Call for help: Paul Watson , Michael Moore

quote:Originally posted by cohochinook

quote:Originally posted by phnapa

quote:Originally posted by cohochinook

The way I look at it is there is evidence that Fish Farms adversely impact Wild Salmon. Is this the only thing that impacts Wild Salmon negatively? NO! Should we be concerned about fish farms? YES! Is it going to help our Wild Salmon if we lobby our Federal Government to recognize the problem and not be promoting growth of the Fish Farming Industry? YES

This is one piece in the puzzle that we have some control over. Let's not forget all the other issues or concerns, but let's not sit back and say bring more Fish Farms to BC as the Federal Fisheries Minister and DFO want to do. You can see where their priorties lie. If you haven't seen this video clip yet you have to watch it:
I feel the only way to change the way the farm do their business is to be more proactive in offering a solution that will work for all concerned. As a group we need to do some fundraising, get some INDEPENDANT studies done , get results, and offer solutions which will allow wild stocks to improve, and the fishfarms to continue , without them being the only loosers in the deal. weather it be financial retribution to help them move to closed pens , higher tarrifs on inported product so they can maintain their profitability with fewer farms??? Im not sure , but telling them to stop wont do it.
They have invested billions of dollars in infrastructure, to do what they have been allowed to do, they will not just scarp it without a huge fight or compensation.

Put them on land out of the ocean. The Government could give them a 100 years lease on some land in a remote area for $1000/year. Move the pens into closed containers and you eliminate the sea lice issue. The fish farm industry can grow, you eliminate loss of Salmon through net pen breaks and seal attacks. The industry no longer has to spend huge $$ fighting with concerned citzens like us. They could even generate power from small stream to run the facility.
sounds reasonable enough
Unless all fish farms worldwide produce their fish onshore it won't happen here in BC. The costs are considerably higher to move onshore. Then they can't compete. They could however go for a purely organic product produced onshore...combined with an effective public marketing campaign educating people as to why they should be willing to pay more to save Bears & Whales from hunger. Save wildlife and eat healthier for you salmon....that might work and allow them to absorb the higher costs of being ashore.
quote:Originally posted by profisher

Unless all fish farms worldwide produce their fish onshore it won't happen here in BC. The costs are considerably higher to move onshore. Then they can't compete. They could however go for a purely organic product produced onshore...combined with an effective public marketing campaign educating people as to why they should be willing to pay more to save Bears & Whales from hunger. Save wildlife and eat healthier for you salmon....that might work and allow them to absorb the higher costs of being ashore.

Hey if we could get the US and Canada to ban or place restrictions on farmed salmon that is not on land or meets certain requirements we may be heading in the right direction. Not sure how NAFTA would impact this. I like the "Save wildlife and eat healthier for your salmon....that might work and allow them to absorb the higher costs of being ashore" angle.
Isa virus..........

The Cohen commission has proved that what we need is Paul Watson to do a few drive bys before all is lost. Our government is obviously not a democracy. Enough ^&*'n around.
"Half of the fish eaten globally is now farm-raised, but the surge in fish farming has put a significant strain on marine resources, a new international study has found. The study is co-authored by Tony Farrell, a professor of biology at UBC and research chair of sustainable aquaculture at the DFO- UBC Centre for Aquaculture and Environmental Research.

Fishmeal and fish oil, made from wild forage fish such as anchovies, have long fed farmed Atlantic salmon and other carnivorous fish. But consumer demand for long-chain omega-3 fatty acids has caused the aquaculture industry to balloon, squeezing the fish-food supply so far that alternatives must be relied upon to avoid a forage fish wipeout.

Farrell says that in order to be sustainable, farms should fix fish-feed diets to be 80 per cent alternative nutrients and 20 per cent fishmeal and fish oil. That way, the salmon still get the oils they need, but the forage fish supplies won't be depleted. "

This is a critcal issues for fish farms to solve! It doesn't matter if they are on land, or in the sea they need to find other sources of nutrients to feed the farmed fish and stop mining the sea of plankton, krill and bait fish or we could face a massive environmental disaster with the production of more fish farms!
Back to Watson, if he isn't out there doing what he does, who or what does anything about the situation/ situations? I think something has to be done to prevent or impede illegal whaling, illegal longlines, illegal fishing, etc. Governments dont seem to give a ****. Given, some of his methods/ ideas could use some polishing or re-thinking but unless you step up to the plate and do something how can you sit on your couch in your house and slam him when he's out there doing or at least trying to do something about it? IMO the planet is lucky someone has the balls to do what he and his crew does. I'll take the stupid **** happily if even a small amount of good comes out of it. Just my .02
... Given, some of his methods/ ideas could use some polishing or re-thinking...
IMO the planet is lucky someone has the balls to do what he and his crew does.
I'll take the stupid **** happily if even a small amount of good comes out of it. Just my .02

And your 2 cents isn't even worth that!
Paul is a Grandstanding, Egotistical, money-grubbing GOOF who is well known as an international criminal. I not only know him, I am extremely aware of his activities, the vast majority of which are abhorrent!

Be God Damn CAREFUL who you lie down with! This Idjut is NOT our Ally in any sense of the word!

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And your 2 cents isn't even worth that!
Paul is a Grandstanding, Egotistical, money-grubbing GOOF who is well known as an international criminal. I not only know him, I am extremely aware of his activities, the vast majority of which are abhorrent!

Be god Damn CAREFUL who you lie down with! This Idjut is NOT our Ally in any sense of the word!


Yes ...agreed with Nog!

He is an ecoterrorist (Paul Watson).....
And if you want to give your cause a bad name..........bring the guy on board!

Do your research before recommending him!!
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I agree with happy hooker at least he is trying. Maybe what he does is not safe but if it was not for him, most people would not know about the whale problems in the oceans. Its easy for people to call him an idiot and maybe he is but he has gotten people attention. Sometimes it takes an idiot to bring these things to the main stream. I guarantee that the people in north america know way more about the whales in the southern ocean than the declining salmon stocks in B.C.
"Half of the fish eaten globally is now farm-raised, but the surge in fish farming has put a significant strain on marine resources, a new international study has found. The study is co-authored by Tony Farrell, a professor of biology at UBC and research chair of sustainable aquaculture at the DFO- UBC Centre for Aquaculture and Environmental Research.

Fishmeal and fish oil, made from wild forage fish such as anchovies, have long fed farmed Atlantic salmon and other carnivorous fish. But consumer demand for long-chain omega-3 fatty acids has caused the aquaculture industry to balloon, squeezing the fish-food supply so far that alternatives must be relied upon to avoid a forage fish wipeout.

Farrell says that in order to be sustainable, farms should fix fish-feed diets to be 80 per cent alternative nutrients and 20 per cent fishmeal and fish oil. That way, the salmon still get the oils they need, but the forage fish supplies won't be depleted. "

This is a critcal issues for fish farms to solve! It doesn't matter if they are on land, or in the sea they need to find other sources of nutrients to feed the farmed fish and stop mining the sea of plankton, krill and bait fish or we could face a massive environmental disaster with the production of more fish farms!

This is my concern as well. It doesn't make sense for a sustainable marine environment to kill off the all the food source for the wild salmon and other species of fish..........oh wait a minute maybe that's what they want...........then they will switch to the alternative food source when the competition is wiped out.

I have said it a few times on various sites. This so called " world demand" for salmon is not to feed the hungry. It is so established folks that can afford it can buy this sh*t (farmed salmon) in their super markets. Well I say they can stuff it and go back to eating what ever they ate before or what ever is LOCALLY available to them. In the States they can eat their corn fed crap beef for all I care. It is all about the money and greed.

They (the corporations etc.) are squandering the last frontier of a natural global food source for when the **** really hit's the fan in the next 10 or 20 years as the population increases accordingly. We won't have mother natures back up plan then will we at the rate they are depleting the ocean for fish feed.

What really pisses me off is when we the sportsfisherman get sh*t thrown back at us saying it is our fault for feeding our families etc.! yet at the same time we are spending hundred's of millions towards the economy and not buying fish in the markets.

Sorry for the rant but I had to get that off my chest.

Paul Watson doesn't make me feel comfortable as a representative for the cause. His gig up here in Canada on the sealing grounds was totally out of money and attention grabbing without considering the seal population and the effects it has on that ecosystem etc.
This is my concern as well. It doesn't make sense for a sustainable marine environment to kill off the all the food source for the wild salmon and other species of fish..........oh wait a minute maybe that's what they want...........then they will switch to the alternative food source when the competition is wiped out.

I have said it a few times on various sites. This so called " world demand" for salmon is not to feed the hungry. It is so established folks that can afford it can buy this sh*t (farmed salmon) in their super markets. Well I say they can stuff it and go back to eating what ever they ate before or what ever is LOCALLY available to them. In the States they can eat their corn fed crap beef for all I care. It is all about the money and greed.

They (the corporations etc.) are squandering the last frontier of a natural global food source for when the **** really hit's the fan in the next 10 or 20 years as the population increases accordingly. We won't have mother natures back up plan then will we at the rate they are depleting the ocean for fish feed.

What really pisses me off is when we the sportsfisherman get sh*t thrown back at us saying it is our fault for feeding our families etc.! yet at the same time we are spending hundred's of millions towards the economy and not buying fish in the markets.

Sorry for the rant but I had to get that off my chest.

Paul Watson doesn't make me feel comfortable as a representative for the cause. His gig up here in Canada on the sealing grounds was totally out of money and attention grabbing without considering the seal population and the effects it has on that ecosystem etc.

Agree totally with what Sculpin and Whole-in-the Water are saying. Salmon feed lots are an environmentally dangerous and destructive conveyer belt for moving wild fish protein mostly from the Southern Oceans, and at great cost to the local ecology and economies down there, for "farms" to feed the rich North (mostly U.S.). (This is even true of closed containment).
On the other topic, it seems Paul Watson as a spokesperson/activist for salmon not to the taste of many on here. This leaves us with Alexandra Morton. She is trying to change things by rational debate and science and this might just work IF she has enough support from all of us. And if not her, then who? As others have said we can all sit at our keyboards and rant and rave and fume, but at the end of the day, we need to actually DO something. Any suggestions, other than Alex??
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No offence intended but they would be the last 2 idiots I would call to get involved

"Who would have ever thought it would be this much fun catching them one at a time"

With you all the way. I don't want these clowns involved in anything I associate myself with.
Nog I appreciate your opinion as we are all entitled but I've done some research and the alternative is as dismal!.

The nice political way of getting things done around here is a #$%^& shambles. Too many people sitting on their asses while a few thank @#$% are out there putting themselves on the line. The Coporate agenda will prevail if all we concentrate on are the niceties.
Without justice, vigilantism rears it's head wheather you or anyone else approves.
Interesting movie. Lots of food for thought. BC. History. Paul Watson. Oil sands. Etc. Etc.




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This movie advocates violent terrorism against infrastucture some of which belongs to all Canadians.

I find this repugnant and certainly not what a fishing forum is about. Take this anarchistic crap off of this forum.


Here is the link.. I will post a few highlights.. GreenPeace has been trying to distance themselves from Watson ..for a reason

"Paul Watson became active with Greenpeace in 1971 as a member of our second expedition against nuclear weapons testing in Amchitka, and went on to participate in actions against whaling and the killing of harp seals. He was an influential early member but not, as he sometimes claims, a founder.
He was expelled from the leadership of Greenpeace in 1977 by a vote of 11 to one (only Watson himself voted against it)."

"Paul Watson's and Sea Shepherd's actions have sometimes been wrongly attributed to Greenpeace, often in an attempt by others to damage Greenpeace's reputation for non-violence."

"Our committment to non-violence: why we don't cooperate
Paul Watson has made many public requests for Greenpeace to reveal the location of the whaling fleet or otherwise cooperate with Sea Shepherd in the Southern Ocean when the ships of both organisations have been there simultaneously.

We passionately want to stop whaling, and will do so peacefully. That's why we won't help Sea Shepherd. Greenpeace is committed to non-violence and we'll never, ever, change that, not for anything. If we helped Sea Shepherd to find the whaling fleet we'd be responsible for anything they did having got that information, and history shows that they've used violence in the past, in the most dangerous seas on Earth. For us, non-violence is a non-negotiable, precious principle. Greenpeace will continue to act to defend the whales, but will never attack or endanger the whalers."

Paul Watson..terrorist..or nut case decide.
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Greenpeace is now part of the and listen very carefully to what is being said......they sold to Greenpeace is a waste.....

Interesting movie. Lots of food for thought. BC. History. Paul Watson. Oil sands. Etc. Etc.


Just finished watching this, thanks MILLERTIME, worth thinking about, nothing wrong with that... we have to explore options if you ask me. Like I said in another thread it doesn't matter who you elect, I truly believe that. It IS true that the powerful will do anything to keep their power and wealth.

Peaceful marches did nothing to save this island.....I'm just saying........... and if you think Clayoquot is safe think again. Clayoquot Sound has the largest area of old growth forest and the only cluster of unlogged valleys remaining on Vancouver Island, it doesn't matter that it's the only place left. It's being logged as we speak, pristine valleys are next on the agenda as all the old growth in "developed areas" has been or will be logged. You know the logging companies have to maintain their provincially mandated level of cut right? What a joke. So what do we do? How do we solve these issues peacefully, so far that isn't working.....I don't know. I just know it has to stop. Maybe it doesn't have to stop, what's the point theres f.... all left to save anyway.

Interesting what the BC license plate says don't ya think. Come to the island, you won't believe that pile of **** for one second. Out of sight out of mind? Can we save the last of the old growth on the west coast of the island....I have no faith and that's a shame, it is truly magestic, nothing like the wasteland that is the east coast of the island.