So if there are no sea lice in the farms because they have been cleaned off, were does this lice come from??? Why would you need to clean the smolts??? They come from the hatchery delivered sea lice free.Just to be clear - and add depth to the comments about the well boat treatments - these vessels are employed to remove the lice off of farmed fish - not smolts. Smolts aren't treated by the well boats.
Hey AA.... read some of your old posts about the farm in Washington state. You produced alot of links claiming that Atlantic salmon that escaped are going to invade native streams and so forth...... shut them down!!!!
It's been some time how is that going? Are the Atlantic's spawning in our streams yet??? Or are you just trying to lubricate your agenda with nonsense? Do you have any links to share?
Not from the Washington event, but back in the 90's there were at least two incidents of Atlantic salmon escapees successfully spawning, in the Tsitika and the Amor de Cosmos rivers north of Campbell River. Juveniles were discovered in both streams and analysis showed they were wild juveniles.
This was during the period before farmers had beefed up their net systems to avoid escapes and there were a lot of Atlantics being found in various rivers on the island. Amongst my fishing pals I'm one of the few who hasn't actually caught one, but I know of at least 40 that have been caught, including right here in the Campbell itself. Lots in the Salmon river and many on a few small west-coast streams back then.
I realize farmers have improved their systems nowadays, plus I believe that Atlantics are poor colonizers, given the historical records, but they can escape and spawn successfully, of that there is no doubt, given the juveniles that were found in both above-named systems.
You also need to grasp the fact that virtually no government agency is looking for Atlantics in freshwater these days, so nobody really knows whether there have been other instances of successful spawning or not, but they can and they have, and should there be further disastrous events/escapes, there is no guarantee future spawning won't happen.
Take care.
Quite the rig. I hope it works and proves worth the investment and continuing operating cost. 50 gallons/hour for each of those four Cummins gensets to run the diesel/electric propulsion system. do they have to???
This isnt good enough for you..... c'mon
Makes me wonder if the remaining lice could develop resistance to fresh water
So, if they know that some stages of sea lice are naturally tolerant to freshwater then I guess they wouldn’t expect the treatment to result in farmed salmon free of lice. Just lower levels.I assume you know sea lice are in brackish areas like the mouth of the fraser river. So they have some resistance to fresh water
Freshwater treatments should be used sparingly
For me - the risk is instead from new, novel disease transfer to resident stocks.
No sorry..... it's not a hydrogen bath...... there is nothing left over. No eggs and all sizes of louse are completely removed from the ocean. And sorry but your wrong.... it is now a one way into the sea pens. Please read and google the octopus boat. It been the UK now for a few years.2 part answer to your question, Rico:
1/ H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) bath treatments remove motile adults & subadult lice off farmed fish and likely kill the attached chalimus stages - but likely not the egg strings from gravid female lice. Not sure what happens to those dislocated motile lice along with the egg strings and any other motile lice attached to cages/nets. Maybe you can provide insights there?
2/ If FF fish are re-infected w sea lice from wild fish (verses adjacent farms) - what does that tell you about the OPEN net-cage technology being able to mitigate wild/cultured fish interactions? The lice don't go just one-way into the net-pens - they go both ways.
the "new" to BC ones - the ones of European & Norwegian origin...
And they are???