Brown's Bay Chum Report

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Fished Deepwater Bay Sun. Quite A few boats out,A number of fish being caught most boats had fish, didn't hear of any limits.
We fished hard for 7:00 -2:00 hooked 5 boated 2, 14lb-16 lb. Tried a variety of gear. The pink squirts with 36-40" leaders did the trick.we tried the old favorites pink & purple short leaders 26-27",pink & black,purple & black short/ long, you name it. depth varied between 30'& 60'. Slow troll with short leaders usually works for me but they seemed to like it a bit faster with longer leaders.
The longer the leader, the faster you can go.
Easily limited today with eight and released the same.
Biggest was at 22.5 lbs.
They're finally here and they seem to be moving in fast.
What difference from last weeks showing.
Sounds awsome there blue save some for your derby dont take all the big ones!!!!!!

Good luck Wolf
Blue, That one should put you on top of the leader board, nice fish. Did you get up to Greensea? There was supposed to be a commercial opening, were they there?
Just north of Campbell River through Seymour Narrows on Vancouver Island.
A buddy and I went out on Monday, fished through the ebb with 17 other boats in "Plumper Bay?", right across from the marina and only seen one fish caught in the 5 hours. Do you guys (gals?) normally fish the quiet water or in the rip? Lots of fish showing in the bay and a few off the point but they weren't interested in anything I was throwing at 'em...and I threw everything in the box...every color squirt and Michael bait I had with every combo of flasher I have. I found a little feller on my purple haze squirt when I pulled in the last time[:0]...didn't drown him though. I even tried spoons and hootchies thinking they might be chinook. Ahh, if it was easy anybody could do 'er, eh?

VictoriaBoater...Brown's Bay is 12 kms north of Campbell River, just north of narrows.

Yes indeed, the commercial trolling fleet is in.
Counted twenty three from what I could see in amongst about the same sport boats.
Just a word though, please steer clear of the commercials if you can.
They will appreciate it and remember the number one rule of boating.
"Always yield to tonnage"
They can't slow down, they can't go closer to shore and they are trying to make a living out there.
Stay in behind them because if you're running the gear you should be, they're running at 2.5 MPH versus your dead slow or back-trolling methods.
OR you can play smart and find your own school by yourself.
Victoriaboater: have confidence in what works and let it sit there.
They bite when they bite. And when they do, you'll be less likely to have something that doesn't work at the time.

Thanks for the'd think I'd have more patients since I've never used any of it;). I'll stick to what the pros have suggested and keep working it.

Got to respect those commercial guys.About 4yrs ago at Greensea in later Oct we cruised through fog to find a fleet for commercial boats tacking along the beach and circleing out in about a quarter mile to half mile oval. So we politely joined in the pattern. It didn't take long to see that they were just filling their boats.We fished for about an hour and had 2 fish. We ran purple and blue squirts larger blue hooks tweecked a bit,with a 36' leader.We were fishing near a well kept small woooden boat.The skipper was tending his gurgies pulling in fish after fish. He spoke out to us, asked what depth we were at, we said 60'. He invited us to come in tighter to his gear. We pulled in, after only a few min.Wam a double header.We stayed in tight to his gear hook up after hook up, limited in no time.I'm not saying that we should as sporties should do that, wouldn't think of it uninvited. With all that gear in the water, there has to be 90 or so flashers working for that boat. They can
" carry" a lot of fish with them.The skipper of the boat was by himself,and working at a pace that was an art. I never got a chance to thank him. but he was a real gentleman.
Here's the Derby winner folks
Did the same thing last year and landed Walter two days before the Derby.
Come Derby time I'm lucky to break 15 pounds.
As for coming in behind the trollers, getting invited is certainly the polite way to go, but from their point of view, they would rather you be behind them rather than running over you.
I've run right in between the pig lines in the past but that's just too fast for the gear I'm running now.
I know lots of guys who run leaders up to 42" but for my boat with my gear, it's 27" only.
Like any species you're targeting, presentation is everything.
Running longer leaders with 30 pound test at a faster pace presents the hootchie the same as 27" with 40 pound leader at a slower speed.
Right now I'm experimenting with running dodgers instead of flashers at even slower speeds, but haven't got the leader length quite down yet to out perform what I'm used to using.
I've also discovered that after all these years when I was getting only a couple quick hits and then nothing,(I was assuming that the Chum were just gumming the backs of the hooks) they are actually bitting the green flashers that I use.
This year I now see actual slash marks from them grabbing the ends of the flasher.
They don't seem to hit the other flashers, just the green plaids.
Go figure.
God I love fishing!
quote:Originally posted by blueorca
I've also discovered that after all these years when I was getting only a couple quick hits and then nothing,(I was assuming that the Chum were just gumming the backs of the hooks) they are actually bitting the green flashers that I use.
This year I now see actual slash marks from them grabbing the ends of the flasher.
They don't seem to hit the other flashers, just the green plaids.
Go figure.

Hmmmmmmmmm..... [}:)]
From my experience out of Browns Bay, these migrating fish will hug the beach on an ebb, thats why the ebb at various bays or heads can create an eddy that the fish like. The rips and eddies are the lesser of several evils as far as currents go. Whats the consensus on the morning flood and the mild ebb that face us on the the Derby weekend? Blueorca?, CS?,Ironnog? Or will it matter?
From my experience out of Browns Bay, these migrating fish will hug the beach on an ebb, thats why the ebb at various bays or heads can create an eddy that the fish like. The rips and eddies are the lesser of several evils as far as currents go. Whats the consensus on the morning flood and the mild ebb that face us on the the Derby weekend? Blueorca?, CS?,Ironnog? Or will it matter?
Come Derby day most boats will be at Plumper in the morning and will break to Deepwater as the tide ebbs.
Come Derby day most boats will be at Plumper in the morning and will break to Deepwater as the tide ebbs.
Last post I would think before the Derby this weekend.
Looks like it's setting up to be quite a weekend. Calling for some wet stuff on both days and cooler weather than what we've been having of late.
Fishing is awesome and will only get better as the month progresses.
Very much looking forward to getting two top guides on my boat with Wolf and Alexis (18 year pro with Painters Lodge).
Both Alexis and I have been steady at it the last three weeks targeting the incoming Chum, so this is finally going to be a trip to sit back and enjoy some fishing without clients.
Lots of pictures of the festivities will be posted later, but thanks to My Escape, we shouldn't have a shortage of subjects to choose from.
This and the other forum have just over 70 members showing up which is about one third of the total derby,
Stay tuned for the aftermath.