Derby's Canuck emporium

I just reported this thread..............

It was all fun and games till pips pulled out the Flyer plug

Lippy....shall I photograph the Nuck Plug to offset it? Yet to officially name it. ;)
Lippy....shall I photograph the Nuck Plug to offset it? Yet to officially name it. ;)
Would be hard to name.... Sure ain't lucky, not a sure thing. :) Your friends likely already blow it enough do you need the Nuck Plug to do that for you as well? Maybe it's best just to leave that one in hiding.
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Oh sorry maybe your fiends aren't like mine. Its always my friends that lose the fish not me. :) When they lose a fish we refer to it as blowing it, something the Crapnots do all the time. Being the Crapnots suck so bad, I would think the lure would as well. LOL :)
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Oh sorry maybe your fiends aren't like mine. Its always my friends that lose the fish not me. :) When they lose a fish we refer to it as blowing it, something the Crapnots do all the time. Being the Crapnots suck so bad, I would think the lure would as well. LOL :)

Hahahaha.....gotcha!! To be honest I have never lost a fish. :rolleyes: :o

We yell "no discharge" with a slight French accent when a buddy has a good one on......and a la Duck Dynasty if there is a "deeescharge"....everyone at once...."he gone".

With respect to the plug.....bottom dwellers won't even touch it....I may have to call it Murzyn.
I just reported this thread..............

It was all fun and games till pips pulled out the Flyer plug

Good god capt. Canuckle mod...I pass a motion to keep this thread open...kinda an NHL AL ANON for whatever ails you

Lippy....shall I photograph the Nuck Plug to offset it? Yet to officially name it. ;)

Pips, paint it white - glow - alternating with team names in glow letters - for the yet to be determined champions...
Good god capt. Canuckle mod...I pass a motion to keep this thread open...kinda an NHL AL ANON for whatever ails you

Pips, paint it white - glow - alternating with team names in glow letters - for the yet to be determined champions...

I just have to put my 2 bits in... or rather, Jugheads...'s weird tho, when you hook a fish and bring it to the boat, can't seem to get it into the net?!

Nucks Home & Nucks Away

Nucks Home, Nucks Away.jpg
The first of many losses. Third period collapse, once again. After Gillis's very questionable trades and pseudo gutting of KrapNucks I do not expect them to make playoffs.
Garrison is brutal! Sure he has a big shot but he got walked around too many times to count last night. The fact that he is getting top 4 D minutes does not bode well for the quality of this "rebooted" team! Other than maybe 3 shifts, where the hell was Kesler last night? Benefit of the doubt to him due to all his injuries but looking more and more that his one big season was the exception and he's a glorified 3rd liner. Put Kes aside, since the Sedins the Nucks haven't developed or traded for a single top 6 forward of any quality, unless you want to include giving CoHo to the Sabres. Sedins are within a couple years of transitioning to a 2nd-line, scoring support role, so who picks up the slack as that transition happens? Should have some 2nd line guys who are pushing them and we don't have it. Future does not look bright - old goalie, old stars, not much to be excited about below them ...

Kesler is long since done....had a window of a couple of seasons in which he signed his LARGE contract extension and surprisingly has been somewhat of a dud since then. He's brittle....not as brittle as Salo but tired of hearing "Kesler played through injuries in this playoff run of 5 games". He has the odd shining moment but....he will never be the effective two-way player he once was among the best in the league.

Haven't liked the guy since he made his comments when Burrows signed below market value that more know the rest.
Big game in Vancouver tonight. Will the Cannot's win the right to proudly represent last place or not. If not tonight then by Sunday??
The first of many losses. Third period collapse, once again. After Gillis's very questionable trades and pseudo gutting of KrapNucks I do not expect them to make playoffs.

"Third period collapse, once again" ... I'm pretty sure that was the first game of the season...?
Are you really comparing 1 game with last seasons play... And even worse, saying that now they won't make the playoffs.

Are you a Canucks fan?
I like following good hockey. Not into sado-machoism as I found it not particularly rewarding. But I do follow the Cannots and draw humour from the all the novel ways they manage to pull defeat from the hands of victory. Suggest they change their name to LoserNucks.
I've only waited 40 years. Doubt I will either be aware or have enough body control if or when that time comes.
If it bothers you b55 and others so much than maybe you shouldn't watch

I hear the Coilers are recruiting fans or you can be a front runner and cheer for the Craphawks