DFO and COAST GUARD out in force still

There concerns are fishing licenses(in your possesion),spring recorded at time of catch, and barbed hooks, thats when they have pulled along side. If they see open containers of booze they can board the vessel. They did bust one party for booze, don't know what the story was however. If they board the vessel they can search it.
It's all about not giving them a reason to be concerned.
As much of a hassle it is, I see enough BS going on to think it is a good idea for them to be out there. I have seen enough coolers FULL of lingcod for 2 guys coming in, as well as undersized salmon, female crabs, etc. If people don't want to be checked by fisheries, fish out of Renfrew in Feb-April. I guarantee no DFO will bug you, nor will anyone for that matter LOL.

Now if we can just get them to greet the few of our friends from south of the 49th who FISH IN THE SWIFTSURE CLOSURE with guns drawn, instead of "Welcome to Canada, by the way, did you know....".
I am quite sure that no one has a problem here with enforcement. That is not entirely the issue here. The issue in my mind is the regulation that they are using to run roughshod over a user group for the sake of barbed hooks. I strongly feel that the Fisheries have jumped on this to intimidate not to regulate. For example, why have barbless hooks in a fishery like that in Alberni Inlet where the fish are there to be harvested. If they have an endangered run to protect, then by all means shut it down or implement a no barbs. But apply it to all user groups. To me it's just an easy and quick way for them to intimidate as many sporties in as little time as possible with the desired effect. And please C A don't continue to label people as whiners just because the have a concern about certain regulations or prefferential treatment. We all should no the rules and regs, that doesn't mean we have to agree with them. We just have to follow them. And this like it or lump it attitude solves nothing.:) eman
eaglemaniac, you honestly think the DFO implemented barbless hooks for the sake of finding something else to sting fishermen for? What about fishing licenses, daily quotas, and species closures. Dont you think those 3 things are enough reason to have them pull up alongside your boat? I believe that the barbless hook law was put in place to protect the resource, not as an excuse to slap you with a fine. How hard is it to pinch a barb or buy barbless hooks? I lose FAR MORE fish to seals than I do to barbless hooks. My 2 cents
Hey doubletake: I'm just afraid the no barbs law is being used inapropriatly. I feel the first thing they should ask for is your licence, not show me your gear. I don't mind fishing without a barb. I just don't feel it's entirely needed in all instances.:) eman
quote:I believe that the barbless hook law was put in place to protect the resource, not as an excuse to slap you with a fine. How hard is it to pinch a barb or buy barbless hooks
Trust me there is a lot more beneficial things DFO could be doing to protect the resource. They know that there is little pressure in targetting sporties. We are a easy mark. The Commercial sector? forget it. Too much red tape and field work needed. First nations overfishing in some areas? Forget that one for sure. Invest in creating good habitat for spawners and fry? Well that is expensive. I could go on and on. But your right. Boarding every sport fisher out there 3 or 4 times to make sure the hooks are pinched is a much better way to "protect the resource".
I will tell you the order, it goes like this: they anounce that the want to see licenses for all the people fishing, then thay ask you to pull your gear and move the riggers back so they can pull along side. Then the ask to see the barbs.
Thanks for the heads up Brokenrod, I always fish legal but when you see them coming you always wonder if maybe this one time you forgot to pinch that damn barb!! How did you make out up there? How's the Hali situation? A bit of a report (especially a good one) would be great. Thanks BRS
Isn't that a lovely scenerio.[}:)]Wire clippers and nail clippers just a flyin. That's fishing! Drop the barbless crap. eman
saw them out tonight around the 3rd tideline off sooke. They were good though, didn't make me bring up all 3 rods, just 2 and I didn't have to slow down or stop trolling, very friendly.

Glad to see them out really.
Any word of those guys out Bamfield way? I have fished there the last couple of years and have not seen a DFO officer! Can the coast guard guys check for licences and barbless hooks?
I know of two boats checked and had barbed hooks. Looking at the boaters and other gear in the boat DFO could tell in was not the norm and let them off with warnings. So they do take some things in concideration
I know the regs can get ridiculous at times. You practically have to be a lawyer with a laptop and internet connection to interpret all the spot closures, RCA's and slot limits, etc on the water. However, I personally don't like cheaters. Take a walk around any large marina and see how many of the lures hanging by the boat windows have pinched barbs. On a stroll around China Creek Marina I usually see far more lures with barbs than de-barbed hanging on board. Take a look next time, you'd be surprised how many fishers are blatantly ignoring the regs.
I am surprised that this is an issue (barbed hooks) my understanding is that in canada you can use treble hooks. Don't they help keep a fish on better than a single hook ?
FYI, The DFO and Coast Guard are one now. The word is that the Cutter will be patroling the coast all season. Watch for the " RED RUBBER BOAT"
Where are they getting the money for the gas and manpower... and why don't they just put that towards the Salmon Enhancement Program. More fish = better..?
Oh ya I forgot this entire fishery is run by the commercial sector. If there where more fish the price would go down. If there where alot more fish it would be worthless for them to fish. The technology exhists to have portable egg rearing staions on almost all rivers and streams. Very easy to run and maintain I might add. It is sad to see our money wasted on them chaseing a few hungery fishermen around while they cut back the Enhancement spending!