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I was planning to go to Bamfield for 4 days in a couple of weeks. every one I talk to say to run down the inlet as apposed to the drive really that bad? is the weather consistently calm, would hate to have to run 30 kn back in 3 foot chop. I usually go to Ucluelet but never been to Bamfield, hear allot of good thing so figured I'd check it out.
would like to get into Hali but more interested in playing springs.for the last week of June...out of the two where would you go?
The inlet should be fine until about 11-12 then the thermal winds pick up and as does the chop 2-3 foot. Lots of boat traffic and dead heads to always watch out for. Havent trailered a boat to bamfield but i have driven it lots and it is very bumpy.
I had experience of travelling in a boat from Bamfield to Port Alberni in the late summer afternoon. choppy waves all the way up to the town especially huge waves in Nahmint Bay. Very long bumpy ride and wet. Morning boat rides to Bamfield are good as the water is calm most of times.
I've done that run at all times of the day. As already reported, it can be quite bumpy in the afternoon, but not always and not all the way in. Nahmint Bay is a crap shoot, I've gone through in the afternoon through 5 foot waves (no joke) but also have run all the way in in flat calm water. Either way, for me, it is the only way to go. I will never ever trailer a boat up to Bamfield, I've done it once, and that was once too often for me.

Is the road THAT Bad? Yes it is.
I destroyed two trailers under the 16' Whaler on that drive. One, the carraige let go, and dropped the boat onto the frame - made for a damn slow (5 mph) crawl to the welding shop in Bamfield. The next broke right through at the yoke (where the tongue Y's to the frame) causing the trailer to become a rather effective plow. That occasion, we had to dump the boat in the ditch, toss the trailer into the back of the truck (no small feat in itself!), run it to the same welding shop, and borrow a trailer to fetch the boat. Thankfully it was still there, and thankfully it hadn't been stripped. Oh, BTW, the fella that runs the welding shop KNOWS he's the only game in town, and charges accordingly (I thought he had to be using solid gold welding rods!!)

I will NEVER drag another trailer down that poor excuse for a road! Hard on the trailer, hard on the boat (There IS a reason for the fibreglass repair sign just before you get back to twon) and damn hard on the nerves!! If you MUST drag yours in that road, a couple pieces of advice: Go SLOW!! Expect the run to take a LOT longer than the mileage would suggest! And completely seal off your engine. The road, dispite occasional treatment with calcium chloride, is so dusty it looks like a huge smoke trail from the Inlet. Fine dust particles getting into your engine, intake etc, is a recipe for a severely shortened lifespan!

Yes, the Inlet can be bouncy to run down, not always. Yes, the run is nearly 30 miles. Yes, that eats a fair amount of fuel. But in my mind, running your rig is the MUCH Lesser of the two evils. At least your trailer will in good shape and waiting to receive your boat at the end of your Fun, and your boat won't be needing a visit to the fibreglass doctor (unless you find a deadhead or similiar).

Just this man's experience...

Very much appreciate you input gentlemen. not sure if I will do the run this trip, only have 3 days of fishing 4th day is to get home, probably go to Ucluelet. I have 12 day's the end of July might give it a go then. again thanks.
Plan on running close to the lea shore to get out of the chop. Can really help even if the wind is running straight down the middle

Once you clear the bay plus 3-5 miles it lays down pretty nicely most days. Run 0500-0800 and you'll likely avoid all chop but for little bit in the big bay.
I have punched my way from Port to Bamfield in the late afternoon (after work dash on Friday night) yes it is a little unpredictable but is the lesser of two evils (the road being the other) I am heading up to do it again on the July 1 weekend. I’ll keep a look out for you [^]
I leave my trailer at cluetesi overnight the odd time.Have you heard of problems there? It's been on my mind as well. Not much else for options.
Your trailer should be just fine at Clutesie. Haven't heard of any problems from there, and there is always a fair number left there for days, sometimes a week or more.

CA, if you're really concerned about it, drop me a line. Likely find a driveway you can put it in...

Thanks Nog.I did not think there would be a problem. Having your trailer stolen or parts removed sucks.I had a winch and some rollers taken off mine at Cowichan bay a couple of years back.It put me in a pickle for most of that afternoon.Im thinking about coming out on monday for socks.Anything showing.
Reports are still grim on the sox. Heard of one landed down at 10 Mile yesterday, that's it. Expect to hear a few more reportsd this eve from the Ladz who are out looking. Letcha know...

It's right looking like they're following last year's pattern again this year. If so, likely won't get very good until the tail end of the month.

On the other hand, there's loads of hali's out on the Banks just now...

I have left my trailer at Cluetsi a couple of time without incident.

I leave mine lock to truck and my spare is locked as well.
I'm running my boat down the inlet next weekend so it will be out there for the July long weekend. Never experienced trailer damage, but vehicle damage is common enough!

Anyone been fishing the sound at all???

And the trailer... nervous...

It will be there for about 2 weeks which is plenty of time for miscreants to get up to no good.
We will be there this saturday thru next saturday. leaving the trailer in port al. living on the boat for a week. I hope to get kings and haili's. Will be anchored up in the islands thru out the week. if you see a boat that has "Susan E "on the sides ,stop and say hi.
The Bamfield road is terrible. My buddy destroyed his camper on it.

Its a pretty easy run from Ucluelet to Bamfield. Why not just drop the boat in Ucluelet and run down to Bamfield? It's maybe 20 miles?