Best Sockeye Tip U can give

and I find that if I troll through a school and don't get any hits i'll make a turn back...and very often hook up on the turn...very often. Reason is they will start to follow and need something to trigger a bite. that could be speed or change in direction. also, sometimes rip off every second strand on the hoochie. other days, not. like the guys say, if you are graphing schools and not getting bites you have to start changing things around.
I put in many yrs as a commie troller and hated sockeye fever , but the $$$$ was just too good. would much rather fish springs.
on Sox,s we would fish 35 green hotspots per line , X,s 6....thats allot of bling....
24-26in leaders. # 4 hook ....and sharp!!!
do what u gotta do to get the bite happening then when it does , dont change a thing.... dont alter course even 5 degrees or change speed... will kill the bite.
also we would never start to pull until the gear loads up . the flasher shimmering and the struggle seemed to get the frenzy happening.
if the fish is not strong enough to pop the clip , leave it a bit as the next one above or below will go off soon enough.
if using hootchie with swivel already in it , then clip the sides a bit with small scisors to loosen the hook so the hook swings freely.
Well with many of the great tips we hot from many we went out and got our limits of Sockeye. Seemed lucky but too easy even. Yes I know it's not always be like this, but they must be there in huge numbers.

My big tip to every one ....... Don't fuss with the net to much, just haul them in the boat with the leader, we use at least 40 lb. to make it follow the flasher so lifting the Sockeye seemed no issue.

Best of fishing to all.

Holding It