Changes to sportfishingbc in 2007


Active Member
Well it's time for some change but we need your help. This is a fantastic site and we just want to make it even better. What would you like to see on sportsfishingbc. Many members have let us know that they would like to see updated stories, editorials and links on the home page. There has also been a number of requests to add a buy/sell section to the forum. Please let us know what you think, your opinion is important. This site is growing in the number of members daily and we want to see this growth continue in 2007. The more support we can get on ideas the easier it will be for me to put forward and have the changes made to this site.

Cheers ME
A buy and sell section would be great. Maybe an event planner? A user gallery with options for photos and stuff. I know that fishing reports are only a click away from places like Outfitters, maybe a few feeds from some lessor known sources to amalgamate them here. A links page that would include online license purchase and up-to-date reg links?

A few ideas anyway.
i think a buy&sell section would be a good idea, a photo gallery with info on where/when and what they caught the fish on would be also be of my interest

links to fishing reports would be great too
All of LC suggestions... AND how about a Technical forum,ie marine mechanics and repairs for engines and hulls.
PinchMe :D
I like the idea of buy & sell .Links to up to date fishery regs. pictures would be great aswell but needs to be set up for dumbies.[xx(]
Would be nice to have better access to older postings on the forum pages.
Perhaps in an archived section, year by year?
I often go back 1 year to check up on postings to get ideas for current fishing, e.g., check December 05 for winter fishing/steelhead reports, gear ideas, etc., and to avoid posting questions/comments on things that have already been thrashed over.
Buy and sell would be a good idea as long as it doesn't become overcrowded with non-fishing related stuff (by the way, anybody need a deep freeze?).
Buy and Sell Section gets my vote.
Also maybe a technical section on gear and such.
I find I use a galery section for pictures on another site which I would like to see here too.
buy and sell forum:D and a forum that has nothing to do with fishing.
ya I would say anything that can be deemed "sticky" would improve the site. By this I means, reports, tackle reviews, galleries etc.

Content and stickiness are the keys to any website and of course the bottom line is more traffic and more members on the website. These are a few ideas I have implemented on another forum I run and they have worked great!

One thing I would mention is you should make the regular content site and forums flow smoothly. When on the content pages, you should be able to access the forum within one click. Many users will find the content pages via a search engine and of course you want to drive traffic to the forums for more membership. Don't make the user work to hard to find their goal, the less the clicks the better.

I've mentioned before that I run another forum on another topic( as you can see the general topic pages are just as assessable as the forum pages, this greatly increases forum usage. We are extremely successful.

The idea is to keep it easy to find the general pages and the forum pages, we don't want to make the user work.

In the end, the more forum members the better for the site, so why not have a link on every page of the site. The idea is to drive traffic to the forum at every possible chance, the more traffic - the better right? By making it a smooth transition from main site to forum, you increase the amount of visitors.

You could also introduce advertising to the site. I'm sure most of us would be OK with that if it meant more advertising dollars for a bigger and better community. For my pearl community, I only advertise for non-members, regular member's never see the advertising, another bonus for signing up. I have no problems and it provides a good revenue source for us to attract new members. The more members the more the posts and the more posts the more traffic, we all win.

Another great forum would be buy and sell, as the other website is primarily Vancouver. Also a regular location report would keep "lurker" members coming back regularly and not once in a blue moon. This could tie into member galleries, maybe members could post pics with their fishing reports? That could be huge, as island outfitters has a report, but with pictures I'm sure a lot of us would check it more regularly.

We've all noticed how island outfitters report is repeated on different websites. By adding a unique element(report pictures) it gives users a reason to visit a certain website for their information.

We all love to brag about fish we catch, give us a good venue and we'll create a lot of content and pages for you. This will increase your page count and help you a lot in the search engines.

I have lot of methods that will work, been there done that. Pm Me~!
I would like to see a fishing report for the nanaimo area. The fishing can be quite good here, especially the last few years. The fish seem to getting bigger like the old days. If you need a nanaimo area report I own Swale Rock Fishing Charters and we operate out of Nanaimo and Bamfield.
I like all of the ideas, especially the buy & sell and the links to regs. :D I don't have a digital camera or a scanner so I can't post pics on the website but maybe in the future. ;) A link to a list with usernames and pics would be great so that you could see who posted the pics. This forum is GREAT but how about a chatroom where everybody could talk to each other instantly? The chatroom could be available during certain times of the day, i.e. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. every night. How about a way for the "original poster" of a topic to DELETE that post/topic if there hasn't been any replies for say two weeks? I've seen posts that haven't had any replies for several weeks and it just adds to the clutter. [|)] I know because I've posted and didn't have any replies. ;)
i would love a nanaimo fishing report. Actualy i would love fishing reports from popular areas, bamfield, china creek..etc.
Have a picture of the member and/or member's boat next to their name (it could be optional). Might be nice for a couple recognize fellow members on the water, and discourage A**hole responses to posts;).