Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Step one has been taken. Still a long way to go.
"Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, announced that 15 salmon farms in the Discovery Islands would not be reissued licenses. Due to the looming threat of another factory fish farm lawsuit against the minister, she had to thoroughly consult with industry for months to cover her bases and also give detailed reasons for her decision.
It has been a long and hard-fought effort to get this win, but there is more work to be done. Technically there are still about 80 licensed salmon farm sites across British Columbia, but about 15 more of those are already on their way out, so it’s about 60+ to go. Later this year, the minister will be releasing her plan to transition the rest of the factory farms. There’s no doubt the fish farm conglomerate is upset and they’re going to fight tooth and nail, so we’re definitely going to keep the pressure on the minister."
"The entire west coast commercial salmon fishing fleet and the union which represents the shoreworkers, tendermen, and fishermen have come together in support of removal of open net-pen salmon farms from the waters of British Columbia, Canada."

Op-ed: In support of removing open net-pen salmon farms from BC waters | SeafoodSource
Good letter - thanks for posting, GF.

It's gonna be hard for the PR people hired by the industry to try to repudiate this letter by using the old, tired tactic of calling anyone who dares to dissent against the speaking notes - an evil "activist" - for the signers of this letter. Brian's gonna have to call around to develop speaking notes for this one.
As expected, the fish farm decision is now being used as a reason to close sports fishing, Don't say i didn't warn you all this would happen.

Dear [recipient name and position will go here],

I urge you to immediately halt implementation of “Mark Selective Fisheries” in B.C.’s South Coast region and conduct transparent due diligence before considering such fisheries.

These fisheries pose a risk to the recovery of endangered (COSEWIC-listed) Fraser River Chinook salmon and the endangered southern resident killer whales that depend on them for food.

The fisheries also lack independent oversight, and the information used to justify it is highly uncertain or outright absent.

There are growing concerns that members of the sport fishing industry pushed the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to open these fisheries on an expedited timeline without proper assessment, process, consultation and monitoring.

Sectors and rights-holders beyond the commercial sport fishing industry, including First Nations, civil society and environmental groups, oppose this fishery.

I applaud your recent decision to remove 15 open-net pen salmon farms in the Discovery Islands, but please don’t let Chinook salmon conservation stop there. The Government of Canada has deemed itself a global leader in conservation and has committed to halting and reversing biodiversity loss. However, the decision to open this fishery contradicts the claims made at COP15 and IMPAC5.


Interesting that the Norwegian multinationals in Norway are making record profits after the large tax the Norwegian government put on them. They pay next to nothing in Canada in comparison. Maybe there's enuff cushion in the market for CC products, then.