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I am living in Victoria now and I would like to get some codfish. Is it possible to get any from shore? Any suggestions on where? I have very little experience with saltwater fishing so any suggestions passed on about tides, currents etc would be great. No matter how simple it may seem please tell me as it may be helpful.

I dont live in Victoria and Ive never fished there neither. I think it may be difficult to get cod from shore though because the only cod Ive ever caught in the west coast (im from the other side of the country) was in 250+ feet of water. I caught 3 of them here on the westcoast and they were all caught on herring. They ate the whole damn thing...They were pretty small too. Maybe 2 or 3 pounds, not like out in New England were we would catch them up to like 40lbs.

I used to fish from shore in NY and I used to just throw a little chunk of bait out to catch fish. So when I tried it here, I kept catching greelings and flounders. No cod though.

I dont know if any of this info is useful but from your post I got the impression you wanted to get any sort of info.
A lot of people here in BC incorrectly call rockfish "rock cod" or even just cod. We have a few different kinds of rockfish. If you are referring to rockfish then yes it's possible to catch them from shore although they would likely be small. And in most areas of the coast around here the limit is only 1 rockfish per day.
my bad. yeah, I was talking about 'cod', not 'rockfish'.
quote:Originally posted by jonz

A lot of people here in BC incorrectly call rockfish "rock cod" or even just cod.

No I am referring to pacific codfish. I haven't had too much trouble catching rockfish and greenling.
quote:Originally posted by ashtonspoutine

I caught 3 of them here on the westcoast and they were all caught on herring. They ate the whole damn thing...They were pretty small too. Maybe 2 or 3 pounds, not like out in New England were we would catch them up to like 40lbs.

What kind of bottoms and conditions do you fish in for codfish on the east coast?
Funny you should mention this today, but while I was out in front of Dundarave yesterday, for the first time in over 30 years of fishing, I pulled in a pacific cod. About 5 lbs., hit a hootchie just off the bottom in 120' just as I was packing up to go. Nice sized fish - tasty too - I wish I caught them on a more regular basis...
quote:Originally posted by Pangaea

Funny you should mention this today, but while I was out in front of Dundarave yesterday, for the first time in over 30 years of fishing, I pulled in a pacific cod. About 5 lbs., hit a hootchie just off the bottom in 120' just as I was packing up to go. Nice sized fish - tasty too - I wish I caught them on a more regular basis...

By hootchie do you mean cod? If not what depth did you get the cod in? What terrain and what were the current and tides? Where is Dundarave?
The three I caught here on the West were all caught on a sandy bottom. Im not sure of the tide or anything. They are bottom fish and I never looked at the tides when fishing them on in the east. I dont know if it really matters.

From what Im used to, in new england, all you needed was some clam and you would catch if they were there. Not a diffiicult fish to catch. It wasnt the tide, or your lure, on the time of day etc. They are a dumb fish that like to eat.

I think here if you really want to target them, you would end up with a lot of by-catch. I cant imagine there been 'great cod spots', do you know what I mean? I think you'd end up pulling up dogfish, a few types of flounders, some rockfish etc. and if you were lucky, you would catch a cod.

From what Ive seen at least, there arent enough around to specifically catch cod in an outing.

It was just a standard spring setup, army truck hoochy behind a green hotspot, beginning of an ebb, bottom - ???, likely pebbly sand. Dundarave is in West Vancouver. I'm sure my catch was pure fluke...
We had two years on swiftsure where we caught limits evertime out and the last 3 years not a one. Anyone had the same experience? They are great eating.
I frequently run into them on the Sunshine Coast (Gower Point to Roberts Creek) while jigging for salmon. Usually over a sandy bottom, but with some kind of "feature" near by (pile of rocks or something)..... And yeah, they're good eating!
Do you guys mean these things?

This one is from the Gulf of Alaska.

They were all in the 7 to 15 pound range they make the best fish and chips. We use to have a great place down here for cod it was open for a month but it was the month they where spawning and we wiped the run out