Changes to sportfishingbc in 2007

Totally agree with that and no fake e-mails the person has to be identified.

All the replies have been forwarded to the board admin and you should see some changes soon! It may take a little while to resolve some of the problems but other ideas should be implemented soon.

Thanks for those who responded

Cheers ME
One thing I like on other forum sites is to be able to see who is online and how many people are online.
"any changes?"
Change on Sportfishing BC is like elephants making love-everything happens on a very high level and it takes many months for any results to show![8D]

(old jokles are best) for boats/tackle and one for everything else.

A general BS section, Pics, recipes, tips and rigging sections. Section for sponcers like guide/charter operator to post openings, fishing/reports and chapel board for those who want post prayer and positive words for those in need or troubled.

Motor and boat tech section - free advertising for a local marine dealer who want to field the questions.

Server storage for pics with the opportunity to pay an annual fee for additional storage capacity(s).

Thanks for asking
How about a HOW-To Section, or recipe section. Another would be how to fish your a certain area. Down here we have some interesting sections on our Puget Sound Anglers State Website. Some are how to cross the Westport bar safely, Fish Grays Harbor and what set up to use (big Herring witha dropper weight) take a look. Another is length/weight charts for halibut and lingcod. I got a Lingcod length/weight chart from the WDFW here. Posting things like this are great. Look at Leeroy's Ramblings on the site. This might give you some ideas. Info/Fishinginfo_main.html
I have seen some forums that have an archive section. This is great for finding the best posts on topics you are interested in. They select detailed posts and categorize them by topic. That way you can easily view all the best posts relating to saltwater trolling, fly fishing, etc. This also encourages members to post well written informative articles on fishing tactics. Knowing that the best posts are showcased in the archive rewards posters who put in a lot of effort to be helpful.

We are slowly working on some improvements and changes. Some of the minor fine tuning has already begun and you may or may not notice it. Some of them will take time.

As the changes roll out Kevin or myself will explain them and set some of the ground rules.
