Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

I'm hearing that the FF/ONP industry in Clayoquot Sound (Cermaq?) is also pulling the same crap again that happened on that PRV causing jaundice Miller study - they are vetoing any release of any inconvenient data/articles. This shouldn't be allowed. They should be forced to participate and any and all data should be publicly available as a condition of licence - like how CoLs are imposed on the commercial fishing industries.
What about the “procedural fairness” for all resident sport fishers who have effectively been sidelined by these conglomerate polluters who rape and pillage our coast for free killing everything in their path? Where is our procedural fairness? “breached the right to procedural fairness owed to the 19 fish farms” What A Joke our Legal System Is.
It's all about the almighty dollar, Terrin - always has been - always will be. The dollar in the pockets of the FF Multinational shareholder pockets, that is - not the dollar in the pockets of anyone dealing with or depending on the wild stocks that also compete with farmed product in the market.

It is way cheaper to pay the relative pittance to FF lawyers @ ~$400/hr and to stall changes to the industry's entitled and expected free pumping, free sewerage disposal and free real estate - than to give up a year or 2 in profits from the ONP sites - even tho the recommendations from the Cohen Commission were known way back in 2012 - 10+ years ago:

Ultimately those costs (elevated levels of parasites & diseases, along with potential & realized impacts) have been burdened onto the wild stocks so foreign multinationals can return more $ to their shareholders and CEOs whom don't depend on wild stocks and aren't negatively affected by those decisions, and likely have never even seen a wild Pacific salmon in person.
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What about the “procedural fairness” for all resident sport fishers who have effectively been sidelined by these conglomerate polluters who rape and pillage our coast for free killing everything in their path? Where is our procedural fairness? “breached the right to procedural fairness owed to the 19 fish farms” What A Joke our Legal System Is.

Its a technicality , the farms will come off the waters that are not welcomed by 1st nations...eventually
It's all about the almighty dollar, Terrin - always has been - always will be. The dollar in the pockets of the FF Multinational shareholder pockets, that is - not the dollar in the pockets of anyone dealing with or depending on the wild stocks that also compete with farmed product in the market.

It is way cheaper to pay the relative pittance to FF lawyers @ ~$400/hr and to stall changes to the industry's entitled and expected free pumping, free sewerage disposal and free real estate - than to give up a year or 2 in profits from the ONP sites - even tho the recommendations from the Cohen Commission were known way back in 2012 - 10+ years ago:

Ultimately those costs (elevated levels of parasites & diseases, along with potential & realized impacts) have been burdened onto the wild stocks so foreign multinationals can return more $ to their shareholders and CEOs whom don't depend on wild stocks and aren't negatively affected by those decisions, and likely have never even seen a wild Pacific salmon in person.

You are absolutely correct in saying its all about the $$$, and 1st nations are NO different than any colonial, some want it ,some dont, doesnt matter how it comes
I would - and have often agreed previously - that there are crooks in politics. And no form of governance is perfect but some forms are better than others wrt accountability.

And I also agree that FNs need economic development.

Where this comparison differs is what should be the obvious difference: this industry is IN THE WATER where disease and parasite amplification occurs and is transmitted back to wild stocks. The debate is on how bad is it - not whether it happens or not - and that is because the appropriate monitoring on wild stocks to assess those impacts was never instituted along with a lack of defensible risk assessment and mitigation. All of this is unlike most other industrial developments.

And water flows and fish swim. I would be very surprised if these realities are unknown to all the posters on this forum - UNLIKE DFO Aquaculture Branch - the senior federal branch charged with the protection of wild salmon. The water flows like 5km with tidal action, and dozens of km wrt estuarine flow. And adult salmon swim hundreds of km up/down rivers, and thousands out in the ocean.

So this is NOT a terrestrial industry and the scoping of impacts would increase accordingly if DFO was actually interested in mitigating wild/cultured stock introductions. But, sadly - they are not. Instead DFO is interested in protecting the industry and hiding inconvenient and embarrassing information.

It will likely take yet another court case to bring DFO Aquaculture to heal on this - those whom have not yet abandoned the sinking ship.
You're right HB - not all FN in BC oppose the ONP industry. Likely 95% do tho. And as mentioned water flows and fish swim. That has yet to be acknowledged within this debate. Any potential or realized impacts will NOT be housed and insulated within any 1 FN territory. I see future court cases evolving out of decisions to continue business as usual.

As far as the Watson/SS bunch - we had some prior discussions on them in numerous forums including this one:

My prediction is that if the SS society continues to disrespect and disregard FN Rights & Title and their desire to provide stewardship thru their sometimes existing Guardian Watchmen programs that can easily sample in and around FFs instead of paternalistic Hollywood attention seekers - they will be asked to leave. They are not the only boat on the water, nor the only people that can do research on impacts - despite their cameras and media posts asking donors to fund them.

Obviously, enforcing those directives will be challenging.

Hard to understand how DFO can be both the promoters of foreign owned Open Atlantic Net Pen Fish Farms
and be the guardians of wild salmon at the same time!!!
There is countless evidence these Fish Farms are killing our wild salmon. Time to put them on dry land!!

“Cutting through the industry hype, Salmon Wars shows readers the massive ocean feedlots where millions of farmed salmon are crammed into parasite infested cages and fed a chemical laced diet.

It exposes how the industrialization of this iconic fish threatens wild salmon, risks our health, and damages our environment. The vivid stories, fact based research and previously undisclosed documents are the core of this book mean your never look at salmon the same way again.”

By credible authors. Douglas Frantrz and Catherine Collins

Check out their credentials!!

Authors — Salmon Wars (
salmon wars.jpg