DFO and COAST GUARD out in force still

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I have fished WCVI north for 7 days in the last 3 weeks. The boys from the cutter in the over powered zodiac were out in force again this last week end, I have been checked 4 times in 7 days of fishing. They are very serious about fising licenses & barbless hooks. Be aware!!!!!
Where is WCVI North? I'm heading to winter harbour next week. How did you make out? Any hints or tips would be great.
What a waste of time looking for guys on the water for a barbed hook my god good to see our tax dollars at work yet i was watching the daily show on channel 11 the other day regarding the new sydney pier out there and heres a guy putting a crab pot down and wow right on camera a female crab going home for dinner ask my buddy who lives out there and the weekend saw people from hhhhmmmm the correct term east asia keeping EVERYTHING undersize etc but lets go target a guy in a 23 ft boat worth $30,000 with gear and let these people do what ever they want and putting nothing back in our economy yes it pisses me OFF

Agreed Wolf...definitely better ways to use the DFO resources...although it is nice to see them out there. Always thought a simple, cheap, effective way to bust violators would be to walk along the ferry line-ups and check every boat.
Agreed Wolf...Its good to see the guys out there.... I never have minded getting checked, but I always tend to feel like they are trying to find something to nail you for, when they are targeting the wrong crowd! But cudo's to them for atleast being out there doing their job.. Glad to see it!!
quote:lets go target a guy in a 23 ft boat worth $30,000 with gear and let these people do what ever they want and putting nothing back in our economy yes it pisses me OFF

Good one wolf..
I am againts anyone openly breaking the rules,,, such as an over limit day after day but I think they are barking up the wrong tree sometimes..
I think more money patroling/restoring freshwater could be used. Its alot easier to go down to a river and snag some salmon with a big treble than go out buy a boat worth thosands and troll around for salmon all day. Some stuff i see on the flow is gross
I have heard reports of them now taking peoples rods and reels for a barbed hook I follow the rules as it is in place for a reason I dont agree with it but I need and do to follow it as I dont know who is coming on to the boat its just not worth it and my job is to hook them the fish the rest is up to them.

What bugs me the most is the 5 years study they did barbed versus barbless it was a 5% difference whop de do ding ding all they need to do is have these DFO officers down at the cleaning docks around noon watching people bring in the undersized crab ,watch people clean there fish and then wack off all the fins, and I cant tell you how many times I have seen mistaken identification, its almost an every day thing in august when the pinks,coho,and small springs are out.

But good to see them out spending that kinda money to look for a hook that is 1mm not close enough to the shank !!!!!!I laugh everytime they are out there watching all these guys pulling up there gear finally pinching there barbs.

Agreed wolf. How about maybe, oh I dont know...looking for people running drugs up and down the coast. I mean really. Here they are busting hard working people who pay taxes, obey the law with the exception of a barbed hook. Yet you have guys running more drugs up and down the coast than ever. I guess it is easier to chase a few sporties around than it is to actually get out there and earn your pay by patrolling waters for real bad guys.
Okay I've got to get this off my chest and please correct me if I'm wrong. But wasn't the initial reasoning for barbless hooks, to protect the low returns of Georgia Strait Coho's? How did it end up getting implemented througout the whole sport's fishery? I was under the impression that it would be a temporary measure. If they need to protect a certain fishery with barbless hooks, I would totally support it. But to turn around and use barbed hooks as a way and means to board and harass sporties, not to mention confiscate gear etc. sounds like a police state to me. Are the commercial trollers subjected to the same? Now I realize that a good fisherman should have no problem landing a trophy on a barbless hook and just as well lose one on a barbed hook. I just think it's a silly law and should have spot implementation when required.[V] eman
Hi Eaglemaniac, perhaps I am wrong but I thought the reason for going to barbless hooks had to do with the mortality rate of released fish that were undersized or caught during an closed season with a barbed hook. It seems effortless to release an undersized fish on a barbless hook however I do know from experience in the old days that some of the fish we released with barbed hooks must of had a sore mouth for a couple of days after the release... Striper Sniper
im amazed at the damage my barbless on coyote spoons have been doing. 20lbs or 2lbs they all seem to be bleeding pretty heavy when they hit the boat......
Yes it was Winter Harbour. They are making it very clear. Write your springs on the license and pinch your barbs. Word is one of the quides lost an islander reel and a nice rod over the weekend for fishing with a barbed hook plus a $150 fine.
Like it or not that's the way it is. They will be visible all over the Island.
does anybody know the regs on safety gear. My boat is 15'. a couple years ago my dad bought me a small fire extinguisher because i apparently legally need to have one with me. so right now i have that, and lifejackets, and an electric bilge. am i going to get fined if i get pulled over?

I think you will also need a water tight flashlight and a bouyant line 15 ft long

this is all layed out in the safe boaters guide free at can tire
You also need a whistle or some thing that will make a loud noise. Striper Sniper
Tubbed out
The cheapest, easiest route for a small boat is to get the Scotty safety kit. Contains everything you need except life jackets. Less than $20.

Flares are not manditory on a small boat but are a very good idea.

Just for record, three weeks ago they checked every boat in site including several commercial boats.That zodiac will do 50mph in just about any sea, faster in calm seas, so they get around quickly.
Like C A says it's inforcement, stay legal and there is nothing to worry about.