Derby's Canuck emporium

Yes Holmo.......;)

Did you know that yer hacks still haven't slayed us.. And the post season is the real season.. You never know till you get there.

Enjoy the fairy tale ride while it lasts..

We have two pres trophies lately but it sure hasn't helped us :p
I wouldn't touch a hack with Holmes' unit... Slabber has the Ron Jeremy avatar so there is potential there...

I will crank the wheel back now.. lets get er back on track or this thread will be nuked too..
grade 2 called and wants its attempt at a joke back...k?...thanks....holmes*


Your pre 'tantrum about forum functionality' self wants its joke back that even it recognizes is beyond does everyone, Nuck fan or not.:rolleyes: :p

Don't be a hypocrite......that image and the sister's stuff is so completely tired and recycled. If you have no originality...take some time and go back to the drawing board. ;)

I am a Flyer fan first....I think the sister stuff is so done. They have out scored your top 2 players in any of the past 4 seasons....and you can take your top 2 from each season. As long as they have played 70 games they have handily beat any combo you wanna put forth.

In the past 3 seasons they have each won a scoring those years you only have one player who has squeaked in the top 10 for points.

A true hockey fan can give credit where it is due.....which I can do for your team. As a Flyer fan, I hate the Penguins but I can certainly acknowledge the team and talent they are without beating the same joke to death like calling Crosby....Cindy.

Hypocrisy is lame.........just sayin.
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Your pre 'tantrum about forum functionality' self wants its joke back that even it recognizes is beyond does everyone, Nuck fan or not.:rolleyes: :p

Don't be a hypocrite......that image and the sister's stuff is so completely tired and recycled. If you have no originality...take some time and go back to the drawing board. ;)

I am a Flyer fan first....I think the sister stuff is so done. They have out scored your top 2 players in any of the past 4 seasons....and you can take your top 2 from each season. As long as they have played 70 games they have handily beat any combo you wanna put forth.

In the past 3 seasons they have each won a scoring those years you only have one player who has squeaked in the top 10 for points.

A true hockey fan can give credit where it is due.....which I can do for your team. As a Flyer fan, I hate the Penguins but I can certainly acknowledge the team and talent they are without beating the same joke to death like calling Crosby....Cindy.

Hypocrisy is lame.........just sayin.

Well played pippen! True hockey fans we are! Philly vs Van for the cup? That'd be fun.
Well played pippen! True hockey fans we are! Philly vs Van for the cup? That'd be fun.

Haha......maybe if the Flyers can move Brizzy....and get some defense sorted out!

Let's not bank on that final....but scream like gleeful little girls if it happens.;)
Flyers suck too.............:p
I got .25 riding on this one.... Looking good so far but knowing my buddy I'll probably get it in payments :rolleyes:
They made a game of it... It was almost the game that didn't happen. Noon today they were still sitting in Vancouver..

Good thing for Wolfie.. Any beer chucked on your jersey??

P.S good to see you didn't go away Derby :cool:
Luongo let Calgary back in...... The Sedins didn't show up...
Losing to the worst team in the league.... No excuses
With the shortened season... I think it will skew the stats..

LA is a bottom feeder too but they won the cup last year. When it comes to the flames... even a blind squirrel finds a nut :D
Lou had an equipment failure, you can't win them all. Keep the faith, there still in first place.
Been a tough few weeks for Canucks....

It's a good time to struggle though... I'd hate to be peaking early like the Hacks. :D