Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Yet another nail in the coffin of net pen salmon farms. Now that Harper is no longer around to muzzle DFO scientists they are able to speak out on the facts of this harmful industry. How people can still justify their existence in the water is beyond logic and common sense!

Time to demand that they be moved onto land to better manage their negative environmental impact. Gott keep the pressure on to bring about this change and fast!
Here is a link some will find informative, some will call fake news ..
Whether fake news or not, it is obviously biased towards an industry fighting to justify itself in the public eye amidst numerous, ongoing and serious charges and studies on its negative impact on the marine environment. This industry resources would be better spent towards moving more quickly to the transition to land based farms where its negative environmental impacts can be better managed. Time to stop re-arranging the deck chairs to seem more attractive to folks - this ship as it is - is sinking!
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I think the latest focus on the conversation around DFOs mismanagement of the industry and lack of scientific vigour and collusion with the industry on the past few pages (Salmon Farms and Science-based Decision-making, Kristi Miller-Saunders "beholden" admissions, and the ASF and PSF news releases, etc.) really brings home how compromised DFO is in the dual role of both promoter and regulator of this industry. How untrustworthy and unreliable DFO is when defending this industry. DFO is highly compromised where industry spokespersons are rewarded and promoted within DFO and you put your career on the line dissenting. We need to re-institute the Fisheries Research Board of Canada (see attached pdf).


really brings home how compromised DFO is in the dual role of both promoter and regulator of this industry. How untrustworthy and unreliable DFO is when defending this industry. DFO is highly compromised where industry spokespersons are rewarded and promoted within DFO and you put your career on the line dissenting. We need to re-institute the Fisheries Research Board of Canada (see attached pdf).

Its honestly no different then any Crown agency that is ultimatly puppeted by the PMO's office and privet industry money. The Liberal Government threatened to bring down the government when the opposition wanted to create a committee to look into corruption.
Ya that's right, WMY. All government needs accountability thru checks & balances. In this case - DFO's collusion & corruption has extended through many governments and many PMs and is maintained thru a combination of upper-level bureaucrats that are not elected, industry lobbyists, and lawyers in the DoJ and industry working together to avoid a class-action suit (IMHO)...
Ya that's right, WMY. All government needs accountability thru checks & balances. In this case - DFO's collusion & corruption has extended through many governments and many PMs and is maintained thru a combination of upper-level bureaucrats that are not elected, industry lobbyists, and lawyers in the DoJ and industry working together to avoid a class-action suit (IMHO)...

I think your going far to tin hat on this when the simple answer is it's probably bad politics to remove them. Which generally means there is a large portion of the population that is in support.
I think your going far to tin hat on this when the simple answer is it's probably bad politics to remove them. Which generally means there is a large portion of the population that is in support.

I believe you nailed it, but I do enjoy the agent's conspiracy theories, lol!
Maybe reserve your comments on tin hats until you read some ATIPS, WMY. And nobody "elects" the upper-level bureaucrats and they stay purposely out of the news. They let the front end staff deal w inquiries with the carefully-approved responses.
Maybe reserve your comments on tin hats until you read some ATIPS, WMY. And nobody "elects" the upper-level bureaucrats and they stay purposely out of the news. They let the front end staff deal w inquiries with the carefully-approved responses.

Im aware how Ottawa operates but they typically do so in a manner that pleases their political masters or they make decisions that they perceive their political masters want. The upper management is far more ENGO driven than its ever been to past thanks to gerald butts and the turd. If Fish farms were a major Federal concern across country they would be gone. It is also within the provincial government's power to also say byby, arguable something that should be fairly easy for our new elected NDP but as seen with the debate with AM in it, calling for more regulation is far more popular of a decision then the fast and expediend removal that AM was calling for.

You seem to want to place the blame on DFO and not talk about the current Federal Liberal Paryts roll why is that? If change is to be driving the incumbent political party will be the ones that have to do it.

Or are you asking DFO science to say that removing fish farms are the silver bullet in wild salmon recovery to attempt to force the political hand?
Fish farms always have been a major concern on both East and West Coasts - but the West Coast the issue is more polarized since there's ~1000 times more wild salmon left that people depend upon verses the East Coast where wild Atlantic salmon are in the tank. Most of the non-coastal country only sees farmed fish in their supermarket and lack the personal experience w FFs. They comprise the majority of the votership/electorship - you are right. Good points on how the upper government works. DFO is still compromised no matter which way it is spun - as are the upper level bureaucrats.
DFO is still compromised no matter which way it is spun

of course if they were not compromised and instead acting as public servants and not political pawns we would be fishing for hatchery marked chinook and not have brod closures in the spring and summer.
I’m confident we’re way ahead of them As far as SRKW go. Heck we have sanctuaries that even the whales don’t go into. Until they also ban traffic and fishing Just in case a whale shows up, we will hang onto the lead!
I believe you nailed it, but I do enjoy the agent's conspiracy theories, lol!

Perhaps the biggest conspiracy out there in regards to net pen fish farms is the minority and biased viewpoint that continues to reject and ignore the growing body of data and research that indicates that net pen fish farms have a negative environmental impact of the marine environment!
There hasn't been any estimate of historic Chinook numbers that I am aware of - or can find. Having said that - in other parts of the province - the Skeena in particular - it was found that the river’s 13 major wild sockeye salmon populations plummeting by 56% to 99% over the period from 1913 to 2014, largely because of overfishing:

I often repeat here the skeena system has no salmon farms on migration routs and the returns are the ***** but over on the Fraser its all about salmon farms...interesting how some on this forum can flex the rules/narrative so much to suit their opinions.

In summary I see that on the skeena, salmon declines are from historical overfishing but on the fraser its salmon farms. hm?