Any good prawning near Sooke?

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I just registered on this site and as I am from the prairies and need all the help I can get.
I have just recently moved my boat to Sooke from CR and was hoping to find some good prawning near by.
I will be going out on the boat for a few days in Feb and was hoping to get the prawn traps wet.
Also what trap hauler is recomended? I just did a refit and no longer have my hydralic winch that was ran off the old Volvo diesels.
Is the Ace Line Hauler the one to get?

Thanks in advance!
Hi ! Go to the top right corner and look in the search section there are innumerable topics covering this , I have the Ace line hauler but some others think there are better ones on the market , depends on how many and how often you use the equipment.


I don't prawn on the outside but Trotac marine near the breakwater can give you good information. I think most of it's done in the waterfront area, don't know about Sooke. From what I hear, similiar depts as what you see in CR and lots of tide so you need to weight your traps.