All things quiet on the Gold...

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Fished the Gold today, with unreal conditions we figured it was only going to be one of those day's. Were we wrong. Hooked and lost one first thing and spent the rest of the day fishing all over the map without as much as a sniff.. With water like that one only hopes they are still to come.. Hope it is not a repeat of the last few years.-dirty
Dooey pulled a couple licer's out of the dog leg behind a couple limp wristers the other day!!

Pass the Pack
Word on the street from the commercial boyz, is that Luna the K-Whale has grown to really enjoy the tastes of returning steelhead making there approaches to the Gold! This has grown to be quite a concern due to the ever decreasing numbers already in place. With this juvenile becoming very friendly with every intention of rubbing himself upon the keelcooling vents and barnicles of many a fish boat, it has concerned certain individules of his well being. With a gillnet fishery coming up in the spring and fisherman unable to set gear because of this pesty critter and steelhead being vertually decimated the safety of this whale is becoming more of an issue. Due to native rights and the no go on reuniting Luna with a new pod this fishery is going down the drain so to speak. Apparently the whale has now graduated to playing ram the rudder, resulting in numerous war wounds.
Hey maddog you have a point with Luna the K-Whale, it's to bad she is lost from her pod. And another thing is the native right issue. I my self have been taught to respect mothernature and the animals. As a First Nations person i think they should be doing every thing possible to help luna get back to her pod. so little time,So much water fish hard !