Canucks: 2011/2012

Snides didn't get many difficult shots. The ducks first goal was a bit soft, but the d hung Lou out to dry on the others. Was maybe the right move to wake up the d. Booing Lou was bad...I hope he plays hard in the playoffs for himself and his teammates...cause he probably won't be playing for the fans.

Want Lou to do well but if a player is payed heavily, he better show up or bear the load of worth. For if he falters, us dedicated fans will point fingers
Snides didn't get many difficult shots. The ducks first goal was a bit soft, but the d hung Lou out to dry on the others. Was maybe the right move to wake up the d. Booing Lou was bad...I hope he plays hard in the playoffs for himself and his teammates...cause he probably won't be playing for the fans.

While i like Lui......i would love for him to ask for a trade so that Schneider could be our #1. That's the only way we can keep Ginger
he wants 10 mill thats all part of it hambone, plus his personality, the way he talks i dont think he gives a ****, snides doesnt get booed outta the net now does he? much more pro attitude and cares about his performance and thats what matters, it also appears his teamates play better in front of him, bongo to tampa yeah baby!!!!!!!
Yup, you pretty much nailed it there!

Based on salaries, performance and attitude Kesler should be shipped out of town for not scoring over 40 again, he hasn't been very kind about it with the media so we should get rid of him asap. Henrik should be sent to Toronto because he didn't get a point per game and actually said it was a good thing to have a slump. Vignault should be fired for not locking up the presidents trophy by now.

Do you approve Rook?? Really the whole team should be sent to Tampa, this best in the west position sucks.
Wow...he doesn't give a ****? I would say he wants a cup more than anyone on the team. Remember we had a goalie as a team Captain? He was picked because he over everyone else wanted to win. He was only going to sign with a team that was committed to winning. Now I think he might even want to win a bit too much just to get the monkey and the fans off his back. That might be part of the problem. Thinking about garbage he shouldn't be thinking about...he has some fans to thank for that. Might be better to ship those fans to Tampa. Or better yet if your not going to support your entire squad going into the playoffs...go cheer for another team like the Leafs....oh yah forgot their goalies don't give a rats butt either. ;)
Well if he doesnt perform up to standard this year Im thinking its time fo rhim to go I thik hes is the best goalie we have ever had but he plays great for a week and then he has a mind fart game and down the tubes his confidence goes.
Hes really not that consistant and thats what pos people hes getting paid big bucks and the fans are paying for that so they want him to be good all the time.....

Too BOO him I think was very bad and disrespectful he didnt desereve that and never should..... hes one of the main reason they are where they are now leave him alone and see what happens if he fails... well got a great trade LOU for LECAVILER straight across as lou wants back in florida with his wife and kids.....
Ya, if Luo has a horrible playoff then maybe things need to get looked at. But Booing him right before they start is so stupid.
Live & die a KANUCKLE HEAD

Long run 4 my BOYZ...............Playoffs let the dice roll as they may, will neva change my luv 4 the NUCKs

Enjoy Yall!!!!

Kant speel, Kh
Goalies can,t score. Goalies don.t play defence . Goalies don,t coach.

Yes but they do decide the outcome...............but chill on Lu cuz he seemz fragile, & we need him in the playoffs
But if he falterz, it will solidify that Snides MUST B the one so Lu join hiz fam in Fl
Be truthful. Anyone here think the Cannots will make it through round three. They play good hockey but lack grit/heart.
Be truthful. Anyone here think the Cannots will make it through round three. They play good hockey but lack grit/heart.

I say parDON!!!!!
Guess will have 2 see
Just curious were ya spu'n the same shiz last year or did ya turtled while your team did Cannot make the real tis year

LEAF fan!!
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Will they get to or past the 3rd round? Hmm..not playing as well as last year in my opinion, but they are a deeper squad in the event of injuries. Really it comes down to who they play, which higher ranked teams get knocked out early, injuries, who can step it up and lead the team, and yes the coach getting past playing a number one guy over playing the better guy. (which ever of the 2 that may be) They have as good a chance as any of the top ranked teams and way more than the leafs may ever have.
The whole problem with the Canucks is they feast on less talented teams. It's kind of sad that they are in a position to win the Presidents Cup. What I would like to see is they kick the Jackets out of the Division that the Hawks have to play in and then see where the Canucks end up. They will change that in the off season, so all teams play each other equally. Then the true cream will rise to the top.;) eman