Barkley Sound Small Springs

The bigger size of the Fraser fish the last month has been due to the fact the Vedder has doubled its hatchery production for the Harrison white springs. These aren't upper Fraser stock or even the Thompson 4-1s that are 20+lbs. Thank your increased hatchery production for the quality of this years fishery.

Another note probably 40% of the fish i have seen in the last two weeks on the Vedder have been reds. Unfortunetly they are still of the Fall Harrison stock and are becoming more common each year.

Too bad they don't stock our hatcheries with the Thompson 4-1s instead of the gross fall whites.
We like the fall whites on the west side of the island. 🤤
The bigger size of the Fraser fish the last month has been due to the fact the Vedder has doubled its hatchery production for the Harrison white springs. These aren't upper Fraser stock or even the Thompson 4-1s that are 20+lbs. Thank your increased hatchery production for the quality of this years fishery.

Another note probably 40% of the fish i have seen in the last two weeks on the Vedder have been reds. Unfortunetly they are still of the Fall Harrison stock and are becoming more common each year.

Too bad they don't stock our hatcheries with the Thompson 4-1s instead of the gross fall whites.
Personal preference - some of us will trade a Chilliwack white for any red any day...they are yummie.
I spent the month of August in Bamfield. Our first two springs were 25 and 22, and I thought this was going to be the best year ever. We caught close to another 50 to 60 after that, and never broke 20 again. However, we did lose some nice fish. I have been fishing the sound for 27 years, and never seen so many small fish as I did this year. It was also a bit tougher fishing than normal for August, but we did very well. I have no opinion on to why the fish seemed smaller than normal.
Saw a LOT of the same this year.
Mostly sharks from what I could determine.
Also caught more of them badistids than usual...

I did see more of what appear to be shark bites (notable is the example photo i attached earlier), but also some large tooth gash wounds indicative of sea lion predation. What worries me with pinnipeds is the sheer number of mortalities, particularly out-migrant smolts and early ocean entry year one fish. Really noticed a sharp increase in the number of pinnipeds we are seeing in rivers and estuaries clearly targeting smolts. Most of the research I have read reports predation mortalities in tonnes as opposed to numbers of individual chinook consumed by these predators. Seems to me that all the DFO focus has been on trying to manage the shiny pennies (Commercial and Recreational fisheries), as opposed to being led by objective science which has clearly identified a significant source of overall Chinook mortality. If we instead inserted Recreational fishery into the numbers of Pinniped mortalities, DFO would light their hair on fire and fall over themselves to manage the problem. Because it is pinnipeds they are doing their best to ignore the problem until its too late. My 2.5 cents anyways.
Because it is pinnipeds they are doing their best to ignore the problem until its too late. My 2.5 cents anyways.

Four & 1/2 years they have been sitting on our IFMP. Rebecca Reid and Niel Davis are by far the greatest single weapon working against salmon existance. Wish like thell they could be brought to task!!

Had a meeting scheduled with the current Minister. Until she announced her upcoming departure that is.

Frustrated beyond belief!
I'm curious if the Tuna pelagic biomass competes with the Chinook for food in the open ocean. Considering what a great year it is for the tuna fishery is that conceivable?
I'm curious if the Tuna pelagic biomass competes with the Chinook for food in the open ocean. Considering what a great year it is for the tuna fishery is that conceivable?
I was thinking the same thing. Record numbers of more tropical species showing up in our waters has to have some effect.
Claiming "health reasons". I am getting a different story though...
Leaving to many opportunities open and nor getting enough people off the water for her puppet master.

Oh well by the looks of it their rain is going to be over soon.
Turns out to be invalid information:

Canada's Trudeau to make minor cabinet reshuffle on Wednesday -source​

Update: Minister Murray NOT Stepping Down​

Declining Chinook size at age is a well documented observation across the Pacific. NOAA conducted some interesting research and concluded that the most probable reason was Chinook are adapting to marine mammal predation.

I guide over 100 days in Barkley east year and have observed this same trend. Also interesting this summer was many mature females with fully developed eggs that were under 77cm length. Previously DFO scientists observed that the majority of returning adult females in Barkley were above 77 cm.

My theory is based on personal observations and also those I have heard from commercial fishers and First Nations fishers who advise that pinniped predators selectively depredate large female chinook leaving the males in their nets.

Data on run composition at Robertson this summer also indicated very strong numbers of 3 year old males and fewer larger females. It appears to me that these are indications that chinook are adapting their survival strategy to favour returning younger, smaller as a mechanism to avoid predators.