Capilano River Coho Salmon Indian Reserve Massacre

Disgusting, bout time they have EQUAL rights like the rest of us...they don't deserve to have the privilege to get any extra...
oh well

they do need sustenance you know, long hard winter coming up. just as well those other guys pay for a hatchery to keep us going
Although I'm not a fan... 100 Times more carnage happens with one dip from a seiner

Absolutely, but seiner doesn't dip literally on the spawning grounds, and most seine crews treat fish with a bit more respect. That said, only commercial fishery I support is the troll fleet.
Send a note to the minister of the DFO and Harper with the video attached. The more of us that do it the greater the attention this will get. I've done it and got responses back already from both. We can't influence change if we sit by and let it happen. I know some may feel it's hopeless, but, give it a shot. You might be the guy that makes a difference...
Absolutely, but seiner doesn't dip literally on the spawning grounds, and most seine crews treat fish with a bit more respect. That said, only commercial fishery I support is the troll fleet.

I agree,

But the selctiveness of the harvest is the same if not worse in a net fishery. (wild vs hatch job hoe's) and the amount of fish taken well is obviously way more.
I too emailed the DFO as with ministers of various departments includint aboriginal affairs. no reponse from any of them.
Good job spreading this folks. I sent it to BCTV and CTV. No response but the more they recieve, the more likely they are to listen. You should also add it to facebook if you have an account.
althow i am not or ever have been a seine fisherman catchs of coho by seiners was stopped a few years ago; they must brail their catch into holding tanks on deck and all coho released alive more coho caught by young native kids than commercial seines
I don't care how you spin it this crap should not be happening. FN need to spear traditionally for ceremonial/food purposes. Not sell commercially ( which now they allowed to do). You know how many times I am offered fish in the area I am in dozens of times. Halibut to any type of salmon I want. It is a total joke what is going on....

They get the fish and just sell it under the table to anyone with cash. Sorry not trying to offend anyone but it tough as a recreational fisherman and taxpayer when you fight and struggle with DFO to keep the stock strong...Then a group slams you because they say they want to protect the fish. You cut back with very harsh regulations just so that same group can kill them all when they reach the spawning ground? Am I missing something?

This video won't go anywhere becaus ethe government will not stand up for its self. It owes FN millions in treaty settlements that it will not pay for.....probably ever.

So throwing a spear through the fish is more humane?
I have to say that I am the president of a local volunteer hatchery that gets great support for PSF (Pacific salmon Foundation) and from our community advisor (or we did till he retired, not sure yet about the new one), I would be heart broken more than I am now to watch the disrespect given to these fish, from those that are supposed to reveer this gift, if this were to happen on our river. The old boys that toil relentlessly to bring back our river form the decimated state that it was once in is very rewarding. i have too sent this on but the news will not touch something so high test as this...good lord...what is going on!!!!

Sorry for the rant...cold buds and a nice "line caught" sammy on the bbq...

And yes it is better BGM

of note also is the nice rock channels and barriers that were created to funnel these fish even further into doom... this video is just a small depiction of the BS that happens around the province and world that we never know 99% of - unfortunate and have to wonder where the ethics and morals of many folks are... ?
of note also is the nice rock channels and barriers that were created to funnel these fish even further into doom... this video is just a small depiction of the BS that happens around the province and world that we never know 99% of - unfortunate and have to wonder where the ethics and morals of many folks are... ?

Banger17: Sadly this detail you bring out is the closest to their original style of fishing. Rock weirs and channels were created to direct fish into killing zones, where spears and other crude methods were employed to harvest fish. It's the Walmart nets that send me into orbit.

We were fishing in the Cap about ten years ago , nice FN gent shows up and asks me if I had any luck. No I reply. In ten minutes he has six fish on the bank. His lure? A 5/8" socket bit slid over the shaft of a treble hook. " have a nice day" he says and left. Real traditional. I shudder to think about what would happen to me if I did that...
While attending the Fish and Wioldlife program at BCIT I worked thru the summer of 1989 at the Capilano Hatchery as a tour guide. Its an interesting history for sure. There used to be a good 60+ miles of spawning territory utilized by the indigenous Capilano coho stocks before the Cleveland Dam was built to provide a water source for N. Van residents. After the dam was built the result was a mere 3 km of viable river. To compensate FN for this near loss of fish stock the hatchery was built and so far it has done a fair job of maintaining these stocks. One interesting aspect of these particular coho is that they get an early April run of coho that make it up the fishway into the hatchery's holding pools. This is because the water levels during the summer months become so low that fish passage upriver is near impossible. Another strange aspect about these fish is that, contrary to popular belief, these salmon do not necessarily have to spawn in their streams of origin. I've done carcass recoveries on the adjacent Seymour River system and have found quite a large proportion of coho with Capilano CWT's that have successfully spawned.

I don't know what to say about the antics of those kids in the video. On numerous occasions I've seen coho make it into the hatchery with a big treble hook embedded in their bodies and a spark plug dangling off. Native kids would come up to the hatchey and brag about how they keep all the steelhead, chinook and big cohos. Its a shame to hear this and very likely why the Cap coho are so runty on average, ie. lots of jacks etc, Its just that those little fish manage to make it thru the weirs, nets and shopping carts and these genetically small fish will produce more small fish. Pretty much 99% of all those fish being caught are hatchery origin, btw. There just isn't really enough natural river left to sustain any real wild populations on the Capilano. They do not tag and adipose clip EVERY salmon released from Canadian hatcherys. All in all I don't think FN should be flaunting their so called "right" to access these fish stocks in this manner.
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I m not saying they all do this kind of thing, the FN i know cant stand this kind of stuff and it embarrases them. The thing is BGM is that they(bands) may not condone it, but never do anything about it! 3 years ago i went with a friend who is a guide in renny, as a helper for FN halibut charter, in 2 days ,2 FN guys caught 106 halibut(the closed zone on swift. nothing bigger than 40lbs) year, may long weekend i was shocked to see all the halibut floating in the river and all over the shore....I asked butch and he said,"it wasnt fresh so they threw it out"....There is no need for this kind of stuff.....If FN want respect of being "Keepers of the Land" , this kindof **** has to stop...good thing they have a hatchery on that river(thats not funded by FN) , to keep the stocks at a subpar level......If the elders and leader dont like whats going on....they should say something! But they dont!