Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Ever since the current Liberal Federal govt. made a hard commitment to force open pen Atlantic salmon fish farms out of our west coast waters by 2025

We will have to wait and see if this shows up in the mandate letter but there are some hints in the media are that it may not.

While Jordan has yet to receive her official mandate letter, she said sustainability will one of her top areas of focus.

“You have to have a sustainable fishery in order to continue to have the industry,” she said,

“Without making sure that we look after the ocean we wouldn't have a fishery. Conservation will always be a priority because we want to make sure that we don't run into issues down the road where we have a collapse of a species like we did with the cod fishery 26 years ago.”

Other key priority areas Jordan expects to see in her mandate letter include the creation of Canada’s first aquaculture act, one of the Liberals’ election platform promises, as well as a continued focus on Marine Protected Areas and the government’s promise to protect 25 per cent of Canada’s ocean by 2025.
Thanks WMY! Great resources you found - thanks for sharing. here's one you haven't yet recommended

The collapse of iconic, keystone populations of sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) salmon in the Northeast Pacific is of great concern. It is thought that infectious disease may contribute to declines, but little is known about viruses endemic to Pacific salmon. Metatranscriptomic sequencing and surveillance of dead and moribund cultured Chinook salmon revealed a novel arenavirus, reovirus and nidovirus. Sequencing revealed two different arenavirus variants which each infect wild Chinook and sockeye salmon. In situ hybridisation localised arenavirus mostly to blood cells. Population surveys of >6000 wild juvenile Chinook and sockeye salmon showed divergent distributions of viruses, implying different epidemiological processes. The discovery in dead and dying farmed salmon of previously unrecognised viruses that are also widely distributed in wild salmon, emphasizes the potential role that viral disease may play in the population dynamics of wild fish stocks, and the threat that these viruses may pose to aquaculture.
Thanks WMY! Great resources you found - thanks for sharing. here's one you haven't yet recommended

The collapse of iconic, keystone populations of sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) salmon in the Northeast Pacific is of great concern. It is thought that infectious disease may contribute to declines, but little is known about viruses endemic to Pacific salmon. Metatranscriptomic sequencing and surveillance of dead and moribund cultured Chinook salmon revealed a novel arenavirus, reovirus and nidovirus. Sequencing revealed two different arenavirus variants which each infect wild Chinook and sockeye salmon. In situ hybridisation localised arenavirus mostly to blood cells. Population surveys of >6000 wild juvenile Chinook and sockeye salmon showed divergent distributions of viruses, implying different epidemiological processes. The discovery in dead and dying farmed salmon of previously unrecognised viruses that are also widely distributed in wild salmon, emphasizes the potential role that viral disease may play in the population dynamics of wild fish stocks, and the threat that these viruses may pose to aquaculture.

That one has already been already share a lot of times on this site. and there is a specific topic for it
Ever since the current Liberal Federal govt. made a hard commitment to force open pen Atlantic salmon fish farms out of our west coast waters by 2025, I have noticed that the industry has added several new players and much more time and effort on this site to augment the assortment of pro industry PR players that have been here for some time. It is clear to me the industry is running scared and trying to up its game, having lost its social license with a great many British Colombians and its Federal Government support.
I have also noticed that the pro industry guys have become more aggressive with their tactics and are now triple and quadruple teaming you Agentaque.
I just want to thank you for you tireless efforts to keep them somewhat honest and not allowing them to turn this forum completely into another pro Industry Propaganda site. I also want to say how impressed I am with your matter of fact, polite, non-defensive non-confrontational , factual, quality responses. You are a far better man than I am. Thanks again, Agentaque, you should know that your tireless effort to provide a counter balance and clear understanding of the issues is appreciated.

As one of the FF accused, what do you believe is propaganda? When the anti- Ff groups decided that farmed salmon contained toxins that didn't exist, was that propaganda? When one poster will state it is fact that 90% of a salmon run died because of salmon farms (no evidence) is that propaganda. When AA states that the warm water die off in Newfoundland was actually a virus, is that propaganda (multiple sources confirmed it was a warm water event).

I also want to thank Rico for putting in the time and effort to help educate this forum on the great efforts and successes of the FF'ing industry. I dare to say many out there have had their eyes opened and even started to support this industry. Rico has provided the scientific evidence that allows us to sleep at night knowing this industry is best of breed and doing some real important work. Keep up the good work, we really appreciate your vigilance.
As one of the FF accused, what do you believe is propaganda? When the anti- Ff groups decided that farmed salmon contained toxins that didn't exist, was that propaganda? When one poster will state it is fact that 90% of a salmon run died because of salmon farms (no evidence) is that propaganda. When AA states that the warm water die off in Newfoundland was actually a virus, is that propaganda (multiple sources confirmed it was a warm water event).

I also want to thank Rico for putting in the time and effort to help educate this forum on the great efforts and successes of the FF'ing industry. I dare to say many out there have had their eyes opened and even started to support this industry. Rico has provided the scientific evidence that allows us to sleep at night knowing this industry is best of breed and doing some real important work. Keep up the good work, we really appreciate your vigilance.

I am not going to play your PR hack games, I don't have AA's tolerance for it. Clearly the industry very correctly feels they are in a hole and bringing you and a few others on to saturate and dominate this forum will win the hearts and minds of anglers. They may find that the industries massive increase in presence, effort and aggressiveness will be increasingly resented on a forum dedicated to the advancement of sport fishing and the Pacific salmon we depend on. We are not fools,and many of us are very well informed on the subject. I have no intention in wasting countless hours in useless discussions or responding to baiting questions. I have to say though, that such tactics and the industries massive increase in aggressiveness and effort on this forum is motivating, but not in the direction the industry hoped. Because of it the govt. may face increased pressure to keep its election promise and begin phasing it in sooner than later, and it won't all be coming from ENGO's. I am out.
It is tiring responding to the continual barrages of lies, half-truths and deflections, Rockfish - thanks for the support. It does seem ramped-up of late - you are right. Guess desperation has an effect.

Wrt the warm water cover story presented by the companies PR team and industry pundits - all the available data does not confirm that warm water caused the die-off. However, it was confirmed that there was in fact an ISAv event that was not admitted - presumably because they couldn't get paid insurance for that. That was covered pages back despite denials & misinformation from pundits on this forum. Just go back through this thread to see the reports.

Did warmer water cause a lowering of DO which likely increased stress on the farmed fish and thereby encouraged an outbreak of HPRO into another form of ISAv? All conjecture since the company never presented water temp and DO data let alone admit the ISAv event - but is plausible given the reports and science from the Norwegian experience w ISAv. That also has been posted previously on this thread again despite the collective amnesia of FF pundits.

And pundits constantly & purposely confuse where the burden of proof lies, IMHO - for their own benefit in protecting the industry from all critiques. That is why they should be ignored on their claims on no impacts to wild stocks.
I am not going to play your PR hack games, I don't have AA's tolerance for it. Clearly the industry very correctly feels they are in a hole and bringing you and a few others on to saturate and dominate this forum will win the hearts and minds of anglers. They may find that the industries massive increase in presence, effort and aggressiveness will be increasingly resented on a forum dedicated to the advancement of sport fishing and the Pacific salmon we depend on. We are not fools,and many of us are very well informed on the subject. I have no intention in wasting countless hours in useless discussions or responding to baiting questions. I have to say though, that such tactics and the industries massive increase in aggressiveness and effort on this forum is motivating, but not in the direction the industry hoped. Because of it the govt. may face increased pressure to keep its election promise and begin phasing it in sooner than later, and it won't all be coming from ENGO's. I am out.
"I am out"....
You certainly hit the nail on the head with your post Rockfish, but I would encourage you to continue posting on the subject with your insight and observations.
They are accurate, well stated and informative.
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Engo pundits are delusional if they think any industry would spend money to pay a person to come on here.

Facebook adds are cheaper and touch a way bigger crowd.

These threads show that the only thing sports-fishermen have in common is fishing and even saying that’s a stretch because I don’t think everyone on here even fishes.

I’m sure you would like to believe that people that support fish farms are somehow connected to the u dusty but I think a lot of fishermen are now seing that the attacks used by ENGOs are the very same tactics being used against sports fishing in the media.

If you really want to help salmon I would be focusing on the slide because if it don’t get fixed ocean fisheries are going to be screwed. It’s interesting all you area 19/20 ENGO reps that your so interested in fish farms when the slide is going to be the issue that totally ***** over your area even if fish farms are removed.
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Engo pundits are delusional if they think any industry would spend money to pay a person to come on here.

Facebook adds are cheaper and touch a way bigger crowd.

These threads show that the only thing sports-fishermen have in common is fishing and even saying that’s a stretch because I don’t think everyone on here even fishes.

I’m sure you would like to believe that people that support fish farms are somehow connected to the u dusty but I think a lot of fishermen are now seing that the attacks used by ENGOs are the very same tactics being used against sports fishing in the media.

If you really want to help salmon I would be focusing on the slide because if it don’t get fixed ocean fisheries are going to be screwed. It’s interesting all you area 19/20 ENGO reps that your so interested in fish farms when the slide is going to be the issue that totally ***** over your area even if fish farms are removed.
Another way to look at things is if we don't get the open net cage Fish Farm Factories out of the Wild Salmon migratory pathways and have them moved onto land there won't be anymore fish returning to get past the slide anyways. The smolts are getting hammered as they swim past these virus spreading, sea lice infested Farmed Fish.
Another way to look at things is if we don't get the open net cage Fish Farm Factories out of the Wild Salmon migratory pathways and have them moved onto land there won't be anymore fish returning to get past the slide anyways.

expect that the science that's available does not support fish farming having this big of an impact. Where as the slide has literally already killed off the year class of multiple different salmon species.

I get it for some fish farms are the utopia remove them and will have billions of salmon returning but the current science that's available simply does not support this theory. The best conclusion that the PSF has come to is that they may be having an impact and that using the preocinary principle we should begin transferring them to land.
Another way to look at things is if we don't get the open net cage Fish Farm Factories out of the Wild Salmon migratory pathways and have them moved onto land there won't be anymore fish returning to get past the slide anyways. The smolts are getting hammered as they swim past these virus spreading, sea lice infested Farmed Fish.
Another way to look at is if we have to test for prv because the science doesn't support it..... then say goodbye to 108 independent hatcheries and net pen projects.... your sportfishing will disappear..

Think that thought through..... testing costs $$$
I am not going to play your PR hack games, I don't have AA's tolerance for it. Clearly the industry very correctly feels they are in a hole and bringing you and a few others on to saturate and dominate this forum will win the hearts and minds of anglers. They may find that the industries massive increase in presence, effort and aggressiveness will be increasingly resented on a forum dedicated to the advancement of sport fishing and the Pacific salmon we depend on. We are not fools,and many of us are very well informed on the subject. I have no intention in wasting countless hours in useless discussions or responding to baiting questions. I have to say though, that such tactics and the industries massive increase in aggressiveness and effort on this forum is motivating, but not in the direction the industry hoped. Because of it the govt. may face increased pressure to keep its election promise and begin phasing it in sooner than later, and it won't all be coming from ENGO's. I am out.

Wait...... I'm supposed to get Paid!!! wicked from who and when???
You know, I keep thinking of Hamlet - "Me thinks though doth protest too much". I love how the anti-FF crowd talks about "half truths", "deflections", "lies" etc.... This is fake news folks. The science people on this forum acknowledge the truths, even when it doesn't support their position. If you all think I am a paid PR hack, well, like Rico, I want to know where I can pick up a cheque. On the other side of half truths are those who will say anything about FF's, even if there is no evidence. Again, as a broken record, we can walk and chew gum at the same time. If the anti-FF crowd wants to be brutally honest, great, we can talk about the facts.

Another way to look at things is if we don't get the open net cage Fish Farm Factories out of the Wild Salmon migratory pathways and have them moved onto land there won't be anymore fish returning to get past the slide anyways. The smolts are getting hammered as they swim past these virus spreading, sea lice infested Farmed Fish.

Really, this is why we struggle with these posts. Not one spec of science to support your position. Heck, even AA won't venture a guess as to what the actual impact of removing FF's would be. WMY is bang on. The same anti-FF crowd thinks the Alaskan Raping industry is great for our salmon. OMG - where are you all on this?

So - lets agree on these facts:

1) There are more salmon in the pacific ocean then ever before.
2) Alaska, despite record harvests, has its wild salmon runs rushing to similar destruction as ours.
3) Alaska has no salmon farms.
4) PVR is a pre-existing virus in the Pacific...period. Science is crystal clear.

Once we agree on the facts, lets see if we can try and do something productive. Now watch my post get buried with a bunch of spams...
Wait...... I'm supposed to get Paid!!! wicked from who and when???

I think it’s fair to say no one on this site is paid to support or oppose Fish Farms other than Fabian Dawson.
I do believe however some, but not all, Fish Farm supporters and their family members benefit financially either directly or indirectly from the industry.
This might explain their passion and desire to derail the conversation when they think it is going the wrong way.
It also appears to me those who oppose Fish Farms have no financial involvement and do so only because of their conclusions regarding the impact Fish Farms have on wild salmon and our environment.
I think it’s fair to say no one on this site is paid to support or oppose Fish Farms other than Fabian Dawson.
I do believe however some, but not all, Fish Farm supporters and their family members benefit financially either directly or indirectly from the industry.
This might explain their passion and desire to derail the conversation when they think it is going the wrong way.
It also appears to me those who oppose Fish Farms have no financial involvement and do so only because of their conclusions regarding the impact Fish Farms have on wild salmon and our environment.

Fabian is on this forum?