, are just no fishing, so you can still transit all of those areas as normal. Straight line to active pass is still fine.
Only the red zones are the no go zones (same as previous). The yellow, the majority of the closures, are just no fishing, so you can still transit all of those areas as normal. Straight line to active pass is still fine.
Yeah ok I see that now. Thx
I used to like to fish the Bluffs but once it became a Sanctuary I moved my boat to an open area , closer to Victoria. If this continues I’ll either pack it in or move the boat out to Sooke. Likely catching the same fish, just in a different location. Eventually we’ll all be in one small little area as the creeping closures continue.
Wow I thing the renfrew fishing guides need to really be careful. First I seen that wording.

Any person or vessel that doesn’t comply with this Interim Order may be:

  • subject to an administrative monetary penalty of up to $250,000, or a fined up to $1 million and/or
  • sent to prison for up to 18 months upon summary conviction
It's time to follow the science; it's not lack of salmon hurting the killer whale population.
Orcinus Orca is the world’s largest predator, and simultaneously a significant tourist asset and cultural icon for much of the Pacific Northwest. In the past two decades, the Southern Resident Killer whale (SRKW) population has declined by more than 25 percent, putting them at risk of extinction. The cause of this decline is hotly debated. This paper employs novel data, an innovative noise pollution model, and quasi-experimental methods borrowed from environmental economics to solve this puzzle. We find consistent evidence that vessel noise pollution from international shipping has lowered fertility and raised the mortality of the SRKW significantly. Had noise pollution remained at its pre-1998 levels, the SRKW population would be 30% larger. Noise pollution is a growing threat to marine mammals worldwide.
It's time to follow the science; it's not lack of salmon hurting the killer whale population.

If it was so damaging why do they interact with ships and play in the wake and on the pressure wave. The other thing about shipping is they ignore the whale activity and continue on, unlike whale watching vessels which constantly harrass the whales. Junk science. The most recent paper I read attributed the SRKW decline to inbreeding.
In the interest of saving the Orca's, area 21, Nitinat will close July 15. This is a new closure this year.
I have fished this area for years and have never seen an Orca. Only Humpbacks.
Wanted some specific boundary information, more than what you see on the posted maps
Talked to a very nice DFO person who gave me the info and how to find it.
Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations, 2007 (justice.gc.ca) what a joke that site is.
He told me this and other specific fisheries info is managed by the DFO legal department.
It's no wonder you have to be a lawyer to understand some of the DFO regs.