considering new 9.9 kicker


Well-Known Member
thinking about buying a new kicker for my boat, would like to hear what members suggest, who has the best price, warranty and reliability, considering a new kicker with charging system for my electric deeplines...:confused:
have run 2001 Honda 9.9 power thrust and a 2007 8hp yammi high thrust, no complaints with either...except you have to run carbs dry of fuel, especially if not in use for lengths of time, but that goes for any small carb, the tiny jets gum/plug up easy...

Suzuki has an EFI 9.9 out now, which I am keeping an eye on, personally I would like to see it prove itself in the market first (plus I don't need a kicker at the moment) ...but interesting for sure...would solve the gummed/fussy carb issue

anyone out there have feed back on the Suzuki EFI 9.9 ???
Thanks for the reply, was also considering the yammy 8hp, I don't think I need a 9.9 I run a 6hp 2 stroke evinrude right now that does fine just would like to have a charging system.. the 8hp is at a much better price point also..
I had a T8 for five years and it run flawlessly. Just look after it and should last a long time.
Yamaha has stopped production of the T8 as of last year. They are using just the 9.9 now as previously the 8 and 9.9 used the same block, and they figured they didn't need both.
hmm interesting..i see there is an optional 6 amp charge for the t-6 also.. ibet there is also lots of t-8 models still at dealerships too
MY boat is only 16.5 feet long, its not my forever boat so I was thinking if I purchased a 8hp it would also be fit for a slightly bigger hull, thinking 17.5 foot.. or around there about.
ya I have herd good things about the t-8 yammy I have a friend who has one and it runs flawlessly.. pushing his 21' fiberform
Call me crazy but doesn't the 6 amp charger only charge 6 amps at wide open throttle

your right Roofus, planning on a battery switch with a dedicated starting battery , I don't think any kicker charges real good unless it is given er so to speak.. I already have 3 deepcycle batteries for my boat/tinboat electric.
My guess is the 55amp alternator will provide more amps than the winky charging system on the 9.9hp kicker.

Frankly, it depends on how much current is being drawn by the various electrical components on your boat and how long your engine(s) are being run. An engine's alternator will only deliver the amperage required by the electrical system to keep it's batteries fully charged (approx 13.6 V).
At the simplest, when you're trolling on your kicker with its 12 amp alternator and your stereo, GPS, down riggers, etc are only drawing 12 amps, the kicker will be sufficient to keep your batteries charged. If you were running on your main engine and drawing the same amperage, your main engine's alternator would only deliver 12 of it's potential 65 amps to the batteries.
Another way to look at it is your trolling motor will produce 12 amps in an hour, while your main engine might produce 65 amps in an hour. So 5 hours running your troller will produce almost as much as one hour running your main engine.

So yes, the 65 amp alternator will provide more amps than the "windy" charging system on the 9.9 kicker but only when the two engines are run for the same time period. Typically, though, we run our main engines for short periods of time compared to the hours we use our kickers for. So that on a typical fishing trip, it could well be that the "windy" kicker is delivering as least as much average to the electrical system as the "not so windy" main engine alternator.
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