Cambell Riiver Halibut meeting

Originally Posted by Derby
Our government screwed us over: again. But if the halibut were there to have a 2/2 limit or better again, would any of this be happening? Probably not. It seemed to be fine last year when I joined the site. It wasn't until another reduction in limits loomed again for the coming season that anyone spoke up.

Sorry -For any miss understandding -I had pulled that quote out of one of Bassblaster posts-
Sorry if I missed those earlier attempts at doing something about DFO's lack of urgency to, what ultimately, all of us are talking about. I'm sure that there are others not on this site that are also concerned about the issue that I have not become aware of. My earlier comment was in regards to the fact that while I have been on board here for the last year it was definitely not as dramatic, or emotional an issue.

Regarding the issue of educating the general public, now That is a problem.

I faced this same problem when I was working along side the NFA (the National Firearms Association, the Canadian NRA) publishing the shooting magazine. Ultimately you cannot get through to most people. We all lead busy lives in the society we've created and for the most part are quite selfish with our time, and what we spend our thinking time devoted to. Family, work, money, etc., all eat up our thoughts and time so it is difficult to break into someones thinking pattern if an issue does not immediately and directly impact them.

For example, how much of your day is spent worrying about the children in Africa suffering from AIDS and starving? It probably doesn't even cross your mind unless one of those commercials comes on during a game or show you're watching. Why not? Because it doesn't directly effect you. It isn't you or your children who are suffering, therefore you don't think about it. Even something as close to home as a neighbour losing a job probably only makes for short dinner conversation . We feel bad for a bit, and then it's back to what's important to us.

So the problem lies in finding a way to drive home to the guy or gal that doesn't fish, that this IS a Direct and important issue to them. There is only one message I can think of that could potentially do it:

Dead Oceans = Dead Planet = Dead People

One of the posts on here talked about the David Suzuki Foundation. To my knowledge they have been trying to educate the public about issues regarding the environment as well. Another potential Allie?

Personally I think Billy the Exterminator probably got more response from people when he did the special episode on the BP fiasco than the media ever did. It's by working with every group we can think of, every form of media we can get our hands on, and using every piece of information to our advantage, that people will start to take notice that something is wrong that needs to be fixed or we will all suffer.

Any thoughts?
So far, everything that I have read is either speaking to the sport or commercial sectors or to the Gov. None of the articles and letters actually speak to the general public at all, and if they do reach a level of understanding it is for certain that their mind is thinking something other than what you want. Everything said so far talks above them on a higher level. Very few will get the message of concern and urgency, other than to bark that 100,000 anglers want more fish to catch. The real opportunity for sport fisherman to speak to millions and millions of Canadians is being lost in the translations and explanations made by industry & sectoral minded people.

Ding Dong!

Please explain what you mean by "other than you want"?

Few ARE getting the message of concern and urgency and that is the just the start. It is ramping up big time.

The real opportunities are opening up everyday my friend. Why all the negativity?

I am not your controller or master or what ever the hell you said before in one of your purposely confusing posts. I am just asking a few simple questions that you don't have to answer if you feel uncomfortable doing so!
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Please explain what you mean by "other than you want"?

Few ARE getting the message of concern and urgency and that is the just the start. It is ramping up big time.

The real opportunities are opening up everyday my friend. Why all the negativity?

I am not your controller or master or what ever the hell you said before in one of your purposely confusing posts. I am just asking a few simple questions that you don't have to answer if you feel uncomfortable doing so!

Sculpin thank you for considering me your friend, and now that we have a more clearly defined relationship, I suppose that your replies will be a little more sugary from now on. Getting all personal prior to your announcement tonight truly was barely fair. I am glad that I didn't get all personal with you before tonight as that may have jeopardized the announcement of our newly formed friendship. Again, thank you so much for considering me your friend.

Fitting right into my comfort zone, I will reply by stating that I feel quite the opposite by your words! My message is meant to be delivered in a positive light. Constructive criticism is always a great way to look at and review the way things are currently being done. In many cases observations as such may in the end help to encourage development in areas that may have been overlooked or missed. For the most part sculpin, we as anglers, are fairly adept and knowledgeable with respect to the halibut issue, where the general population of Canada has no idea at all what any of this means, let alone the issue or conserns.

My observation and report that I printed above, was meant to be helpful. Hopefully some of these letters will write to the rest of the population and not exclude millions of other Canadians that have never in there lives been involved to the extent that 100,000 dedicated halibut sport fisherman have.

Ding Dong!