i dont know anyone that catches enuff to sell , so cant comment on that..
other than a few weeks before the Commercial opening ,
there is almost no one on the water in Barkley Sound , ghost town , its nasty out here ...
when the majority of tourists ( Sporty"s) come in April May ,,, there is barely anything left ta catch , Commercial opens first week May ....
mid May n June are dead for us , then slowly gets slightly more productive , maybe enuff to put on the dinner table while on vacation , i personally dont prawn from may till october ,as most of us regulars from the nook
the boats that get the bulk of them have hundreds of traps on there back decks ,
and that includes the winter , i was force ta tow one of the jackasses in once as a few of you here seen ,
they had hundeds of traps soakin !! thats the real fricken problem here on the west
maybe you guys are referring to different areas obviously ,
sure hope thats not the case , in any areas
my traps are all gone for the summer...
its Halibut Season

cant wait