I’m in the crowd that thinks chasing arches is over blown and oversold.
Meanwhile, if you really want to see what the bait is that you’re seeing on your fish finder, put a Sabiki jig on and put all doubt to rest
I once saw the mother of all bait balls——herring, it’s gotta be herring I remember thinking. I tacked my gear back and forth through the billows of bait….nada. I finally put a Sabiki jig on and lo and behold….they were juvenile rockfish—-a squadrillion of them.
I was an early adopter of CHIRP and DFF 3D. But day in and day out, my favorite transducer is an old-school P-66 50/200 KHZ 600 W skimmer that I bought on eBay for $ 50
This morning I saw a bait ball. Zero arches, no suspicious “blobs” that everyone raves about seeing that they know are predators. I dropped my gear down on top of it—-instant take down ….thanks Mr. P-66
So, after I got that fish I decided to take some screen shot comparisons
First picture is a TM165HW Chirp (on the left) and the DFF3-D triple beam on the right
The gain setting were reasonably similar but one transducer is on the starboard transom and the other is on the port—-different placement, different target returns
Here’s the same (exact same) bait ball as seen by the P-66 CW transducer (Continuous wave = non CHIRP) hooked up to a Furuno FCV 588 with Rez Boost (which is also known as poor-man’s CHIRP)
What is that suspicious arch we see in all three screen shots? I once asked a Furuno technician who had agreed to come out with me on my boat and show me his bag of tricks that same question—-what’s that arch I asked.
Oh, we call those targets was his response.
Moral of the story…..don’t over-think sonar technology. Find the bait and sooner or later, you’ll find what’s eating it
I was once fishing Big Bank (La Perouse) This was back in the days when there were masses of sardines out there
One morning I was out there in mid July. The fishing was absolutely ridiculous —- double header after double header, non-stop. Everyone around me was also getting what I was getting. I had a CHIRP B175HW and also an M260 (1 Kw in-hull transducer ) With all that fire power I was floored that all I could see were sardines. No arches, no blobs, and it was literally chinook city beneath my boat. Yes, I tweaked the settings
So I took that day as a teachable moment on how to approach sonar technology