All Things COVID-19

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I do feel for anyone that has lost someone to Covid, or any other disease or health issue that may have taken someones family member.

My point here is that we have shut down our province, people are loosing their businesses, divorce numbers are up, suicide numbers are up when really this thing is not that big, .00117% of BC has Covid. Seems kinda overboard to me is all.

Thats the great thing about this site is that we can all have our opinions and can share our thoughts and information.
Yes, everyone is sick of shutting down because of Covid.

Unfortunately Covid doesn’t care

Alberta tried to open up and the results weren’t pretty.

This drives me nuts. Easy for him to say about passports he doesn't operate a business.

Ok so how is everyone going support businesses if non-essential places close again? Because that is what is on table without vaccine passes. Hate to break it too you guys not many options.

Vaccine passes were not the government idea it was small business that proposed them in order to stay open this time round.
Thsi drives me nuts go team. Easy for him to say about passports he doesn't operate a business.

Ok so how is everyone going support businesses if non-essential places close again? Because that is what is on table without vaccine passes. Hate to break it too you guys not many options.

Vaccine passes were not the government idea it was small business that proposed them in order to stay open this time round.
Interesting. I didn't know that. It's all just a cluster now.
Interesting. I didn't know that. It's all just a cluster now.

Yeah all the business groups (Tourism BC, Restaurant Association etc) got together with government with suggestion. The passports actually came into play because the government is concerned on traceability, and was looking at options. That was huge concern last time.

I am extremely worried of push back on these vaccine passports right now. If the government abandons them then small business may get hammered again.

Personally working on Plan B back up plan in case. Everyone should. This is no joke if it gets worse non-essential business will be first to go.

Also having hard time processing some of the businesses that are flat out refusing. Just hurts everyone else trying to stay open.
Thank you, GLG. I cannot comprehend people who defy public health regulations, especially in the midst of a worsening pandemic that is overwhelming hospitals, to the point of surgeries needing to be to be postponed, burning out health care workers, and leaving ER patients untreated in hallways for hours. I guess these protestors know some secrets that millions of global health professionals don't know. Or maybe, they're just off the chart selfish. Sad times these days.
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I personally have not found a need to sign up for a pass port.

why expose yourself if your goal is to stop the spread

for Thoes that like the passport idea and also concerned about case counts are you running out to these large events the require them??
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Just stop it, don't you think you have done enough damage.
While i agree with you.....i sincerely doubt anybody has changed their stance on this issue since the beginning of this thread. It is what it is.
Yeah all the business groups (Tourism BC, Restaurant Association etc) got together with government with suggestion. The passports actually came into play because the government is concerned on traceability, and was looking at options. That was huge concern last time.

I am extremely worried of push back on these vaccine passports right now. If the government abandons them then small business may get hammered again.

Personally working on Plan B back up plan in case. Everyone should. This is no joke if it gets worse non-essential business will be first to go.

Also having hard time processing some of the businesses that are flat out refusing. Just hurts everyone else trying to stay open.
I personally have not found a need to sign up for a pass port.

why expose yourself if your goal is to stop the spread
Just stop it, don't you think you have done enough damage.
Let me make this a clear as possible.
SV is exactly right that this is critical in getting small business back on track.
We need to support these business as much as we can.
As someone who, in the past, has run a business you lay awake at night thinking and worrying if you have made the correct decisions. There are employees that depend on you, for employment, to put food on their table and a roof over their heads.
I can't begin to think of all the stress that and covid-19 has on these folks.
Here is the part that irks me. "I personally have not found a need to sign up for a pass port."
So what your saying is, nay I'll pass. Not going to support these folks.
There is a lot more I could say but admin has asked that we keep it respectful.
How many people have had COVID 19 and survived?
Where are there numbers shown?
They should be part of the vaccinated group?
I personally have not found a need to sign up for a pass port.

why expose yourself if your goal is to stop the spread

for Thoes that like the passport idea and also concerned about case counts are you running out to these large events the require them??
Not running out to large events…but a nice dinner at a restaurant knowing that every one in the place is vaxxed…
How many people have had COVID 19 and survived?
Where are there numbers shown?
They should be part of the vaccinated group?
Yes they should be counted as vaccinated, I am one of them and fighting hard to get this status. Both of our fearless Doctors Tam and Henry have both stated that after having Covid you have the natural antibodies.

But zero money in that
Very interesting read, why would these two quit?

The mission of the Brownstone Institute – which is, in many ways, the spiritual child of the Great Barrington Declaration

That right there is enough for me. Always check the source before going through the trouble of reading it.
Went to the gym today and renewed my membership. Sure felt good after a year away, I quit going summer last year after the tourists poured into the Okanagan and cases began to spike. They were glad to see me and noted this week has seen their biggest new/renewed membership sign-up since the pandemic began. He did also mention they had 4 members leave when told the gym would be enforcing the passport.

The passport is making a big difference to this one business alone. The only thing that kept them afloat for the past 16 months was the CEWS benefit. Now extrapolate similar scenes across BC. Remember just because a business ha managed to stay open during the pandemic doesn't mean it's been making money. They will really appreciate the return of business.
No, does not answer the question.
167,000 are they added to vaccinated group? If they have had it they are good to go.
Science has said that.
No, does not answer the question.
167,000 are they added to vaccinated group? If they have had it they are good to go.

No they are not recognizing natural immunity (previous infection) here in BC or many other places. Many other jurisdictions DO recognize it though for their immunity passport systems though.
No they are not recognizing natural immunity (previous infection) here in BC or many other places. Many other jurisdictions DO recognize it though for their immunity passport systems though.
Does this not become a concern? Why not recognize it. It has been proven to be better than the shot.
what reason is there to not?
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