Hi All.
After much back and forth, we found the issue today and it originated at the DNS level. I've just made two DNS changes so it may take an hour or two or the evening to update and for all the ads to disappear for Crew members.
In short, our ad provider's system (Ezoic) was acting as a proxy and was not compatible with our ad server's caching functions. When you visited a page, for example, that page request came from Ezoic and the system would call back to our server to grab the content and serve the optimized webpage back to you. But it bypassed our ad server settings completely, which made any changes I made to our ad software completely ineffective.
Finding the root cause has been a long and frustrating process, mainly because it's impacted you guys. Again, we apologize for this and really appreciate your patience while we figured this out. As I mentioned, it may take a bit of time for the DNS changes to update across all ISPs, so let's give it the evening and let us know if you see an improvement by tomorrow.