Daiwa M-One Reel


Well-Known Member
I was recently given a Daiwa M-One reel. Greatly appreciated it! But...

It is an older reel and the drag is a disaster. You set the drag just right, then sometimes it just lets go! Almost like it is slipping or something. Certainly this cant be normal and the drag must have an issue, right?

Other times, you back it off to drop down the riggers. You turn and turn and turn and the drag stays quite tight, then all of a sudden it is super loose, like WAY too lose. To tighten it easily takes a dozen full turns before it grabs again. No in between. All or nothing. Drag issue has created a few nests, but nothing so bad it couldn't be solved by just dropping the line with the rigger. (Part of the nesting issue though is related to my high-vis line that is too rigid, going to have to change that out).

So my question is, can this be easily serviced by a newb like me (I am quite handy, but never tried to service a reel) and if so, is it cost effective to do so? (Or should I just give up on the reel all together). Considering this reel is $89 brand new, it really does not make sense to put much $ into it, but if parts are cheap I would give it a try.

Also, where do you guys go for reel parts?
Here is that pic. :)


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I was recently given a Daiwa M-One reel. Greatly appreciated it! But...

It is an older reel and the drag is a disaster. You set the drag just right, then sometimes it just lets go! Almost like it is slipping or something. Certainly this cant be normal and the drag must have an issue, right?

Other times, you back it off to drop down the riggers. You turn and turn and turn and the drag stays quite tight, then all of a sudden it is super loose, like WAY too lose. To tighten it easily takes a dozen full turns before it grabs again. No in between. All or nothing. Drag issue has created a few nests, but nothing so bad it couldn't be solved by just dropping the line with the rigger. (Part of the nesting issue though is related to my high-vis line that is too rigid, going to have to change that out).

So my question is, can this be easily serviced by a newb like me (I am quite handy, but never tried to service a reel) and if so, is it cost effective to do so? (Or should I just give up on the reel all together). Considering this reel is $89 brand new, it really does not make sense to put much $ into it, but if parts are cheap I would give it a try.

Also, where do you guys go for reel parts?
I use two 12yr old m-ones always had drag issues until i had 2 reel charters Ron @ Eagle eye in sooke service them (no longer open :( i believe he added some shimano 2000,4000 washers i believe they are carbon fiber, a great fix! mikes reel repair in Van has them , also HPR bearings Miami (shown) , don't give up or listen to any of the negative reviews they are good reels , all reels regardless of price have their own idiosyncrasies. Best Regards
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Have had the spindle threads strip off on mine and needed replaced as well. The original washers break easily so replace them too.
Hmmm i believe the teflon drag washer .. ill let u know tomorrow .
Says on the reel "ultimate tournament carbon drag". So I assume a carbon washer, or is that something else? lol. I meant to phone Daiwa today, but forgot. Tomorrow now I guess!
Daiwa was providing free drag upgrades. Not sure if they are still doing it but I took mine to Highwater Tackle in North Vancouver and they replaced the drag with a new style for free and it made a huge difference. Completely changed the reel!
Have used mine me for 4 years with no issue. Two things I like about them the free spoil switch and they don’t reel creep.
They are excellent. My son and I have used a pair for about 12 years with no maintenance beyond rinsing them with freshwater from time to time. They have always worked flawlessly.
If the drag seems to just let go, it could be the freespool switch acting up
I agree. I had a similar problem and it was a loose screw on the freespool switch. I took the reel apart, tightened up the screw, and it’s been fine ever since. I cleaned it and gave it a shot of oil while I had it apart. These reels are very simple and seem to last forever.