Capilano River Coho Salmon Indian Reserve Massacre

Yes the bands condone it. The government also condones it. Knowing that this happens and doing nothing condones it.
Unfortunately, native pride means not talking about what negative things your brothers may be doing.
I do not condone such behaviour and get called racist if FN is doing it and get accolades if it is non FN doing it.

We are all the same. If we could fish the same way without consequences for our actions there would be the same amount of young whites, black and asians that would do exactly the same thing. The problem is there are no consequences. Common sense tells me one set of laws for everyone. If not the fish won't stand a chance, and down the road our country as well. This kind of thing can only breed animosity and divide instead of bring us together.
We are all the same. If we could fish the same way without consequences for our actions there would be the same amount of young whites, black and asians that would do exactly the same thing. The problem is there are no consequences. Common sense tells me one set of laws for everyone. If not the fish won't stand a chance, and down the road our country as well. This kind of thing can only breed animosity and divide instead of bring us together.

Well ******* put.
We are all the same. If we could fish the same way without consequences for our actions there would be the same amount of young whites, black and asians that would do exactly the same thing. The problem is there are no consequences. Common sense tells me one set of laws for everyone. If not the fish won't stand a chance, and down the road our country as well. This kind of thing can only breed animosity and divide instead of bring us together.

X2 well put however as we all should know by now, our government sees a big difference when it comes to our aboriginal peoples......the government is "giving back" on the premise that we took their land. In the case of the cap river specifically , we blocked "their" River with a dam so to pay back, built a hatchery to keep the river full of salmon.
I am not so much against the idea of giving back, however I feel it has gotten out of hand and needs to be limited, regulated ....and when present laws are broken ( blocking rivers for eg.) the enforcement needs to there!! ....and there again! The feeling you get when you call fisheries about possible infractions is that if it is related to aboriginal fisheries, its too delicate an issue to touch so basically they are left to do pretty much do what ever they want ..... I personally have witnessed no presence from DFO down there. At the very least more presence from DFO ( and enforcement) during this fishery is needed. DFO CANNOT be 'scared' to enforce this fishery.
Two weeks ago I watched a group of "FN" guys fishing roe on the Skeena just below the mouth of the Bulkley River (complete bait ban for cowboys in all Region 6 rivers for steelhead)

They were pounding steelhead (nice funnel for moving fish going right past their feet) and beating them over the head (despite an across the board C&R for cowboys)

So, what are you doing with all these fish you catch, I asked

We give 'em away---too much for us to eat

One of them said he was from an "Okangan FN tribe" so he had a white-card to use roe and kill steel (according to a guide I know in that area, that white-card he mentioned as being an Okanagan FN tribal member is total nonsense)

I've seen this go on for many years now--pounding steel in the Kispiox on roe and dragging away the bodies. I hear it's a field day in November and December when they're ganged up in holes with low water. They also get them through the ice.

I know that if I went to a CO and did a frantic cowboy dance, spluttering and muttering about those phookin' FN guys and what are you going to do about it, his eyes would glaze over and he'd attend to a split nail on his hand.

To echo Peahead, the govmint is "giving back" for some historical land grabs and hydro improvements---it's a can of worms to the DFO and enforcement guys---they don't want to go there.

That Cap coho vid is not very pretty. I love the comment----"this is going on phookin' YouTube; hardy har har! "

The FN guys don't care if it's pretty or not-- it sure beats getting them one by one on a hook and line! My cringe factor was watching the young stud with a large stick blindly whacking a pile of writhing fish--being a seafood guy all I could think was---shiat, bruises in the fillets; all No. 2 fish!

The consumer wants cheap fish. At least some of those yoyo's hopefully generated some income for somebody someplace and fed the wife and kiddies.

Bottom line---Resource Extraction in any form is not a pretty business.
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FYI, I have been talking back and forth with Global about this - they actually would be interested in pursuing a story about it - especially interested if there is known resentment towards the younger members attitude and methods amongst the elders/leaders of some of the tribes. If any of you in Vancouver are closer to the issue and are willing to talk about it in more detail, without going down the inappropriate path, they are willing to ask the tough questions on this issue. PM me and I will hook you up with the right contacts.
The worst part of all of this is that the surplus fish at the hatchery gets given back to the tribe anyways. They really don't need to do this. In essence they are giving the rest of the taxpaying river fishing folks a big **** you by blocking off the river and not letting anyone else a shot at them. I wouldn't feel too angry if they owned the whole river, built and operated the hatchery on their own but its MY tax $$ going to fund a hatchery that produces fish for EVERYONE not just the First Nations.