Changing prop

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Well-Known Member
I was going to swap my 17 pitch prop with a 19 pitch today.
Back of 19 looks like this which is what I am used to seeing.
But when I pulled the 17 off it looks like this
Is the back cone stuck on the 17? Is this normal? I don’t recall this happening before.
looks like it to me :), In the pic it appears that washer is tapered so it seats on the shaft taper before you slide the prop on. Should be able to easily pop that off and slide back down the shaft then put your new prop on.
While your at it clean off all that white grease and get some proper spline greas on that shaft..its blue in color wont get water intrusion..
While your at it clean off all that white grease and get some proper spline greas on that shaft..its blue in color wont get water intrusion..
Not sure if it’s the pic that makes it look weird, but that prop shaft looks nasty( dirty maybe) hard to tell , but I would not slide a new prop until it’s clean, and yes proper grease, personally I take my prop off 2-3 times a year to grease and clean to make sure there is no **** in there