Or when it is used against sport fishing?
Its already a major concern that the government will engage in nation to nation negotiations and the out come with be similar to fish farms that got removed.
3. Reconciliation
i) We support multi-sectoral collaborative consultation processes, not only to respect the Constitutional and Treaty obligations to provide priority access for First Nations Food, Social and Ceremonial (FSC) harvest opportunities, but also to develop Public Fishery plans in full transparency so that all parties can understand the science and contribute to the planning of socially and economically important Public Fisheries. We are however very concerned about the complexity of the multiple processes and how they will integrate with each other to achieve IFMP timeline objectives.
ii) The SFAB remains concerned that the Canadian Government at a broader level is using reallocation of Pacific Fishery resources as part of the reconciliation agenda with the cost being borne by non-indigenous Canadians residing in coastal and river-side communities who are dependent upon fishery resources for both livelihoods and food.
iii) Given there is a separate Salmon Allocation Policy review process underway, the SFAB urges DFO to utilize that process as intended with regards to changes to allocation. This would be the forum where broader issues of national responsibility, possible compensation, allocation transfers and other related priorities including those of the Public Fishery would be undertaken guided by a Terms of Reference with all affected parties at the table.
iv) The DFO letter says that DFO will consult with FN on fishing plans for FSC and that there is now a “mandated body”, the Fraser Salmon Management Council, that “will support engagement, decision making and recommendations relating to management of Fraser salmon.” It then adds that DFO “is working with the Fraser Salmon Management Board (FSMB) to develop a work plan and it is anticipated this process will support planning for the 2021 season.” Are the “Council” and the “Board” different entities and when will the SFAB be invited to participate in this process or processes? The SFAB seeks clarity from DFO as to how this process will integrate with existing multisectoral processes in an inclusive, transparent and collaborative manner.
v) Since DFO officials have an unavoidable conflict of interests in attempting to both honor the Crown’s obligations to indigenous people and represent the interests of all Canadians, the courts have made clear that Canadian stakeholders have a right to be present when government is discussing or negotiating their interests. The SFAB seeks clarity as to how this conflict will be resolved with regards to Tier 2 G2G discussions regarding harvest planning and allocation.
vi) The SFAB notes the small size of the First Nations FSC harvest of chinook in the marine waters between Vancouver Island and the mainland and believes this fishery on a mixed-stock abundance should be allowed to continue on a year-round basis. vii) While the SFAB has not traditionally provided advice on “how” other sectors fish to achieve their fishing goals, we do believe that important FSC opportunities, particularly important ceremonial opportunities on the Fraser River, should be able to happen as requested by First Nations, possibly by exploring new and alternative selective fishing methods. We support efforts to research these tools to provide more access for FN FSC in river fisheries.