Bait herring

  • Thread starter Thread starter gregsalmon
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I am trying to order about 20 cases of tray pack bait herring, anybody got any recomendations?
Get a hold of Paul at trotac he can hook you up for your needs either through bluewater bait or rhys davis bait, both are excellent products.

quote:Originally posted by wolf

Get a hold of Paul at trotac he can hook you up for your needs either through bluewater bait or rhys davis bait, both are excellent products.


paul can hook you up. 1-250-386-2341
Just make sure every pack has clear eye and minimal missing scales

Cloudy eyes indicate old bait and missing scales mean they were not starved before processing so they will be soft and require brining.
All bait now needs to be brined as it is always soft.
As for herring I have been using that new BLUEWATER BAIT it is got something in it for a preservative and is vacuum packed and I do like it a lot.

Trotac can get that as well And I know alot of the lodges now are using it.

Good luck Wolf
we are new to the market and have large quantities of vacuum-packed bait herring ..see our web site's work in progress but the info you need is there ..

quote:Originally posted by gregsalmon

I am trying to order about 20 cases of tray pack bait herring, anybody got any recomendations?
Flane, How are these shipped to the consumer?
And where are you located?
And how come there is no price break when you order a 32 tray box?
So many questions.....
quote:Originally posted by blueorca

Flane, How are these shipped to the consumer?
And where are you located?
And how come there is no price break when you order a 32 tray box?
So many questions.....

judging by the 250 area code hes some where here. i think you would get a price break when you buy more then one box.
Thats a great price too .would be willing to try them probally a case if I could get it as from what I heard BLUEWATER isnt going to have herring this year.

I use a lot of herring for halibut!!!!!

quote:Originally posted by blueorca

Flane, How are these shipped to the consumer?
And where are you located?
And how come there is no price break when you order a 32 tray box?
So many questions.....
DominionFish is located in Victoria,BC. ..since this is our first season, we are developing our distribution methods and markets this spring ..our affiliates are busy vacuum-packaging 70 tonnes of product .. our Operations Manager arrived today with our first truckload .. he is meeting with UPS tomorrow so that may be an option would help us if we knew how much product you want and where/how you may like to receive it ... you are right about the price break, we'll work on that concept ..

quote:Originally posted by flane

quote:Originally posted by blueorca

Flane, How are these shipped to the consumer?
And where are you located?
And how come there is no price break when you order a 32 tray box?
So many questions.....
Careful with Blue Water, only a rumor, but word has it they are about to sucumb to the never ending growing market.. Anyone have any insight on bait allotments for the distributors??? As mentioned, be aware of quality, scale loss being the key.-dirty