Campion 542 Trim Tabs Install Help Please


New Member
Hi everyone,

I have a 2004 Campion 542 that I just purchased the Bennet Hydraulic M80 sport tabs for.

I have read on here that the trim tabs are a game changer for the boat. Hoping that i can trouble some of you that have done the install to show me your positioning on where you mounted the Rams?

The swim grid side seems like I might have to trim back some of the swim grid to mount the top of the ram?

My Yamaha T8 Power tilt kicker might need to be moved fairly close to the main motor and potentially lifted up?

Would love to trouble you for installation pictures.

Thanks so much!
I had to trim the swim grid to make mine fit.
As for the kicker, I didn't need to move it but I did need to change what trim hole it was in.
Changed the balance of the boat entirely.
Well worth it.
I had to trim the swim grid to make mine fit.
As for the kicker, I didn't need to move it but I did need to change what trim hole it was in.
Changed the balance of the boat entirely.
Well worth it.
Thanks for the info! Any chance I could get a picture of how you trimmed the platform?
I realize that this is an earlier model and without the swim grid but this is what my install looked like on my last boat


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I realize that this is an earlier model and without the swim grid but this is what my install looked like on my last boat

Thanks that does help for my kicker. What did you use to mount your kicker? Hard to see in the picture.

Thanks again
The kicker is mounted onto a composite bracket that was bolted directly on the transom , here is another picture that might be clearer but let me know and I can try to dig out another picture to see it more clearly


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