CANUCKS'- 2010

WOW people need to take a chill pill just look at TV and everyday world, girls gone wild,mardi gras. any movie or cable show there is boobies everywhere, So what its just boobs big deal I thought it was funny as hell and so did some woman i know.
Also love how some woman dress with push up bras a very low cut tops and then get mad at any men looking at them give it up if your flaunting it expect to get looked at ......wake up world....

So back to the game I think a different sharks team will be out tonight and someone better tune eager up wheres rypen when we need him!!!!!!

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I just heard an update..... Our new mascot flasher has been fired from her job and received a liftime ban from rogers arena.

Total BS to me. I think we need more fans like her....

That bums me out ... I hope that report is wrong. Depends on the job I guess, some places have an image issue ... where the place is judged by the staff (like teaching). But we live in such a touchy and over-monitored world now ... having a good time, no one got hurt, where's the harm? Yeesh. Feel bad for her.

Eager...I hope they put a leash on that guy, before someone gets hurt. That Sedin hit...head on glass from 5' out, a few inches the wrong way, and he's in a wheelchair. That's why that kind of hit can't be allowed in hockey...2 mins, yeah right. But the calls for retribution ... the Bertuzzi/Moore incident years ago took the wind out of my sails on that kind of thing. Yelling along with everyone else for someone to "get" Moore....and saw how ugly that gets at the extreme. Eager's hit on Sedin as payment for Bieksa's fight could have been another one of those. Better to get him by making the Sharks pay on the scoreboard, leave it at that.

Anyways, bla bla bla....drop the puck already!
The thing about he KNEW that it was a penalty as he was going in; he stated in an interview.

Also....why the fawk are you trying for retribution because Bieksa and Marleau fought??? Marleau.........admitted that he dropped the gloves first; sure they were chirping buy Marleau initiated it.
The thing about he KNEW that it was a penalty as he was going in; he stated in an interview.

Also....why the fawk are you trying for retribution because Bieksa and Marleau fought??? Marleau.........admitted that he dropped the gloves first; sure they were chirping buy Marleau initiated it.

Exactly, Marleau picked the wrong guy to tango with...
Bieksa is A tough s.o.b.
Sharks bench saw it as Bieksa picking his opponents ... starting a fight with a guy who can't fight. That's a knock against Bieksa by some, he generally does not fight the big goons. Even if Marleau dropped 'em first, I bet the invite came from Bieksa.

Right after the fight, you could see Eager screaming at Canucks bench. 2 minutes later, he boards Sedin dangerously. No question it is intentional, that's what he was talking about. Did he intend to injure him or just "sending a message with reckless abandon"? That's a pretty fine line. When a goon runs one of league's MVPs, after making it clear he's going to do it, showing clear intent, I think the league HAS TO do something about it. That's not Canucks fan whining ... I'd be saying the same thing whatever team was playing. Otherwise it's open season ... the message sent is you can do pretty much anything out there, without consequence. Dangerous business!
thinking along the same lines as juan here also..

I'm going with another Canuck win, 4-1, Sedins will hurt the Sharks were it matters, on the score board...

I'm also going to add, this game could get out of hand if the officials don't clamp down when they see/feel somethings about to happen...look what they did in that 1st round game with Scott and Torres, good move on the officials in that game...

IMO Eager SHOULD have been tossed in last game, with another 2 games added to it...foaming at the mouth on the bench with a coach trying to pull him back,every and all including cambell & bettman watching KNEW he was going to go out to injure someone,

WHY for the life of me did not one official go to the Sharks AND Canucks bench to warn all players
Then eager does something like that to any player,but then to do it to one of the top players in the NHL who's known to rarely ever hit anyone on the forecheck,and then when he's in the penalty box taunting the Canucks bench,and the NHL does NOTHING:confused: you got to be kidding, the suits at head office(who were at the game) in the NHL are proving to be every bit the BUSH league managers that they are... IF this had happened to Crosby,and don't start say it did cause the hit or hits on him were nothing like the targeted hit that ended up being from behind on Sedin, what do you think would have happened to Eager??... and then the post game comments from most Sharks, and I say most cause I like the comments from Couture, that kid not that it matters squat garnered alot of respect from me after that...Eager=total idiot with NO class...

back to the eager hit, ya ya people will say D Sedin turned but you know what, he "MANED" up to doing just that, but Eager still had a lot of time change up,and with the rules, again only IMO the responsiblity is on the hitting player as he is last in.

To ALL the SEDIN haters...I'd love to see you take a hit like that,you would ALL be in the respect for those guys, and all the Canuck players just went up in last game, now to finish this series off in next 2 games to add a little more salt to Sharks wounds..

heading in to work for 3:30 and will try and catch as much of it on 1040, with pvr going at home;)

rant over:rolleyes:
SIMPLE GET RID OF THE INSTIGATOR RULE AND YOU WONT HAVE THIS KINDA PROBLEM, IT WILL SORT ITS SELF OUT LIKE THE GOOD OL DAYS !!!!!!!!!!!ever wonder why all of a sudden now we are having all these problems??????? especially guys getting head shots cheap hits elbows up??? oh yeah there it is cant go after them cause you get 2 pus 10 for instigating there is no accountablity with these border line players as they go around doing whatever they want....
Cant remeber which game it was but a hawk player was going around smashing people intending to hurt someone kieksa got him to dance and he kicked the crap out of that hawk player amazing how he never tried to run any other players after that isnt it......

Refs were the first stars. Penalties on both teams all night long. Call penalties against the Canucks till the Sharkies lead 3-0. Oopps we better call some against the sharkies to let the Canucks back in the game. Ohoo the game is close now lets finish the game off with one more penalty against the Canucks. No one will notice. Very predictable result in game three, the reffing was over the top however.
Luongo needs to step up and be the difference in A game. Stop a breakaway, lift the team, like they are doing for him all the time. If the Sharks keep Eagering and Mcginning us we will have nobody left to play in the Cup final! I say RUN BOYLE, all day,all night,all game,every game. He is the key guy for the Sharks.
Agreed Onefish, officiating is in the tank.

They are changing the game before our eyes. Sure, they have to stop potentially career-ending injury's like the one Eager laid on Sedin, but calling stuff like the one they called on Beiksa at the end of the game - come on! He did no more than touch the guy with his stick - no impedment whatsoever - and presto, any last gasp we were mounting is out the window.

I really think they need to take a long hard look at how Betman and some of these other gooks are changing the game. Cherry should have some say here.

I'm sick of it!
I can't comment on the game, as I didn't get to see any of it, and heard only a few minutes of last period, but from what I've heard it was a garbage game, 10 penalties against?...not going to win many with that stat....
didn't think the Canucks would sweep(only hoped) still think they will take it in 6...

holmes ..the way it's going with Canucks D-men, Ballard will need to play
Canucks need to come out with a game like they started the 1st 2 rounds, full of energy, hard hitting on the forecheck,Torres take a page out of Sharks game and target D-Men but with clean hard hits,say...Boyle?
Canucks (whats left)D-Men standing up at their own blue line,move the puck up fast into offensive zone, AND for Luongo to out play Niemi,who IMO has been the better goalie in this series....

If Canucks do this...4-1 Vancouver
Sick! Fu#king Sick!

I'm so pissed at the officiating I'm (for once in my life) lost for words.

That hit by Torres was clean. It's called a body check and it's not Torres fault the douche-bag Shark didn't see him coming.

They're ruining our game! *******!
Sick! Fu#king Sick!

I'm so pissed at the officiating I'm (for once in my life) lost for words.

That hit by Torres was clean. It's called a body check and it's not Torres fault the douche-bag Shark didn't see him coming.

They're ruining our game! *******!

hey Hawk...gotta love Healy's comment..."Nothings going San Jose's way" while there on their 5th pp:confused::confused: you kidding me:confused:
Refs were first stars again. Today the Canucks took advantage. Maybe game 5 will be decided by the players while playing some 5 on 5 hockey.