Two weeks ago I watched a group of "FN" guys fishing roe on the Skeena just below the mouth of the Bulkley River (complete bait ban for cowboys in all Region 6 rivers for steelhead)
They were pounding steelhead (nice funnel for moving fish going right past their feet) and beating them over the head (despite an across the board C&R for cowboys)
So, what are you doing with all these fish you catch, I asked
We give 'em away---too much for us to eat
One of them said he was from an "Okangan FN tribe" so he had a white-card to use roe and kill steel (according to a guide I know in that area, that white-card he mentioned as being an Okanagan FN tribal member is total nonsense)
I've seen this go on for many years now--pounding steel in the Kispiox on roe and dragging away the bodies. I hear it's a field day in November and December when they're ganged up in holes with low water. They also get them through the ice.
I know that if I went to a CO and did a frantic cowboy dance, spluttering and muttering about those phookin' FN guys and what are you going to do about it, his eyes would glaze over and he'd attend to a split nail on his hand.
To echo Peahead, the govmint is "giving back" for some historical land grabs and hydro improvements---it's a can of worms to the DFO and enforcement guys---they don't want to go there.
That Cap coho vid is not very pretty. I love the comment----"this is going on phookin' YouTube; hardy har har! "
The FN guys don't care if it's pretty or not-- it sure beats getting them one by one on a hook and line! My cringe factor was watching the young stud with a large stick blindly whacking a pile of writhing fish--being a seafood guy all I could think was---shiat, bruises in the fillets; all No. 2 fish!
The consumer wants cheap fish. At least some of those yoyo's hopefully generated some income for somebody someplace and fed the wife and kiddies.
Bottom line---Resource Extraction in any form is not a pretty business.