Browns Bay Chum Derby

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Browns Bay 3rd annual Charity Chum Derby
Sat. Oct 16 and Sun Oct 17
Registration fee of $10.00 benefits Greenway Land Trust, a registered charity whose stated mission is to enhance the community through the creation of greenway networks, based on the principles of land and stream management, within public and private partnerships.
Prizes awarded for Largest Chum
2nd Largest Chum
3rd Largest Chum
Largest aggregate Chum weight
Hidden Weights
For additional info.,registration and rules call 1-250-286-3135

I'm posting this as it's got to be the most fun on the water that you'll ever have...great place to fish and a great marina that hosts the derby and all the money raised goes to benifit fish habitat.
The Chum are in right now but will be peaking in mid October
I pulled in 5 today with the biggest at 14 lbs. The big boys are just about here..

Hi blue - was wondering about trying the chum fishery this year - how safe would you call it to run out of Browns Bay with a 12 foot aluminum up to Separation or wherever they are congregating??? I bombed through there in a water taxi but I can't recall if the narrows is really a concern up as far as Browns Bay.

Put it this way - if I'm comfortable taking my boat to Cape Mudge, would I feel the same out there (without venturing through the narrows)?

hey that derby sounds like a blast. one big question, how do u nail those chums in the salt??? I gave er a try last year and had no luck atall while people all around were catching on the same type of gear(sockeye). i was wondering if maybe longer leaders would be in order. anyway any tips are appreciated. thanx.
C.S. Swag ie: rods/reels tackle etc no cash prizes

DeeWar22..If the wind is at a minimum, no problem at won't even have to go out very far when they are running (Deepwater Bay across the chanel or even right beside the marina and up the wall)

E.E. Try a MB185 hootchie on 24 inch with either a purple hase or purple and black flasher..dead slow troll
the mb185 is dark pink with a black stripe and usually if you strip off half the tassles, it works better...60 to 90 feet.
Another important point is to run ghost flashers below and stack your gear up higher and just behind..just like sockeye fishing

Forgot to mention that Browns Bay Marina is located 15 minutes north of Campbell River..just north of the Seymore Narrows...
Very well known to the locals but gets little exposure in other parts of the country.....Oh and they have the only safe ramp to launch and haul out at low tide from Comox to Sayward...
If you require moorage, call the number posted as they are filling quickly and also have a RV park as well.

thanx for the tips blue, wondering if some of this gear might work for chums-
black purple apex
purple haze or jellyfish hootchy
black/orange or black/pink coyotie spoons
pink blue sockeye squirt(mb 182 i believe)
your thoughts?
Try em all except not too sure about the last one unless its dark/dark blue.
I'm experimenting with a new lure this week..will let you know

Yes blue its a dark pink, with a navy ish blue back. really was a killer for socks at alberni. next to the trusty haloween coyotie that was the #2 slayer. the other one i was thinking was the same type of hootchie but its a faded/clear light pink and blue. havent had as much luck on that one tho.
Will be booking the time off tommorow sound like a blast! What are the prizes and about how many peoplle registered last year? They may be dogs but they love to fight and taste great smoked.

Cheers M.E.

Edited by - MyEscape on 09/20/2004 22:03:04
ME....Swag like rods/reels...gear and fishing related ???
I think close to 300 people last year on sunday and 180 on the saturday because of high wind.

Oh I can hardly wait - this is one fine fishery, pound for pound big Chums are some of the best fighting fish you will find!

Sharp hooks and full traps!
I have also heard that alot of people use a single large black siwash instead of the 2 smaller gammy's like normal in their squirts when chum fishing. does anyone know if this makes a difference? and one guy i know told me to put a blue spin n glo in front of my hootchy. anyone heard of that?
ME ...yes....Now do you want me to show you how to start you engine?
Just have all to get out there and fish!

Sorry .wrong nom-de-plume last one was directed at EE not ME......silly me..... not ME...

just like to be prepared this time, because I only tried the chums once before(late october last year) and that trip is best summed up as a disaster. not getting a hit, a lot of frustration, and brutal weeather(like typhoon). however i believe a good trip or 2 with erase all those memories. looking forward to sucess with chums this year.
so we're thinking of taking a recon trip up to browns bay for chummies tomorrow. anyone have a report for the last couple days?
It is just north of Campbell River on the north side of seymour narrows - as mentioned, really the best launch for smaller boats wanting north of the narrows.

As to reports, guy in the office yesterday said there appeared to be a lull in the action with a good wave of chum having come through the week before. Think its expected to really roll in a week or two.
Today's update.....They're in...largest today was a 18.5 lb and smallest was 9 lbs...10 in the boat by 1:00 and lost seven on the initial hook-ups...Last weeks lull was due (I believe) to a seiner (The VanIsle) clearing out everything from Green Sea to Deep Water Bay in one day...took almost 5 days to recover...two double headers today...great commercial opening is due for the 6th I believe....
Until then, make the most of it..
