Crab thieving!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gunnel_King
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First of all, I am very impressed with the sharing of valuable fishing info on this site by everyone (although it seems that there are a lot of you that know each other from the local pub or what have you!), after all, we are all in it for the same damn thing; better yields, no? Keep it up!!!!

Ok, on to something that has been P'ing me off for a little while. I have been setting crab traps near where i live in Eagle harbour for years now and have had people (the lucky ones that have a view of the water) tell me that not long after I set them, soemone else (dunno who)is coming around to check them or as i say "pillage them"! These clowns at least have the decency to leave the traps there and not steal them, but the fact that i set them and "they" benefit from them drives me nuts! I've tried to catch them in the act but never see them. Now, i know i'm not the only one to who this happens but... i would like to know what (legally or not) i could do to these people if i do catch them in the act so that they would never be able or want to do this to me or anyone again! has anyone else caught someone playing with their stuff? What did you do? Any stories?
what about intertwining the odd triple barbed hook in the line somewhere?lol.......i'd catch them literally then no? lol Any suggestions would be great!

Thanks ahead of time for any replies!!!!!!!!
Kudos to the site !

Tall Tails
Ya one of my buddies got corked in the head for snatching some crabs! LOL!!

Nothing much you can do except join the Navy seals to learn how to nab the elusive crab thiefs, it's a huge problem here in Victoria also.

It's a tough arguement because the crabs are not property of yours yet, just the trap. I'm not defending it I could just see how a case like that would get picked apart in court! HAHA
Ya one of my buddies got corked in the head for snatching some crabs! LOL!!

Nothing much you can do except join the Navy seals to learn how to nab the elusive crab thiefs, it's a huge problem here in Victoria also.

It's a tough arguement because the crabs are not property of yours yet, just the trap. I'm not defending it I could just see how a case like that would get picked apart in court! HAHA
Ya one of my buddies got corked in the head for snatching some crabs! LOL!!

Nothing much you can do except join the Navy seals to learn how to nab the elusive crab thiefs, it's a huge problem here in Victoria also.

It's a tough arguement because the crabs are not property of yours yet, just the trap. I'm not defending it I could just see how a case like that would get picked apart in court! HAHA
Ya one of my buddies got corked in the head for snatching some crabs! LOL!!

Nothing much you can do except join the Navy seals to learn how to nab the elusive crab thiefs, it's a huge problem here in Victoria also.

It's a tough arguement because the crabs are not property of yours yet, just the trap. I'm not defending it I could just see how a case like that would get picked apart in court! HAHA
Happens everywhere man.
They're likely watching for your boat to tie up before raiding your traps, thus you never see them. Try having a buddy in another boat watch for you after you come back in, may pay off.
I wouldn't booby-trap, as much as I sincerely LIKE the idea (considered 50 feet or razor wire above the traps last year) as when anyone gets bitten, you will be held LIABLE! Confirmed with the Dino last winter. Just get the boat name/description, description of those involved, and pass along to your local C&P ladz with DFO. They have nailed a few idiots here in Port, and it slowed them off considerably. Mind you, some fella sitting out there with a rifle <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle> seemed to scare them off pretty good last winter as well.

Good Luck with it!
Happens everywhere man.
They're likely watching for your boat to tie up before raiding your traps, thus you never see them. Try having a buddy in another boat watch for you after you come back in, may pay off.
I wouldn't booby-trap, as much as I sincerely LIKE the idea (considered 50 feet or razor wire above the traps last year) as when anyone gets bitten, you will be held LIABLE! Confirmed with the Dino last winter. Just get the boat name/description, description of those involved, and pass along to your local C&P ladz with DFO. They have nailed a few idiots here in Port, and it slowed them off considerably. Mind you, some fella sitting out there with a rifle <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle> seemed to scare them off pretty good last winter as well.

Good Luck with it!
Happens everywhere man.
They're likely watching for your boat to tie up before raiding your traps, thus you never see them. Try having a buddy in another boat watch for you after you come back in, may pay off.
I wouldn't booby-trap, as much as I sincerely LIKE the idea (considered 50 feet or razor wire above the traps last year) as when anyone gets bitten, you will be held LIABLE! Confirmed with the Dino last winter. Just get the boat name/description, description of those involved, and pass along to your local C&P ladz with DFO. They have nailed a few idiots here in Port, and it slowed them off considerably. Mind you, some fella sitting out there with a rifle <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle> seemed to scare them off pretty good last winter as well.

Good Luck with it!
Happens everywhere man.
They're likely watching for your boat to tie up before raiding your traps, thus you never see them. Try having a buddy in another boat watch for you after you come back in, may pay off.
I wouldn't booby-trap, as much as I sincerely LIKE the idea (considered 50 feet or razor wire above the traps last year) as when anyone gets bitten, you will be held LIABLE! Confirmed with the Dino last winter. Just get the boat name/description, description of those involved, and pass along to your local C&P ladz with DFO. They have nailed a few idiots here in Port, and it slowed them off considerably. Mind you, some fella sitting out there with a rifle <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle> seemed to scare them off pretty good last winter as well.

Good Luck with it!
I commercially fished crab for 16 years off and on, what we use to do is put a monster trap heavy,heavy one on first but ofcourse we had hydraulics.Do you have a lifting device? I hear of someone putting a bait jar full of a paint or dye with a small explosive trigger or spring loaded I'm not sure. Then just look around or ask around for the boat with any dye on it they usually can't get it all off.We use to police it are selfs,we tried to get DFO or the cops involved they said we were on are own,and we drop a lot of money in the water and drive away.Are policing worked when we caught someone.
I commercially fished crab for 16 years off and on, what we use to do is put a monster trap heavy,heavy one on first but ofcourse we had hydraulics.Do you have a lifting device? I hear of someone putting a bait jar full of a paint or dye with a small explosive trigger or spring loaded I'm not sure. Then just look around or ask around for the boat with any dye on it they usually can't get it all off.We use to police it are selfs,we tried to get DFO or the cops involved they said we were on are own,and we drop a lot of money in the water and drive away.Are policing worked when we caught someone.
I commercially fished crab for 16 years off and on, what we use to do is put a monster trap heavy,heavy one on first but ofcourse we had hydraulics.Do you have a lifting device? I hear of someone putting a bait jar full of a paint or dye with a small explosive trigger or spring loaded I'm not sure. Then just look around or ask around for the boat with any dye on it they usually can't get it all off.We use to police it are selfs,we tried to get DFO or the cops involved they said we were on are own,and we drop a lot of money in the water and drive away.Are policing worked when we caught someone.
I commercially fished crab for 16 years off and on, what we use to do is put a monster trap heavy,heavy one on first but ofcourse we had hydraulics.Do you have a lifting device? I hear of someone putting a bait jar full of a paint or dye with a small explosive trigger or spring loaded I'm not sure. Then just look around or ask around for the boat with any dye on it they usually can't get it all off.We use to police it are selfs,we tried to get DFO or the cops involved they said we were on are own,and we drop a lot of money in the water and drive away.Are policing worked when we caught someone.
What you should do is drop your trap in the usual local load your 22 with special fiberglass piercing shells and draw a beed on the general vacinity and stake out those rat bastar*s. when you do unload make sure you don't hit your bouye. Na just joking....its a gamble every time, if you check it regularly chances are you should be fine....or my even find who-ever may be taking your catch. Where you live I wouldn't doubt it if it were kids or drunken locals leaving the local bar for their island homes.
What you should do is drop your trap in the usual local load your 22 with special fiberglass piercing shells and draw a beed on the general vacinity and stake out those rat bastar*s. when you do unload make sure you don't hit your bouye. Na just joking....its a gamble every time, if you check it regularly chances are you should be fine....or my even find who-ever may be taking your catch. Where you live I wouldn't doubt it if it were kids or drunken locals leaving the local bar for their island homes.
What you should do is drop your trap in the usual local load your 22 with special fiberglass piercing shells and draw a beed on the general vacinity and stake out those rat bastar*s. when you do unload make sure you don't hit your bouye. Na just joking....its a gamble every time, if you check it regularly chances are you should be fine....or my even find who-ever may be taking your catch. Where you live I wouldn't doubt it if it were kids or drunken locals leaving the local bar for their island homes.
What you should do is drop your trap in the usual local load your 22 with special fiberglass piercing shells and draw a beed on the general vacinity and stake out those rat bastar*s. when you do unload make sure you don't hit your bouye. Na just joking....its a gamble every time, if you check it regularly chances are you should be fine....or my even find who-ever may be taking your catch. Where you live I wouldn't doubt it if it were kids or drunken locals leaving the local bar for their island homes.
Mr. Baiter, thank you for your useless post. It seems like you know this area pretty well! What gives? i could swear i saw you in your boat "Morning Wood" prawning yesterday......did you catch any?

Tall Tails
Mr. Baiter, thank you for your useless post. It seems like you know this area pretty well! What gives? i could swear i saw you in your boat "Morning Wood" prawning yesterday......did you catch any?

Tall Tails
Mr. Baiter, thank you for your useless post. It seems like you know this area pretty well! What gives? i could swear i saw you in your boat "Morning Wood" prawning yesterday......did you catch any?

Tall Tails