Campbell River Trip Planning -Spring '07


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I am relatively new here and have been lurkin' for awhile but was directed here from one of your members.

Seems to be a fair number of "islanders" on here and I as wondering if anyone can help me out with a question for next spring in CR. I am heading over for a buddies wedding in the first weekend of May and was curious if from past knowledge if it would be worth to head out with gudies at Painter's where the wedding is being held? There are 4 of us in the party and we were thinking about heading over a day or two early.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
quote:Originally posted by Pippen

Hi All,

I am relatively new here and have been lurkin' for awhile but was directed here from one of your members.

Seems to be a fair number of "islanders" on here and I as wondering if anyone can help me out with a question for next spring in CR. I am heading over for a buddies wedding in the first weekend of May and was curious if from past knowledge if it would be worth to head out with gudies at Painter's where the wedding is being held? There are 4 of us in the party and we were thinking about heading over a day or two early.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

1st weekend in May in C/R can either be hot or a complete letdown. It is a little early
Lastchance is right the begining of May is a little early.You should contact the guide a few days or so befor you go and ask about their fish counts.Then you will know for sure
quote:Originally posted by Brokenrod

Lastchance is right the begining of May is a little early.You should contact the guide a few days or so befor you go and ask about their fish counts.Then you will know for sure

Come to think of it, you would probably have a better chance of getting a butt off the south end of Quadra, you probably won't find a guide willing to take you, but they do happen.
" if it would be worth to head out with guides at Painter's where the wedding is being held?"
Almost certainly not.
Head to Winter Harbour or see if you can get a CR guide to work out of Gold River/Zeballos/Tahsis that time of year.
Dogbreath what would be around Zeballos/Tahsis that time of year?
ya I can't imagine the fishing be that great off gold river that time of year either, maybe way offshore?

The the bottom line is that fishing isn't very good anywhere but way up north that time of year.
Pippen forget the guided fishing trip, go for a "wild ride" on one of Painter's Adventure/Eco Zodiac Tours... your adrenaline will be pumping!
"Dogbreath what would be around Zeballos/Tahsis that time of year?"
Butts if you know where to go.
Winter Harbour would be better for everything all round though.
Just send Paul of "BLUE ORCA CHARTERS" a e-mail and I know he will answer all and any of your questions regardind fishng at that time of year, hes a good fisherman and knows the area well. and a good guy!!!

Good luck Wolf
Thanks everyone for the advice. The "eco" zodiac tour may be an idea....the four of us in the wedding party have done plenty of touring and boating all up through Desolation and northwards and not to downplay it, but it may be a bit too touristy geeky for us. :D[:p]

I guess the smart thing for us will be to check much closer to the date of the wedding. I think Winter Harbour may be a bit too much of a haul for a day of fishing and the groom may get his "boys" twisted off by the bride to be if we made that venture.[xx(]

Thanks again everyone!!
First part of May still has winter springs in the area and the prawning is still good to excellent as the commercial openings start around the first of May and typically haven't impacted too much yet.
I doubt that Painters will have their boats in the water but you can check with them. They also don't put down prawn traps for their guests.
I'll also have a new bigger boat for the 2007 season.
Hey Pippen. It can be hit and miss early in may, and I am a Painter's Guide. Painter's Lodge will be open about the first week of April next year. If you have any questions about fishing, you can contact me on this site and I'll try to respond as soon as I can. Thanks. Snow White.
Seeing that you are already at Painters, I would suggest taking out a couple of their boats. At least the ladies will know you won't be straying too far from the dock to check out the new strip bar in town.[:0]
Thanks blueorca and snow white. I will definitely be looking into it closer to the date.

Good to know about the new "night spot"!![:p]

blueorca.....are you also a guide??

How is the fishing in Nootka at the same time??

Sorry for so many questions......have not done much fishing over and around the island. [:I]
